Implementing a web-based DSC pull server

Deploying a DSC web-based pull server is more complex than deploying an SMB pull server. Deploying the SMB-based pull server is simple: just create the two shares that you need and place the relevant files on that share. The web server approach requires you to also load IIS, install the DSC service, and configure the service, as well as place the MOF files, resources, and any relevant checksums on the web server. Of course, in both cases, you need to configure each node's LCM.

You deploy a web-based pull server to provide a pull client with both resources and configuration MOF files. Unlike an SMB-based pull server, a web-based pull server also provides reporting capabilities, enabling a pull client to report the status back to the reporting server.

Reporting is not available using an SMB-based pull server. To simplify the creation of a web-based DSC pull server, you can use the xPSDesiredStateConfiguration module DSC resource. You download this resource from PS Gallery, which greatly simplifies the process of configuring a node to be a DSC pull server (and to be a reporting server).

As with SMB-based pull servers, once you have set up a DSC web pull server, you need to configure the clients to pull configurations/resources from the pull server and send reporting information to the report servers.

The details of setting up a DSC web-based pull server changed with PowerShell V5 (and later versions). This recipe is based on the PowerShell V5 approach.

Getting ready

This recipe uses two servers: SRV1 and SRV2. SRV1 is the pull server. This recipe configures the DSC web service on SRV1 and configures SRV2 to pull configurations and resources from the pull server.

