Implementing an SMB DSC pull server

There are two different types of DSC pull server that you can implement: SMB-based and web-based. The SMB-based pull server approach is most useful on a private routable network, one where all nodes can reach the centralized configuration and resource pull server shares. For high availability, you could set up an SMB pull server on a clustered, scaled-out file server.

DSC uses MOF to communicate the desired state to a node. The LCM on a node, in effect, configures the node based on whatever the MOF file says. MOF files are, at rest, just plaintext documents, and are not encrypted or signed. If your private network is secure, then the SMB pull server is easier to set up and configure. If security is an issue, consider using the web server pull server approach and configure it with HTTPS (which you do in the Implementing a web-based DSC pull server recipe).

Since you may have used other recipes in this chapter—such as the Configuring the DSC local configuration manager recipe where you configured a node—you first need to clean out any existing DSC configuration details before carrying out this recipe.

When you deploy an SMB-based pull server, you place the configuration documents on the SMB share for the target nodes to pull and use. You also configure the LCM on a node to tell the node where and how to get the MOF files. To enable a node to identify which configuration document it should download and use, the node is configured with a GUID (the ConfigurationID) and an SMB share path where the LCM can find configuration MOF files. The MOF file that you deploy to a node is named using the GUID (that is, <guid>.mof).

In this recipe, you configure the LCM on SRV2 with a ConfigurationID set to 5d79ee6e-0420-4c98-9cc3-9f696901a816. The LCM configuration also specifies that the LCM on SRV2 should pull configurations from the SMB pull server located at \SRV1DSCConfiguration. In this case, the LCM on SRV2 would look for the file named \SRV1DSCConfiguration5d79ee6e-0420-4c98-9cc3-9f696901a816.mof plus the related checksum file.

This recipe uses another PS Gallery sourced module, the xSMBShare module. This module is used to create a DSC configuration that creates necessary shares. In this case, you use DSC with this module to configure two shares on SRV1, which DSC nodes (that is, SRV2) use to pull configuration documents.

Getting ready

This recipe is run on SRV1 and provides a DSC configuration for SRV2.


This recipe removes any DSC configuration documents on both SRV1 and SRV2. Any configuration that was performed using previous recipes, for example adding the DNS Server service to SRV2, remain in place with DSC only concerning itself with the new configuration document(s) you add to the pull server.

How to do it…

  1. Ensure that the xSMBShare module is installed on SRV1 and SRV2 and ensure that C:DSC exists using the following code:
    $SB1 = {
      Install-Module xSMBShare -Force |
    Invoke-Command -ComputerName SRV1 -ScriptBlock $SB1
    Invoke-Command -ComputerName SRV2 -ScriptBlock $SB1
  2. Remove the existing MOF files and DSC configuration on SRV1 and SRV2 using the following code:
    $SB2 = {
      $RIHT = @{
        Path        = 'C:WindowsSystem32configuration*.mof'
        ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
      Get-Childitem @RIHT |
        Remove-Item @RIHT -Force
      $EASC = @{
        ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
      New-Item -Path c:DSC -ItemType Directory @EASC | 
      Remove-DscConfigurationDocument -Stage Current
    Invoke-Command -ComputerName SRV1 -ScriptBlock $SB2
    Invoke-Command -ComputerName SRV2 -ScriptBlock $SB2
  3. Create a script block to set the LCM configuration for SRV2 that configures SRV2 to pull from SRV1 using the following code:
    $SB3 = {
      Configuration SetSRV2PullMode {
        Node localhost {
          Settings  {
            ConfigurationModeFrequencyMins = '30'
            ConfigurationMode              = 'ApplyAndAutoCorrect'
            RebootNodeIfNeeded             = $true
            ActionAfterReboot              = 'ContinueConfiguration'
            RefreshMOde                    = 'Pull'
            RefreshFrequencyMins           = '30'
            AllowModuleOverwrite           = $true
            ConfigurationID                = '5d79ee6e-0420-4c98-'+
          ConfigurationRepositoryShare PullServer  {
            SourcePath = '\SRV1DSCConfiguration'
          ResourceRepositoryShare ResourceServer {
            SourcePath = '\SRV1DSCResource'
      SetSRV2PullMode -OutputPath 'C:DSC' | 
  4. Create the MOF file for SRV2 LCM using the following code:
    $DHT = @{ 
        Path  = 'C:DSC'
      Set-DscLocalConfigurationManager -Path C:DSC
  5. Configure SRV2 to pull via SMB from SRV1 using the following code:
    Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $SB3 -ComputerName SRV2
  6. Create a DSC configuration to configure SRV1 as a DSC pull server using the following code:
    Configuration PullSrv1
      Import-DscResource -ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration
      Import-DscResource -ModuleName xSmbShare
      File ConfigFolder {
        DestinationPath = 'C:DSCConfiguration'
        Type        = 'Directory'
        Ensure      = 'Present' 
      File ResourceFolder  {
        DestinationPath = 'C:DscResource'
       Type        = 'Directory'
        Ensure      = 'Present'
      xSmbShare DscConfiguration { 
        Name        = 'DSCConfiguration'
        Path        = 'C:DscConfiguration'
        DependsOn   = '[File]ConfigFolder'
            Description = 'DSC Configuration Share'
            Ensure      = 'Present' 
      xSmbShare DscResource {
        Name        = 'DSCResource'
        Path        = 'C:DscResource'
        DependsOn   = '[File]ResourceFolder'
        Description = 'DSC Resource Share'
        Ensure      = 'Present' }
  7. Create a MOF file to configure SRV1 as a pull server using the following code:
    PullSRV1 -OutputPath C:DSC | 
  8. Use DSC to configure SRV1 as a pull server using the following code:
    Start-DscConfiguration -Path C:DSC -Wait -Verbose -Force
  9. Get shares on SRV1 using the following code:
    Get-SMBShare -Name DSC*
  10. Create a new configuration for SRV2 to pull from SRV1 that configures SRV2 to have a Telnet client feature using the following code:
    Configuration  TelnetSRV2
      Import-DscResource –ModuleName 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration'
      Node SRV2  
        WindowsFeature TelnetSRV2
        { Name     = 'Telnet-Client'
          Ensure   = 'Present'  }
  11. Create a MOF file to configure SRV2 to have the Telnet client using the following code:
    TelnetSRV2 -OutputPath C:DSCConfiguration
  12. Rename the MOF file with the GUID name using the following code:
    $Guid = '5d79ee6e-0420-4c98-9cc3-9f696901a816'
    $RIHT = @{
      Path    = 'C:DSCConfigurationSRV2.mof' 
      NewName = "C:DSCConfiguration$Guid.MOF"
    Rename-Item  @RIHT
  13. Create a MOF checksum for the new MOF file using the following code:
    New-DscChecksum -Path C:DSCConfiguration
  14. View the MOF and checksum files using the following code:
    Get-ChildItem -Path C:DSCConfiguration
  15. View the current configuration on SRV2 using the following code:
    Get-WindowsFeature -Name Telnet-Client -ComputerName SRV2
  16. Set it to sleep for a while and check it again using the following code:
    Start-Sleep -Seconds (30*60)
    Get-WindowsFeature -Name Telnet-Client -ComputerName SRV2

