Chapter 16. What Are They Plotting?: Watching Your Competitors

This book is about getting a complete picture of every website that affects your business. You will know the most about websites and communities you run, and you can learn a significant amount by moderating and joining communities. You can also gain important insights into your competitors through many of the techniques we’ve seen so far.

  • You can use community search approaches to eavesdrop on your competitors and see what people think of them.

  • You can use synthetic testing to compare your competitors’ performance and uptime to your own.

  • You can use search and ranking tools to understand how well your competitors are viewed by the rest of the Web.

  • Some usability tools may even let you analyze how test users interact with competitors’ websites, helping you to improve your own.

Before you embark on any competitive analysis, you need to consider whether you care if your competitors know what you’re up to. If you perform competitive research from your own domain, their analytics will show your visits. What’s more, they may have specific terms of service on their websites that prohibit things like synthetic testing or crawling by others.

Let’s look at how you can keep an eye on your competitors.


If you haven’t already done so, review Chapter 14. All of the approaches we describe there apply equally well to competitors.

Watching Competitors’ Sites

The wonderful thing about the Internet is that everyone’s online. Your competitors have gone to great lengths to tell you all about themselves, putting product specifications, lists of senior employees, and in some cases, pricing and technical specifications within your reach.

Web crawlers index these sites. Search engines analyze inbound and outbound links to them. They’re ranked for popularity and monitored by testing services. Thousands of people search for them, using all kinds of terms. All of this information is collected and stored, and much of it is free for the taking. For more detailed analysis, there are paid services that rank popularity and estimate traffic levels.

Before you start gathering information on your competitors, however, ask yourself why you care. Only then can you decide what to collect and how to report it. Some possible questions you want to answer include:

  • Do I have competitors I don’t know about?

  • Are others getting more traffic than me?

  • Do competitors have a better reputation than I do?

  • Is a competitor’s site healthier than mine?

  • Are others’ marketing and brand awareness efforts more successful than mine?

  • Is a competitor’s site easier to use or better designed?

  • Have competitors made changes that I can use to my advantage, such as changes in products, funding, or staffing?

All of these questions, and more, can be answered easily. To report competitive data on others, you’ll need to have comparable data on yourself. For example, if you want to know whether competitors’ sites load faster, you need historical measurements of your own website’s performance.

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