ShipAnyWhere digital transformation

ShipAnyWhere is implementing a digital transformation program with RESTful/JSON-based APIs as its backbone. They have taken an API-first approach. They already have lots of services up and running in silos. They do not want to replace these services in a 'Big Bang" approach. Rather, they start creating new services for their newer services using web APIs, Logic Apps, and Azure Functions, and they want to convert all the SOAP-based services to JSON-based services. They decided to make use of Azure's API gateways and expose their APIs to internal and external developers and manage all the APIs in one place. In all, ShipAnyWhere's aims here as are follows:

  • They would like to build a strong security layer across all the APIs and services
  • They would like to monetize these APIs wherever possible and generate revenue
  • They want to create a very good developer portal that provides full-fledged documentation for the APIs
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