Consuming the WCF service in BizTalk 2016

We move ahead to create a BizTalk solution that will call a WCF service hosted within the corporate network.

Create a Visual Studio BizTalk project and use Add Generated Items | Consume WCF Service to generate an XML schema for the WCF service that will return customer account details:

Enter the URL of the on-premises WCF service to generate the WCF data contract that will be used within the orchestration:

Create a simple orchestration that will receive a customerId instance as the request and call the WCF service to get the customer's account details. All the logical ports in the orchestration are configured with specify-later binding. The solution containing the schemas and orchestration is signed with a strong name and deployed to the BizTalk runtime:

The configuration of the physical send and receive ports is done after the solution is deployed to the BizTalk Administration Console.

To create a web port, import the binding file in the BizTalk solution, which is generated from Add Generate Item. To create a request-response, receive location for Logic Apps, Create application within IIS for GetCustomerDetails and set the application poll to that of the LogicApp Management endpoint. Set the application path for GetCustomerDetails to use C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft BizTalk Server 2016LogicApp AdapterBizTalkWcfService.

In the BizTalk Administration Console, create a request-response port within the GetCustomerDetails solution that will run under the Logic Apps adapter handler. The configuration details are shown here:

Create a Logic Apps workflow to call the Microsoft BizTalk server endpoint:

  1. From the Azure portal, click New, then search for the logic app and then click Logic App.
  2. Enter a Name, Subscription, Resource Group, and Location for your Logic App and then click Create.
  3. Create Logic Apps workflow with a HTTP request trigger along with a BizTalk connector in Logic Apps. The overall design is shown as follows:

  1. To test the Logic Apps, fire the request message through Postman or Fiddler using the HTTP request URI of LogicApps. In the next step, to see the run history navigate to the Logic Apps overview section and then click on run details. This will open the action run, as shown in following screenshot: 

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