
Is it ironic that a book about tweaking Windows would itself also require tweaking? Well, no, because even the best authors need a few extra sets of eyes to make sure that the text flows, that things make sense, and that the book’s sundry i’s and t’s are dotted and crossed. Fortunately, this book benefited by having some of the best eyes in the business give it a once- (and twice- and thrice-) over. They include Rick Kughen, who was both the book’s acquisitions editor and its development editor, which means he was kind enough to ask me to write it and savvy enough about Windows to offer tons of just-so suggestions that raised the book up several notches; Seth Kerney, who was the book’s eyebrow-raisingly competent and organized project editor; Barbara Hacha, who was the book’s copy editor and whose sharp eyes not only weeded out all my grammatical gaffes, but also gave the book a consistent style and tone, a tough and demanding job; and Terri Stratton, who was the book’s technical editor, and whose seemingly inexhaustible supply of knowledge about all things technical never fails to amaze me.

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