

Absolute pressure, 339
a.c. bridges, 208
motors, 189
values, 95, 96
Acceleration, angular, 231
centripetal, 227
linear, 222, 231
Acids, 450
base reaction, 450
Acid amide, 518
chloride, 517
nitride, 518
oxide, 530
Acrilan, 502
Active component, 110
Active mass, 476
Active power, 109, 115
Activation energy, 459
A. F. transformer, 175
Addition reaction, 528
Alcohols, 516
Aldehydes, 518
Alloys, 497
Alkaline cell, 66
Alkalis, 450
Alkanes, 504
Alkenes, 508
Alkyl halides, 524
Alkyne, 517
Alpha particle, 408
Alternator, 94
Alternating currents and voltages, 93
Aluminium, 533
chloride, 439
Amine, 518
Amines, 523
Ammeter, 17, 43, 202
Ammonia-boron trifluoride, 439
Ampere, 15
Amphoteric oxide, 530
Amplitude, 95, 206
Angle of incidence, 248
Angle of reflection, 248
Angular acceleration, 231
Angular velocity, 213
Annealing, 496
Anode reactions, 44
Antinodes, 242
Apparent power, 109, 115
Area, 4
Archimedes’ principle, 346
Argon, 533
Armature, 180
Arrhenius, 459
Arsenic, 533
Aryl hydrocarbons, 512
Atmospheric pressure, 339
Atoms, 15, 389
Atomic number, 399
Atomic pile, 417
Atomic reactor, 416
Atomic structure, 398
Attraction type moving iron instrument, 200
Avogadro number, 395
Avogrado’s hypothesis, 393, 445
Average value, 96
Avometer, 205


Barium, 531
Barometer, 341
Basic oxide, 530
Battery, 63
Beams, 278
Bell circuit, 79
Bending moment, 281
Bending stress, 284
Benzaldehyde, 521
Benzene, 512
sulphuric acid, 515
Benzyl alcohol, 519
Bernoulli’s equation, 364
Beryllium, 531
Beta particles, 408
B-H curve, 85
Bi-concave lens, 250, 254
Bi-convex lens, 250, 252
Bimetallic strip, 329
Bimetallic thermometer, 329
Bimolecular reaction, 458
Body-centred cubic, 418
Bomb calorimeter, 473, 474
Bond dissociation energy, 463
Born-Haber cycle, 468
Boron, 533
Bourdon pressure gauge, 342
Boyle’s law, 354, 444
Bragg, 426
Bragg’s law, 247
Bridge(s), a.c, 208
Maxwell’s, 209
Wheatstone, 207
Brinell test, 265
Brittleness, 262
Bromine, 533
Bromobenzene, 515
1-bromopropane, 518, 527
2-bromopropane, 511
Brösted-Lowry, 485
Brushes, 180
Buffer solutions, 491
Buta-1, 3-diene, 503
Butanal, 521
Butane, 506
Butanoic acid, 523
Butan-1-ol, 519
Butan-2-ol, 519
Butanene, 521
But-1-ene, 519
But-2-ene, 519


