The components of Azure Logic Apps

With great IDE support, development with Logic Apps is very easy. In this section, we will describe the various components of Logic Apps and their purposes.

Azure Logic Apps uses a workflow definition template to create Logic Apps workflows in JSON format. The workflow definition template schema consists of multiple sections, such as parameters, triggers, actions, and outputs. When we create a workflow within Azure Logic Apps, the Logic Apps workflow engine validates the workflow definition through this predefined schema structure.

The basic structure of a workflow definition schema is as follows:

Here, we will go through each of the sections described in the workflow definition schema. This will help us to understand how the Azure Logic Apps engine and the workflow schema validation work behind the integration framework:

  • $schema: This section defines the location and the version of the workflow definition language. This is one of the required properties in the Logic Apps workflow definition schema. By default, Logic Apps uses the 2016-06-01 version of the workflow definition schema hosted in Microsoft Azure.
  • contentVersion: This is an optional property that we use for versioning Logic Apps. This section is handy when we require multiple versions of the same logic within our enterprise integration solution.
  • parameters: Parameters are key-value pairs in JSON format that are used during the deployment of Logic Apps resources. The parameters section enables us to customize the deployment of Logic Apps across multiple environments.
  • trigger: The Logic Apps workflow definition schema can have one or more trigger instances. The purpose of trigger is to instantiate the Logic Apps workflow run when requested through the client application or according to the predefined schedule. Support for more than one trigger can be implemented through the code view of the Logic Apps workflow definition. A maximum of 10 triggers for Logic Apps are supported within the workflow definition schema.
  • actions: These define executable steps within the Logic Apps workflow. These can consist of pre-built Microsoft connectors, along with an API endpoint hosted within the cloud or on premises. Each workflow definition can hold up to 250 actions.
  • outputs: This defines the data that Logic Apps can return when it finishes running. By default, each Logic Apps workflow can return up to 10 outputs.

Let's now discuss some of these components in more detail.

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