Creating a function app project

Azure Functions run in the App Service environment. The first step for creating an Azure Function is to create a function app that will be deployed as an App Service. In Visual Studio Code, we need to create a new Azure Functions project, which will be equivalent to a function app:

  1. In the Visual Studio Code activity bar, click on the Azure icon. This opens the section for Azure Functions. Click on the Create New Project... icon as shown. Browse to a folder location called ShipAnyWhere-AzureFunctions:
  1. Select C# as the language of choice.
Note: In Azure Functions runtime version 1.0, a single function app was able to accommodate functions with different languages. From version 2.0, it is mandatory to select a language for a function app and all the functions must be created in the same language.
  1. Select the option to add the project to the workspace.
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