Cadmium iodide, 438
Caesium, 531
chloride structure, 429
Calcium, 531
carbonate, 475
oxide, 451
sulphide, 469
Calorimetry, 471
Camera, 252
Capacitance, 71, 72
Capacitive reactance, 103
Capacitors, 71
parallel-plate, 73
types of, 74
Capacity of cells, 67
Caprolactam, 502
Carbides, 498
Carbonates, 451
Carboxylic acid, 523
Catalysts, 462
Catalysts in equilibric reactions, 480
Cathode reactions, 44
Cell equation, 58
Cells in parallel, 63
series, 63
Celsius scale, 307
Centre of gravity, 269
Centripetal acceleration, 227
force, 227
Ceramic capacitor, 75
Chain reaction, 416
Charge, 4, 72
density, 72
Characteristic gas constant, 356
Charles’ Law, 354, 444
Charpy test, 268
Chemical bonding, 418, 424
Chemical equilibrium, 475
Chemical reactions, 449
Chlorine, 534
Chlorobenzene, 515
2-chlorobuta-1, 3-diene, 503
Chloroethane, 511, 527
Chloroethane, 500
Chloromethane, 507
Choke, 91
Chromium, 538
Coagulating agents, 334
Cobalt, 538
Coefficient of
contraction, 367
discharge, 367
velocity, 366
Coefficient of cubic
expansion, 316
friction, 235
linear expansion, 315
superficial expansion, 316
viscosity, 351
Coercive force, 87
Cold working, 496
Collision theory, 458
Colloids, 332–, 327
Combination of waveforms, 98
Commutator, 178
Complex ions, 539
Complex numbers, 119
Complex wave, 211
Compounds, 389
Compressive force, 256
Concurrent forces, 271
Conductance, 17
Conduction, 310
Conductors, 15, 19
Conjugate acid-base pairs, 485
Conservation of energy, principle of, 288
Contact potential, 133
Contraction, 314
Controlling device, 196
Convection, 310, 311
Coplanar forces, 271
Copper, 538
Copper losses, 173
Copper (I) oxide, 456
Copper (II) oxide, 456
Core loss component, 174
Core-type construction, 175
Corrosion, 68
Coulomb, 5, 15, 52, 72
Couple, 293
Covalent bonding, 420
in pairs, 433
radius, 403
Crest value, 95
CRO, 17, 205
β-cristobalite, 437
Crystallisation of metals, 495
Crystal structures, 494
Cubic close-packing, 418
Cup anemometer, 377
Current, electric, 15
effects of, 24
triangle, 110
Cycle, 94
Cyclohexane, 506, 514
Dalton’s law of partial pressures, 355, 444
Damping device, 196
Dative covalent bonds, 439
d-block elements, 406, 537
d.c. circuit analysis, 28, 30
motor principle, 83
potentiometer, 207
d.c. machines, 178
construction, 180
d.c. motor starter, 186
speed control, 187
d.c. transients, 158, 170
1, 10-decanedioyl chloride, 502


Deceleration, 223
Decibel meter, 216
Decibel units, 214
Deflecting device, 196
Deflecting vane flow meter, 376
Degree of dissociation, 486
Dehydration, 528
Delta connection, 151
Delta-star transformation, 129
Dendrites, 496
Density, 7
Depletion layer, 133
Depolarising agent, 61
Dialysis, 334
1, 6-diaminohexane, 502
1, 2-dibromopropane, 510
1, 2-dichloroethane, 510
Dichloromethane, 507
Dielectric, 72
strength, 73
Differential pressure flow
meter, 371
Differentiator circuit, 170
Diffraction, 244
Dimethylamine, 525
Dimethyl terephthalic acid, 502
Diode, 130
Direct combination reactions, 454
Disintegration law, 413
Dislocations in metal, 496
Displacement reactions, 455
Disproportionation, 455
Distance/time graph, 219
Diverter, 188
Doping, 131
Double decomposition, 451
Driver, 303
Ductility, 262, 420
Dynamic resistance, 116


Eddy current loss, 173
Edison cell, 66
Effective value, 96
Efficiency, 289, 299
d.c. machines, 178
of simple machines, 299
transformer, 173
Effort, 299
Elastic collisions, 291
Elastic limit, 258, 261
Elasticity, 258
Electric bell, 79
Electric cell, 61
Electric circuit diagram symbols, 16
Electric current, 15
Electric flux density, 72
Electric field, 71
strength, 72
Electric force, 72
Electrochemical equivalents, 53
Electrode potentials, 54
Electrode reactions, 44
Electrolysis, 42–, 53
aluminium, 50
concentrated hydrochloric acid, 49
copper sulphate, 48
dilute sodium hydroxide, 47
dilute sodium chloride, 47
of dilute sulphuric acid, 45
molten sodium chloride, 48
Electrolyte, 42, 143
Electrolytic capacitor, 76
Electromagnetic, 79
Electromagnetic flow meter, 380
Electromagnetic induction, 88
Electromagnetic waves, 238
Electromagnetism, 77
Electromotive force, 153
Electron carriers, 42
Electronegativity, 434
Electronic structures, 406
Electronic voltmeter, 207
Electrons, 15, 398
Electrophilic substitution, 527
Electrophoresis, 334
Electroplating using dissolving anodes, 49
Electrostatics, 71
Elements, 15, 398
Emf, 62
Endothermic reaction, 466
Energy, 5, 287
electrical, 24
forms of, 288
internal, 359, 463
kinetic, 290
levels of electrons, 405
potential, 290
stored in capacitor, 73
stored in magnetic field, 91
Enthalpy, 359
Enthalpy changes, 466
Equilibrium, 260, 274, 278
in gaseous reactions, 481
Errors, in instruments, 213
Ester, 518
Esterification, 528
Ethanol, 521
Ethan-1, 2-diol, 512
Ethane, 506
Ethanoic acid, 475
Ethanol, 475, 519
Ethene, 500, 509
Ethylamine, 525
Ethyl ethanoate, 475
Ethyl propanoate, 518
Exothermic reaction, 466
Expansion, 314
cubic coefficient of, 316
linear coefficient of, 315
superficial coefficient of, 316
Expansion, thermal, 314
Exponential curves, 159