How it works...

In step 1, you ensure that the xSMBShare module is installed on SRV1 and SRV2. In step 2, you remove both any existing MOF files and any DSC configurations from both SRV1 and SRV2. In step 3, you create a script block that creates and deploys an LCM configuration that sets the LCM configuration and creates the related MOF file. These three steps produce no output, although depending on what other recipes you have run, you may get prompted to install the NuGet provider in Step 2.

In step 4, you create a script to run the script block you just created that configures the LCM on SRV2 (based on the configuration block you created in step 3) and returns the LCM configuration, which looks like this:

How it works...

In step 5, you create and compile a configuration statement that configures SRV1 to be a DSC pull server. In step 6, you generate the MOF for this configuration. In step 7, you run the configuration block to produce the relevant MOF file These three steps produce no output.

In step 8, you run Start-DscConfiguration to configure SRV1 based on the just-compiled MOF file, which looks like this:

How it works...

In step 9, you get the SMB shares—created in the previous step—on SRV1, which looks like this:

How it works...

In step 10, you create the first partial configuration block, TelnetSRV2, which creates no output. In step 11, you run this configuration block to produce SRV2.mof, which looks like this:

How it works...

In step 12, you rename the MOF file with the GUID name, and then in step 13, you create a MOF checksum file. These two steps produce no output.

In step 14, you view the MOF and checksum files, which looks like this:

How it works...

In step 15, you view the current (uninstalled) state of the Telnet-client on SRV2, which looks like this:

How it works...

In step 16, you wait for DSC operations to happen, then review the state of Telnet-Client on SRV2, which now looks like this:

How it works...

There's more...

In the last two steps in this recipe, you look at the state of the Telnet client on SRV2. In step 15, you can see that DSC has not yet run the SRV2 configuration, and so the client is not installed. After waiting, in step 16, you can see that the Telnet client is now installed on SRV2. Note that if adding this feature had required a reboot, SRV2 would have been rebooted some time after step 15 completed.

See also

Setting up a pull server and getting it to configure another server is straightforward, although typos are often a challenge to troubleshoot. By default, Windows Server does not perform detailed DSC event logging; however, it is simple to turn logging on using the following code:

wevtutil.exe set-log "Microsoft-Windows-Dsc/Analytic" /q:true /e:true
wevtutil.exe set-log "Microsoft-Windows-Dsc/Debug" /q:True /e:true

Once you turn on DSC analytic and debug logging, every DSC activity is logged in detail. In earlier recipes, you examined the verbose output of Start-DscConfiguration, which shows the LCM getting and performing a configuration. That same amount of information, and more, is available from the event logs. From these logs, you can trace DSC's activities, see the configuration blocks and resources that are being downloaded, and see DSC enforce the configuration. For more detail on using DSC event logging for troubleshooting, see

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