Using DSC with resources from PS Gallery

In the Finding and installing DSC resources recipe, you discovered and installed some additional DSC resources. The xWebAdministration module you installed contains a number of DSC resources that enable you to define the configuration of an IIS website.

In this recipe, you are going to make use of this module to create, configure, and view a new website on SRV2, based on the files created in the Using DSC and built-in resources recipe. This recipe uses the DSC resources contained in the xWebAdministration module (which you downloaded in the Finding and installing DSC resources recipe).

Getting ready

In this recipe, you use SRV1 to manage DSC resources and configurations, SRV2 as the target node that DSC is going to control, and DC1 as both the DC in the domain and the source of the initial files that make up the application you deploy. You run this recipe on SRV1.

How to do it…

  1. Copy the xWebAdministration module to SRV2 using the following code:
    $CIHT = @{
      Path        = 'C:Program FilesWindowsPowerShell' +
      Destination = '\SRV2C$Program FilesWindowsPowerShell'+
      Recurse     = $True
    Copy-Item @CIHT 
  2. Clear any existing configuration documents on SRV2 and local MOF files on SRV1 using the following code:
    $RIHT =@{
      Path        = '\SRV2C$WindowsSystem32configuration*.mof'
      ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
    Get-Childitem @RIHT |
      Remove-Item @RIHT -Force
    Remove-Item C:DSC* -Recurse -Force 
  3. Create a new configuration document based on DSC resources in the xWebAdministration module using the following code:
    Configuration  RKAppSRV2 {
      Import-DscResource -ModuleName xWebAdministration
      Import-DscResource -ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration
      Node SRV2 {
        Windowsfeature IISSRV2 {
          Ensure = 'Present' 
          Name = 'Web-Server' 
        Windowsfeature IISSrvTools {
          Ensure = 'Present' 
          Name = 'Web-Mgmt-Tools'
          DependsOn = '[WindowsFeature]IISSRV2' 
        File RKAppFiles {
          Ensure = 'Present'
          Checksum = 'ModifiedDate'
          Sourcepath = '\DC1ReskitApp'
          Type = 'Directory'
          Recurse = $true
          DestinationPath = 'C:ReskitApp'    
          DependsOn = '[Windowsfeature]IISSRV2'
          MatchSource = $true 
        xWebAppPool ReskitAppPool {
          Name = 'RKAppPool'
          Ensure = 'Present'
          State = 'Started'
          DependsOn = '[File]RKAppFiles' 
        xWebApplication ReskitAppPool {
          Website = 'Default Web Site'
          WebAppPool = 'RKAppPool'
          Name = 'ReskitApp'
          PhysicalPath = 'C:ReskitApp'
          Ensure = 'Present'
          DependsOn = '[xWebAppPool]ReskitAppPool' 
        Log Completed {
          Message = 'Finished Configuring ReskitAp via DSC'
        } # End of SRV2 Configuration
    } # End of Configuration
  4. Run the configuration block to compile it to C:DSC on SRV1 using the following code:
    RKAppSRV2 -OutputPath C:DSC 
  5. Deploy the configuration to SRV2 using the following code:
    Start-DscConfiguration -Path C:DSC  -Verbose -Wait
  6. Test the result using the following code:
    Start-Process 'HTTP://SRV2.Reskit.Org/ReskitApp/' 

How it works...

In step 1, you copy the xAdministration module to SRV2, then in step 2, you clear out any MOF files on SRV2 and SRV1. These two steps produce no output.

In step 3, you create a configuration document, RKAppSRV2. This step also produces no screen output.

In step 4, you create the MOF file for this recipe by executing the RKAppSRV2 function, which should yield the output shown in the following screenshot:

How it works...

In step 5, you deploy this new configuration to SRV2 using the -Wait and -Verbose switches, producing an output like the following:

How it works...

Finally, in step 6, you view the web pages created by the earlier steps. If you first navigate to the home page of the application, using step 6. You should see the following:

How it works...

From this page, if you click to page 2, you should see this:

How it works...

There's more...

In step 3, you created a configuration block that does the following:

  • Configures SRV2 with two Windows features (Web-Server and Web-Mgmt-Tools)
  • Copies the application's source files from DC1 to SRV2
  • Creates an application pool, RKAppPool
  • Creates an IIS web application, ReskitApp

This step also demonstrates the dependency mechanism in DSC. A dependency allows you to state that a particular resource configuration can only be performed after some other resource configuration has completed. For example, this configuration does not create a ReskitApp application until the RKAppPool application pool exists and does not do either until the WindowsFeature resource has finished installing IIS.

This recipe uses the push model for DSC deployment. In this recipe, you manually copy the xWebAdministration module to SRV2 as part of the recipe. If you use a pull server model to deploy DSC, target nodes can download the necessary resources from the pull server, which greatly simplifies deployment of DSC resources. The two recipes later in this chapter (Implement an SMB pull server and Implement a DSC web pull server) show you how to configure a pull server.

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