Face-centred cubic, 418
Farad, 72
Faraday’s laws of electrolysis, 51
Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction, 88
Fehling’s test, 522
Fibre polymers, 499, 502
Figure of merit, 213
First law of thermodynamics, 465
Firth Hardometer test, 267
Fleming’s left-hand rule, 82
right-hand rule, 88
Float and tapered tube flow meter, 379
Flow nozzles, 374
Flow meters, 370
Fluid, 338
Fluid flow, 370
Fluid in motion, 364
Fluorine, 534
Fluorite structure, 429
Fluoromethane, 527
Flywheels, 292
Focal length, 251
Focal point, 251
Follower, 303
Forces, coplanar, 271
Forces, 5, 15, 225, 256
concurrent, 271
coercive, 87
normal, 235
on current carrying conductor, 81
ratio, 299, 306
shearing, 281
Form factor, 97
Fortin barometer, 341
Forward biased, 133
Free fall, 223
Frequency, 94, 206, 239
Friction, 235
Fuel, 287
Functional groups, 517
Fundamental, 211
Fundamental gas laws, 444
Fuse, 25


Gallium, 533
Galvanic cell, 58, 61
Galvanometer, 207
Gamma radiation, 408
Gas constant, 319
Gas laws, 354
thermometer, 330
Gauge pressure, 339
Gay-Lussac, 393
Gear train, 303
Geiger counter, 409
Geiger-Müller tube, 411
Gels, 334
Generator, 88
a.c, 94
Generator, 178
series, 185
shunt, 184
Geometrical isomers, 509
Germanium, 120, 535
Glancing angle, 247
Graham’s law of diffusion, 445
Gravitational force, 224
Grip rule, 79
Group IV elements, 534
Group VI elements, 535


Half-cell, 54
Half-life of radioactive isotopes, 412
Halogeno alkanes, 524
Halogens, 402
Hardness, 265
tests, 265
Hardness in water, 453
Hardy-Schultze rule, 336
Harmonic analysis, 211
Harmonics, 211
Heat, 307
capacity of a calorimeter, 471
Heat transfer, 359
Henry, 90
Herbert pendulum hardness tester, 267
Hess’ law, 468
Hexachlorocyclohexane, 514
Hexacuanoferrate (II), 439
Hexagonal close-packing, 418
1, 6-hexanedoic acid, 502
Hoffman voltameter, 45
Hogging, 282
Hole, 132
Homologous series, 504
Hooke’s law, 259
Horizontal component, 275
Hot-wire anemometer, 381
Hydrides, 498
Hydriodic acid, 452
Hydrobromic acid, 452
Hydrocarbons, 504
Hydrochloric acid, 452
Hydrogen bonds, 437
Hydrogeneration of ethane, 470
Hydrofluoric acid, 452
Hydrometer, 7
Hydrostatic pressure, 343
Hysteresis, 86
loss, 173


Ideal gas, 355
Ideal gas law, 354, 446, 481
Idler wheel, 304
Image, 251
Immiscible liquids, 390
Impact of a jet, 368
Impact tests, 245
Impedance, 105
triangle, 105
Impulse, 229
Incidence, angle of, 248
Inductance, 89, 91
Induction motor:
single phase, 194
three phase, 189
Inductive reactance, 103
Inductor, 90
Inelastic collisions, 291
Inertia, 224
moment of, 292
Initial slope and 3-point
method, 161
Inorganic chemistry, 529
Instantaneous value, 95
Insulation, 312
Insulators, 15, 19
Interference, 242
Integrator circuit, 170
Intermolecular bonds, 424
Internal energy, 359, 463
Internal resistance of a cell, 62
Interstitial compounds, 498
Iodine, 534
Iodobutane, 527
Ionic bonding, 424
Ionic equilibrium, 485
Ionic product of water, 488
Ionisation energy, 401
Iron, 538
Iron (II) sulphate, 455
Iron (II) hydroxide, 335
Iron losses, 173
Isobaric process, 354
Isomerism, 505
Isothermal change, 354
Isotopes, 395, 398
Izod test, 268


