Creating an AS2 agreement for ShipAnyWhere

In the ShipAnyWhere_SupplyChain integration account, select the option to add an AS2 agreement:

  1. Select ShipAnyWhere_AS2 as Host Partner and Contoso_AS2 as Guest Partner.
  2. In the Receive Settings, select the option to Override message properties. This ensures that the protocol details present in the AS2 message will be overridden from the configurations in the agreement.
  3. In the Receive Settings, enable the Message should be signed option and select the ContosoPublic key.
  4. In the Receive Settings, enable the Message should be encrypted option and select ShipAnyWherePrivateCertificate.
  5. In the receive settings, select the Send MDN and Send Signed MDN options.

Keep all Send Settings as is, without any changes.

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