Associating the Log Analytics workspace with an integration account

Once the workspace is created, we have to associate it with an integration account to log all B2B events:

The following are the necessary configurations for the Diagnostics settings:

  1. Under the ShipAnyWhere-SupplyChain integration account's Diagnostics settings, select the option to Add new settings.
  2. Give an appropriate name. I named it ShipAnyWhereIntegrationAccountDiagnostics.
  3. Select the Send to Log Analytics option.
  4. Under Log Analytics, select the ShipAnyWhere workspace.
  5. Finally, under the LOG section, select IntegrationAccountTrackingEvents.

Once you send a few messages, you will be able to see some very useful charts, provided by Log Analytics:

From the preceding charts, you can see that there was a failure in my AS2 flow. When you click on the AS2 protocol row, you will see all the AS2 transactions as follows:

If you want to dig deeper into the logs related to the failed transaction, click on the row with the failed status. This opens a lot of log entries:

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