Putting It All Together

Answer these four big questions, and you’re well on your way to improving your website, because you have a comprehensive understanding of how all its pieces fit together. For example:

  • If user experience is suffering, you can increase capacity, reduce page size and complexity, deliver content via CDN, replace components that are too slow, and so on.

  • If you’re failing to meet agreed-upon service level targets, you can mitigate SLA arguments and reduce subscriber churn by contacting your users to tell them you know they’re having problems, and that you’re going to improve things.

  • If your conversion rates aren’t high enough, you can try to better understand what users want or where they get stuck.

  • If visitors take too long to complete transactions, or don’t scroll down to key information, you can make the site more usable so they can easily find what they’re looking for.

  • If you’re converting the visitors that make it to your site, but aren’t getting enough traffic, you can focus on communities and word-of-mouth marketing rather than site design.

Ultimately, by answering the four big questions you close the loop between designing and deploying a website, and adapting quickly. You make mistakes faster and find the right way to connect with your market.

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