Publishing Azure Functions

Once the Azure Function is tested locally, we can publish it to Azure. This can be done directly from Visual Studio Code:

  1. In the FUNCTIONS menu, click on the Deploy to Azure App... option as shown:
  1. When prompted, specify the name of the new function app that will be created in Azure. In our case, we will name it ShipAnyWhere-AzureFunction:
  1. Select the ShipAnyWhere-AzureFunction resource group that we created previously:
  1. Select the shipanywherestorage Storage account that we created earlier:
  1. Once deployment is finished, add a new ShipAnyWhere-SERVICEBUS app setting with the connection string details for the ShipAnyWhere Service Bus we created earlier:
  1. After publishing, Visual Studio Code prompts you to start streaming the Azure Function output. Select this option and send a message from the Service Bus Explorer. You will be able to see the output stream in the OUTPUT window as follows:
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