Message size

When designing enterprise-level distributed integration with Azure Service Bus queues/topics, we should also consider the size of each message published through the publishing system.

Currently, Service Bus queues support 256-kilobyte messages for the Basic and Standard tiers. When going with the Premium tier, the maximum message size you can publish through the Service Bus queue is 1 MB. In cases where incoming messages exceed those quotas, then those messages will be rejected and an exception will be thrown to the publishing application.

When working with a large message for integration, there are certain design patterns available, such as using session information and transactions, and breaking the large message into small parts. Each small message will then be placed with the same session information on the Service Bus topic. The Service Bus listener can then use the same session ID information and aggregate the chunked messages with an aggregator pattern, which we described in Chapter 6, Introduction to Logic Apps. You can find more details about this pattern in Michel Stephenson's write-up here:

Another option would be to use Service Bus to hold only the metadata attribute of the message when placing the actual message into the blob container. While the message is processing the message, metadata is used to read the message from the blob container. This is the claim check pattern and has been described by Sean Feldman.

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