How to do it…

  1. Install the xPSDesiredStateConfiguration module from the PS Gallery on SRV1 and SRV2 using the following code:
    $SB = {
      Install-Module  -Name xPSDesiredStateConfiguration
    Invoke-Command -ComputerName SRV1 -ScriptBlock $SB
    Invoke-Command -ComputerName SRV2 -ScriptBlock $SB
  2. Remove the existing certificates for SRV1, then create a self-signed certificate for SRV1 using the following code:
    Get-ChildItem cert:LocalMachine
    oot |
      Where Subject -EQ '' | 
        Remove-Item -Force
    Get-ChildItem cert:LocalMachinemy |
      Where Subject -EQ '' | 
        Remove-Item -Force
    $CHT = @{
        CertStoreLocation = 'CERT:LocalMachineMY'
        DnsName           = 'SRV1.Reskit.Org'
    $DscCert = New-SelfSignedCertificate @CHT
  3. Copy the certificate to the root store on SRV2 and SRV1 using the following code:
    $SB1 = {
      Param ($Rootcert) 
      $C = 'System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store'
      $Store = New-Object -TypeName $C `
                          -ArgumentList 'Root','LocalMachine'
    $ICHT1 = @{
      ScriptBlock  = $SB1 
      ComputerName = 'SRV2.Reskit.Org'
      Verbose      = $True 
      ArgumentList = $DscCert
    # run script block on SRV2
    Invoke-Command @ICHT1
    # and copy it to root on SRV1
    $ICHT2= @{
      ScriptBlock  = $SB1 
      ComputerName = 'SRV1.Reskit.Org'
      Verbose      = $True 
      ArgumentList = $DscCert
    Invoke-Command @ICHT2
  4. Check that the certificate is properly installed on SRV2 using the following code:
    $SB2 = {
      Get-ChildItem Cert:LocalMachine
    oot | 
        Where-Object Subject -Match 'SRV1.Reskit.Org' 
    Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $SB2 -ComputerName SRV2
  5. Remove the existing DSC configuration on SRV1 and SRV2 using the following code:
    $SB3 = {
      $RIHT = @{
        Path        = 'C:WindowsSystem32configuration*.mof'
        ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
      Get-Childitem @RIHT |
        Remove-Item @RIHT -Force
      $EASC = @{
        ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
      New-Item -Path c:DSC -ItemType Directory @EASC | 
      Remove-DscConfigurationDocument -Stage Current
    Invoke-Command -ComputerName SRV1 -ScriptBlock $SB3
    Invoke-Command -ComputerName SRV2 -ScriptBlock $SB3
  6. Create a DSC Service Configuration block to make SRV1 a web pull server using the following code:
    Configuration WebPullSRV1 {
      Param ([String] $CertThumbPrint)
      Import-DscResource -Module PSDesiredStateConfiguration
      Import-DscResource -Module xPSDesiredStateConfiguration
      $Regfile= 'C:Program FilesWindowsPowerShellDscService'+
    Node SRV1 {
       $Key = '5d79ee6e-0420-4c98-9cc3-9f696901a816'
       WindowsFeature IIS1 {
         Ensure           = 'Present'
         Name             = 'Web-Server'
      File DSCConfig-Folder {
        DestinationPath   = 'C:DSCConfiguration'
        Ensure            = 'Present'
        Type              = 'Directory' }
      File DSCResource-Folder{
        DestinationPath   = 'C:DSCResource'
        Ensure            = 'Present'
        Type              = 'Directory' }
      WindowsFeature DSCService {
        DependsOn          =  '[WindowsFeature]IIS1'   
        Ensure             =  'Present'
        Name               =  'DSC-Service' }
      xDscWebService WebPullSRV1 {
        Ensure             = 'Present'
        EndpointName       = 'PSDSCPullServer'
        Port               = 8080
        PhysicalPath       = 'C:inetpubPSDSCPullServer'
        CertificateThumbPrint = $CertThumbPrint   
        ConfigurationPath  = 'C:DSCConfiguration'
        ModulePath         = 'C:DSCResource'
        State              = 'Started'
        UseSecurityBestPractices = $true  
        DependsOn          =
      File RegistrationKeyFile {
        Ensure                = 'Present'
        Type                  = 'File'
        DestinationPath       = $Regfile
        Contents              = $Key  }
      } # End of Node configuration 
    } # End of Configuration
  7. Create a MOF file to configure SRV1 using the following code:
    $TP = $DscCert.Thumbprint
    WebPullSRV1 -OutputPath C:DSC  -CertThumbPrint $TP |
  8. Use DSC to configure SRV1 to host the DSC web service using the following code:
    Start-DscConfiguration -Path C:DSC -Wait -Verbose
    $DscCert | Set-Item -Path IIS:SslBindings.0.0.0!8080
  9. Check on the results using the following code:
    $URI = '' 
    Start-Process -FilePath $URI
  10. Create a metaconfiguration to make SRV2 pull two partial configuration blocks from SRV1 using the following code:
    Configuration SRV2WebPullPartial {
    Node SRV2 {
      Settings {
        RefreshMode          = 'Pull'
        ConfigurationModeFrequencyMins = 30
        ConfigurationMode    = 'ApplyandAutoCorrect'
        RefreshFrequencyMins = 30 
        RebootNodeIfNeeded   = $true 
        AllowModuleOverwrite = $true 
      ConfigurationRepositoryWeb DSCPullSrv {
        ServerURL = 'https://SRV1.Reskit.Org:8080/PSDSCPullServer.svc'
        RegistrationKey = '5d79ee6e-0420-4c98-9cc3-9f696901a816'
        ConfigurationNames = @('NFSConfig','SMBConfig')  
      PartialConfiguration NFSConfig {
        Description = 'NFS Client Configuration'Configurationsource =@('[ConfigurationRepositoryWeb]DSCPullSrv')
      PartialConfiguration SMBConfig {
            Description = 'FS-SMB1 Client Removal'
            Configurationsource = @('[ConfigurationRepositoryWeb]DSCPullSrv')
            DependsOn   = '[PartialConfiguration]NFSConfig'}
    } # End of Configuration block
  11. Create a MOF to configure DSC LCM on SRV2 using the following code:
    SRV2WebPullPartial -OutputPath C:DSC | Out-Null
  12. Configure LCM on SRV2 using the following code:
    $CSSrv2 = New-CimSession -ComputerName SRV2
    $LCMHT = @{
      CimSession = $CSSrv2
      Path       = 'C:DSC'
      Verbose    = $true
    Set-DscLocalConfigurationManager @LCMHT
  13. Create a partial configuration to ensure that the NFS client is present using the following code:
    Configuration  TFTPSRV2 {
      Import-DscResource –ModuleName 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration'
      Node SRV2 {
        WindowsFeature TFTPClient {
          Name = 'TFTP-Client'
          Ensure = 'Present'  
  14. Create the MOF file for this configuration and place the MOF file into the configuration folder using the following code:
    Remove-Item -Path C:DSCConfiguration -Rec -Force 
    TFTPSRV2 -OutputPath C:DSCConfiguration |
  15. Rename the file and create the checksum using the following code:
    $RIHT = @{
      Path    = 'C:DSCConfigurationSRV2.mof'
      NewName = "C:DSCConfiguration$Guid.MOF"
    Rename-Item @RIHT
    New-DscChecksum  -Path C:DSCConfiguration
    Get-ChildItem C:DSCConfiguration
  16. Wait a while, then review the details using the following code:
    Start-Sleep -Seconds (30*60)
    $Session = New-CimSession -ComputerName SRV2
    Get-DscConfiguration -CimSession $Session
  17. Check on the feature on SRV2 using the following code:
    Get-WindowsFeature -Name TFTP-Client -ComputerName SRV2 

