Health monitoring

Another category of monitoring is health monitoring. Your solution may contain a huge number of components. So, it is of great importance to be aware of the state of all these components. Health monitoring involves setting up rules and conditions to determine the health of a solution. If the rules and conditions are not met, proactive reports can be sent to inform stakeholders prior to actual outage occurring. There are many ways to be informed about the health of components, such as the following:

  • Health dashboards: Such dashboards will contain an overview of the state of the components and whether these components are healthy. Typically, such dashboards are seen at the support desk, allowing support personnel to have quick and up-to-date insights into the well-being of components and systems.
  • Scheduled health reports: These are frequent emails (or other means of notification) that show the health of components. You can schedule such reports, for example, at 9 A.M. and 4 P.M. every business day, or even more frequently if necessary. These reports provide insights into the current health state of components and systems, irrespective of whether they are healthy or not.

In the end, how you are made aware of the health of your solution depends on the capabilities of your monitoring product.

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