Joule, 5, 24, 287, 463


Kekule structures, 513
Kelvin, 307
Ketones, 518
Kilowatt-hour, 24
Kinetic energy, 290
of chemical reactions, 463
of rotation, 291
Kinetic head, 365
Kinetic theory of gases, 356
matter, 442, 463
Kirchhoff’s laws, 28, 119
Krypton, 533


Lamina, 269
Latent heat, 309
of fusion, 309
of vaporisation, 309
Law of chemical combination
of volume, 393
Law of conservation of matter, 392
Law of constant composition, 392
Law of multiple proportions, 393
Lead-acid cell, 65
Leclanché cell, 63
Length, 4
Lenses, 250, 252
Lenz’s law, 88
Levers, 345
Lifting magnet, 79
Ligands, 539
Light rays, 248
Lines, 149
Liquid-in-glass thermometer, 307, 318
Limit of proportionality, 261
Limiting efficiency, 300
Limiting force ratio, 300
Linear device, 18
Linear scale, 196
Lithium, 531
Load, 299
Longitudinal waves, 238
Lyophilic sol, 333


Magnetising nitrate, 451
Magnetic field, 77
strength, 84
Magnetic flux, 81
density, 81
Magnetisation curve, 85
Magnetising component, 174
Magnetising force, 84
Magnetism, 77
Magnetomotive force, 84
Magnifying glass, 254
Majority carriers, 123
Malleability, 262, 420
Manganese, 531, 538
Manometer, 340
Mass, 4
Matter, 398
Materials, 493
Maximum power transfer theorem, 41, 128, 176
Maximum value, 95
Maxwell’s bridge, 209
Mean value, 96
Mechanical advantage, 299
Megger, 204
Mercury in steel thermometer, 329
Mercury cell, 63
Mesh connection, 151
Metal fatigue, 493
Metallic bonding, 418
Methanol, 521
Methane, 469, 506
Methanoic acid, 523
Methanol, 519
Methylamine, 525
2-methyl butanol, 521
2-methylbuta-1, 3-diene, 503
Methyl-2-methylpropenoate, 500
Methylphenyl ketone, 516, 521
2-methylpropanol, 521
2-methylpropan-2-ol, 519
2-methylpropene, 509
Methyl propenoate, 502
Mica capacitor, 74
Microscope, 254
Minority carriers, 135
Mixtures, 389
Modulus of rigidity, 264
Molar heat capacity, 463
Molar volume, 397
Mole concept, 52, 396
Mole fractions, 483
Molecular velocities, 448
Molecules, 389
Moment of inertia, 292
Moments, 278
bending, 281
principle of, 279
Momentum, 228
a.c, 189
d.c, 178
principle, 83
series, 183
shunt, 182
starter, 186
Movement ratio, 299, 304
Moving-coil instrument, 197
Moving-coil rectifier instrument, 198
Moving iron rectifier instrument, 198
Multimeter, 17, 205
Multiplier, 202
Mutual inductance, 171


National grid system, 93
Natural vibration, 384
Neon, 533
Neutral point, 150
Neutralisation, 450
Neutrons, 398
Newton, 5, 224, 256
Newton’s laws of motion, 224–, 229
Nickel, 538
Nickel-cadmium cell, 66
Nickel-iron cell, 66
Nickel tetracarbonyl, 439
Nife cell, 66
Nitride rubber, 503
Nitrides, 498
Nitrobenzene, 515
Nitrogen, 533
N-methylethylamine, 422
Nodes, 242
Non-linear device, 19
Non-linear scale, 196
Non-polar substance, 53
Normal fibre, 235
Norton’s theorem, 38, 127
6-nylon, 502
6, 6-nylon, 502
6, 10-nylon, 502
n-type material, 131
Nuclear fission, 415
Nuclear stability, 409
Nuclear transformations, 415
Nucleophilic substitution, 527
Nucleus, 15


Ohm, 16
Ohmmeter, 17, 204
Ohm’s law, 19
Optical isometers, 540
Optical pyrometer, 327
Orbital structures, 400
Organic chemistry, 504
Orifice plate, 371
Ostwald Dilution Law, 488
Oxidation, 61, 524
numbers, 453
Oxidising agents, 453
Oxygen, 533