How it works...

In step 1, you ensure that the xDesiredStateConfiguration module is loaded on both SRV1 and SRV2. In step 2, you remove the existing certificates for SRV1 then create a new self-signed certificate. In step 3, you copy the newly created self-signed certificate to the root store of SRV2, thereby enabling SRV2 to trust the self-signed certificate. These three steps produce no output.

In step 4, you check to ensure that the certificate is properly installed on SRV2, which looks like this:

How it works...

In step 5, you forcibly remove any DSC configuration information from both SRV1 and SRV2. In step 6, you create a configuration to configure SRV1. Then, in step 7, you run the configuration to produce the MOF file to configure SRV1 to be a pull. These three steps produce no output.

In step 8, you use the Start-DscConfiguration cmdlet to set the DSC configuration for SRV1, which looks like this:

How it works...

In step 9, you use the browser to check on the configuration of SRV1 as a DSC pull server, which looks like this:

How it works...

In step 10, you create an LCM configuration document to make SRV2 pull DSC partial configurations from SRV1 via HTTPS. In step 11, you use the configuration statement to create the required MOF file. These two steps produce no output.

In step 12, you use Set-DSCLocalConfigurationManager to configure the LCM on SRV2. The output from this step, created by using the -Verbose and -Wait switches, looks like this:

How it works...

In step 13, you create a partial configuration to ensure that the NFS client is present, and then in step 14, you run the configuration to create the MOF file. You send the MOF file to the C:DSCConfiguration folder. There is no output from these two steps.

In step 15, you rename the MOF file, create the DSC checksum file, and view the contents of the DSCConfiguration folder, which looks like this:

How it works...

In step 16, you wait for SRV2 to contact SRV1, and then pull the configuration and apply it. Then you can get the DSC configuration for SRV2, which looks like this.

How it works...

In step 17, you check for the presence of the TFTP client on SRV2, which looks like this:

How it works...

There's more...

In step 5, you remove all DSC configurations from both SRV1 and SRV2. After doing that, running some of the DSC cmdlets, such as Get-DSCConfiguration, may result in an error, as there is no configuration. This error is to be expected. In later steps in the recipe, you push a configuration to SRV1 and enable SRV2 to pull its configuration from the DSC pull server on SRV1. Once those steps are complete (and SRV2 gets around to pulling the two partial configurations from SRV1), the DSC cmdlets work as expected. Also, if you examine the DSC event logs, events happening just after you wipe the DSC configuration can show odd dates and times in the event log entries. This is also to be expected.

In step 9, you viewed the output from the SRV1's DSC web service over HTTPS. If the system you run this step on trusts the certificate, you see the page as shown. If, for some reason, you have not copied the self-signed certificate in the local machine's root certificate store, you see certificate errors when navigating to the DSC service.

If you run the step on another computer, say DC1, then you see a certificate error, since that computer does not trust the self-signed certificate.

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