
Appendix 10B: First-Order Coupled Differential Equations for Waves in Inhomogeneous Warm Magnetoplasmas*

Appendix 10B: First-Order Coupled Differential Equations for Waves in Inhomogeneous Warm Magnetoplasmas*

Dikshitulu K. Kalluri and H. Unz

The first-order coupled differential equations for waves in temperate inhomogeneous magnetoplasmas are well known [1]. The extension of this method for the case of waves in inhomogeneous warm magnetoplasmas is presented here. In this form, they are well suited for solution on a digital computer by the Runge–Kutta method. The plasma is assumed to be neutral and in equilibrium, and the motion of the ions is neglected. Taking E¯0, H¯0, p0, N0, and T0u¯0=0 as the stationary values of the plasma which are given functions of position, and E¯1, H¯1, p1, N1, T1, and u¯1 as the harmonic time-varying (et) small components of the wave in the plasma, and defining the plasma parameters


where ar¯ is the acoustic velocity in the electron gas, by taking a new set of dependent variables


one obtains [2] for small-signal theory, where k0 = ω(με)1/2 = ω/c:


For the case of a free-space wave of arbitrary polarization with direction cosines S1, S2, and C, obliquely incident on the plasma medium, one [1] obtain the following:


Assuming the plasma parameters vary in the z-direction only such that N0(z), T0(z), v(z), and H0(z), and substituting Equation 10B.3 into Equation 10B.2, one obtains 10 equations with 10 unknowns E¯,H¯,u¯,andp as functions of z only. Eliminating Ez, Hz, ux, and uy from these equations, one obtains the following six first-order linear coupled differential equations with six unknowns, where primes denote derivatives with respect to z:


Equations 10B.4 may be written in the matrix form as


where [e] is a (6 × 1) column matrix with the elements Ex, Ey, Hx, Hy, uz, and p.

For the particular case of a homogeneous plasma, the elements of the [T] matrix are constants. The characteristic equation of the coupled differential equation (10B.5) obtained by setting


is given by the determinant


Equation 10B.6b is a sixth-order algebraic equation and it is found to be in agreement with an earlier result by Unz [3].

From the above definitions, one has [2]


In a recent communication, Burman [4] has suggested that ∇p0 = 0. By substituting p0=0 into Equation 10B.4, one obtains our corresponding result.


This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation.


  1. 1.Budden, K. G., Radio Waves in the Ionosphere, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1961.
  2. 2.Unz, H., Wave propagation in inhomogeneous gyrotropic warm plasmas, Am. J. Phys., 35, 505508, 1967.
  3. 3.Unz, H., Oblique wave propagation in a compressible general magneto-plasma, Appl. Sci. Res., 16, 105120, 1966.
  4. 4.Burman, R., Coupled wave equations for propagation in generally inhomogeneous compressible magnetoplasmas, Proc. IEEE (Lett.), 55, 723724, 1967.
  5. 5.Kalluri, D. and Unz, H., The first-order coupled differential equations for waves in inhomogeneous warm magnetoplasmas, Proc. IEEE, 55(9), 16201621, September 1967.
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