Case study – ShipAnywhere feedback analysis

Consider a fictional logistical company called ShipAnyWhere that specializes in commerce and fulfillment solutions for e-commerce businesses across the world. It has more than 100 distribution centers across more than 30 countries. It provides business-to-business, e-commerce, and multi-channel fulfillment solutions to customers using cutting-edge technologies.

After each delivery, they take feedback from customers. One major component of the feedback is a remark section, where the users are allowed to write their feedback. There are millions of users being served by the organization, and it is important to find the sentiment of these comments and analyze the overall trend of customer happiness.

Currently, all the data is stored in a SQL server. ShipAnyWhere wants their sentiment values to be stored in another SQL server, which will be fed to Power BI. They decide to make use of Logic Apps and its Sentiment Analysis API connectors to analyze the sentiment and publish it to Power BI:

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