Palladium, 463
Paper capacitor, 74
Parallel a.c. circuits, 111
Parallel electric circuit, 21, 23
Parallel plate capacitor, 73
Parallelogram of forces, 273
Paramagnetism, 538
Partial pressures, 355, 481
Pascal, 257, 338
p-block elements, 406, 532
Peak factor, 97
Peak to peak value, 95
Peak value, 95, 206
Pendulum, 385
Pentanal, 521
Pentane, 505
Pentan-2-one, 521
Pentan-3-one, 521
Percentage elongation, 262
Percentage reduction in area, 262
Period, 94
Periodicity, 401
Periodic table, 399
Periodic time, 94, 206, 382
Periscope, 248
Permanent dipoles, 437
Permanent elongation, 262
Permanent magnet, 77
Permeability, 84, 85
Permittivity, 72, 73
Perspex, 500
Petroleum ether, 332
Phasor, 97
Phenol, 516
Phenylamine, 525
Phenylethanol, 521
2-phenylethanoic acid, 523
Phenylethene, 503
Phosphorus, 410, 533
Phosphorus (V) acid, 450
Phosphorus pentachloride, 477
Phosphorus pentoxide, 450
Phosphorus trichloride, 477
Photocopier, 252
pH-scale, 489
pH values, 489
Pitot-static tube, 374
Plastic capacitor, 76
Plasticity, 258
p-n junction, 133
Poiseuille’s formula, 351
pOH values, 491
Polarised bonds, 434
Polar substance, 332
Poles, 180
Polygon of forces, 274
Polymers, 498
Polyethene, 500
Polypropene, 500
Polystyrene, 500
Polyvinyl chloride, 500
Poly-2-chlorobuta-1, 2 3-diene, 503
Poly-2-methylbuta-1, 2 3-diene, 503
Potassium, 531
hydrogen carbonate, 451
manganate (VII), 454
Potential, 5
difference, 6, 15
divider, 20
energy, 290
of chemical reactions, 453
head, 365
Potentiometer, 20, 207
Power, 5, 24, 289, 294
electrical, 106, 115, 152
triangle, 109
Power factor, 110, 115
Power factor correction, 115, 117
Pressure, 338
hydrostatic, 343
law, 355
partial, 355
Primary cells, 62, 63
Primary winding, 161
Principal axis, 250
Principal focus, 251
Principle of conservation
of energy, 288, 359
of momentum, 228
Principle of moments, 279
Principle of superposition, 242
Projector, 252, 235
Propanol, 517, 521
Propanamide, 518
Propane, 506, 517
Propanoic acid, 517, 523
Propan-1-ol, 517, 519
Propan-2-ol, 517, 519
Propanone, 332, 517, 521
Propanonitrile, 518
Propanoyl chloride, 517
Propene, 500, 509, 517
Propeno-1-nitrile, 502, 503
Propylamine, 518, 525
Propyne, 517
Protons, 15, 398
P.T.F.E., 500
p-type material, 131
Pulley systems, 301
Pyrometers, 307, 326


Q-factor, 107, 116, 210
Q-meter, 210


Radian, 230
Radiation, 310, 311
Radioactive decay, 407
Radioactivity, 407
Radius of gyration, 292
ratio, 430
Rate of decay, 411
Rate of reaction, 457
Rating of a transformer, 173
Rayleigh criterion, 244
Rays, 248
Reaction, 225
Reactive component, 110
Reactive power, 109, 115
Rectification, 100
Redox reactions, 453
Reducing agents, 453
Reduction, 61, 524
Reflection, 239, 248
angle of, 248
laws of, 248
Refraction, 239, 249
Refrigerator, 310
Relative atomic mass, 395
Relative molecular mass, 395
Relative permittivity, 73
Relay, 79
Reluctance, 86
Remanence, 87
Repulsion type moving iron instrument, 201
Residual flux density, 87
Resistance, 16
matching, 47, 176
thermometer, 307, 323
variation, 25
Resistivity, 25, 130
Resolution of forces, 275
Resonance, 107, 115
Resultant force, 271
Retardation, 224
Reverse bias, 134
R.f. transformer, 175
R.M.S. value, 96
Rock salt structure, 429
Rockwell hardness test, 267
Rotary vane displacement meter,
Rubbers, 499
Rubidium, 531
Rust, 68
Rutile, 438


Sacrificai anodes, 70
Sagging, 282
Salts, 451
Saturated solution, 323
Saturated vapour, 357
Saturation flux density, 87
Saturation temperature, 360
s-block elements, 406, 531
Scalar quantity, 8
Scandium, 537
Scintillation counters, 409, 410
Screw jack, 302
Screw rule, 78, 79
Secondary alcohols, 517
Secondary cell, 65
Secondary winding, 172
Second moments of area, 284, 285
Selection discharge, 44
Selenium, 533
Self inductance, 90
Semiconductor diodes, 130, 136
Sensible heat, 309, 360
Sensitivity, 213
Series electrical circuit, 19, 23, 103
Series generator, 185
Series motor, 183
Series resonance, 107
Series winding, 181
Shaft power, 181
Shapes of covalent compounds, 435
Shear force, 257, 281
Shear strain, 263
Shear stress, 262
Shearing force, 281
Shell structures, 400
Shell-type construction, 175
Shore Schleroscope, 267
Shunt, 202
generator, 184
motor, 182
winding, 181
Shunts, 202
Silicon, 130, 139, 535
Silver bromide, 453
Silver nitrate, 453
Simple machines, 299
Simple harmonic motion, 382
Simply supported beam, 278
Sine wave, 94
Single phase a.c. circuits, 103
Single-phase parallel a.c. circuits, 111
SI units, 3
Slip, 193
Sodium, 531
carbonate, 332
chloride, 332
thiosulphate, 332
Solenoid, 78
Solid-state detectors, 409, 411
Sols, 333
Solubility, 332
curves, 332
Solubility product, 452
Solute, 331
Solutions, 331
Solvent, 331
Sound wave, 240
Specific heat capacity, 308
Spectacles, 254
Speed, 219
time graph, 222
Spotlight, 253
Spur gears, 303
Standard electrode potentials, 44, 55
Standard enthalpy, 467
Standard reference electrodes,
calomel, 56
hydrogen, 55
Standing wave, 242
Star connection, 150
Star-delta transformation, 129
Star point, 150
Starter, d.c. motor, 186
Stator, 180
Steam, 360
tables, 362
Steel, 498
Stiffness, 259
Stokes’ law, 352
S.T.P., 356
Strain, 257
Stress, 257
bending, 284
Strontium, 531
carbonate, 451
Styrene, 500
butadiene rubber, 501
Substitution, 527
Sulphur, 433, 454
Superheated steam, 361
Superposition theorem, 34, 121
Super-saturated solution, 332
Surface energy, 343
tension, 347
Synchronous speed, 189


Tangent method for transients, 161
Temperature, 307
coefficient of resistance, 26
indicating paints, 328
measurement of, 318
sensitive crayons, 329
Temporary dipoles, 437
Tensile force, 256
Tensile strength, 261
Tensile test, 260
Terylene, 502
Tesla, 81
Tetraammine copper (II), 439
Tetrachloromethane, 507
Tetrafluoroethene, 500
Thermal expansion, 314
Thermistors, 325
Thermocouple, 307, 320
Thermometer, 307, 318
Thermodynamic scale, 307
Thermoplastics, 499
Thermosetting plastics, 499
Thevenin’s theorem, 37, 125
Three-phase systems, 148
Time constant, 160, 167
Titanium, 538
Toluene, 512
Torsional stress and strain, 264
Torque, 293
Total head, 365
Total radiation pyrometer, 326
Transformer, 161
construction, 175
no-load phasor diagram, 174
principle of operation, 172
Transformation ratio, 172
Transients, 158–, 170
Transistor, 138
Transition metal complexes, 455
Transverse waves, 238
Triangle of forces method, 272
Trichloromethane, 507
Trimethylamine, 525
True power, 109
Turns ratio, 172
Turbine type flow meters, 377, 378
Tyndall effect, 334


Ultimate tensile strength, 261
Units, 3, 9–, 12
U-tube manometer, 340


Vacuum flask, 312
Valency, 389
Van der Waals forces, 422
Vanadium, 538
Vapour, 357
Vector quantity, 233
Velocity, angular, 230
linear, 220, 230
of a wave, 239
ratio, 299
-time graph, 221
Venturi tube, 373
Vertical component, 275
Vickers hardness test, 266
Viscosity, 350
Volt, 5, 15
Voltage, 15
gradient, 72
ratio, 172
triangle, 105
Voltmeter, 17, 202
electronic, 207
Volume, 4


Watt, 5, 24
Wattmeter, 205
Waveform, 94
harmonics, 211
Wavelength, 238
Wave motion, 238
Waves, 238
standing, 242
Weak acids, 485
Weak bases, 485
Weber, 81
Wet steam, 360
Wheatstone bridge, 207
Work, 5
done, 2, 87, 293
Wurtzite, 437


X-ray crystallography, 426


Yield point, 261
Yield stress, 261
Yoke, 180
Young’s modulus of elasticity, 259


Zinc, 537
Zinc-blende, 437
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