Creating a working hypothesis

Moving from the initiating event, the threat hunting team then creates a working hypothesis. Threat hunting is a focused endeavor, meaning that hunt teams do not just start poking through event logs or memory images, looking for whatever they can find. A working hypothesis—such as an APT group has gained control of several systems on the network—is general, and provides no specific threat hunting target. Threat hunters need to focus their attention on the key indicators, whether those indicators come from a persistent threat group or some existing threat intelligence.

A working hypothesis provides the focus. A better hypothesis would be An APT-style adversary has taken control of the DMZ web servers and is using them as a Command and Control infrastructure. This provides a specific target that the hunt team can then apply digital forensic techniques to determine if this hypothesis is true.

Those threat hunts that are initiated via alerts can often find key areas of focus that can be leveraged, to craft a hypothesis. For example, the previous section contained an alert from the FBI. In addition to the IoCs associated with Ryuk, the following text was also in the alert:

The exact infection vector remains unknown, as Ryuk deletes all files related to the dropper used to deploy the malware. In some cases, Ryuk has been deployed secondary to TrickBot and/or Emotet banking Trojans, which use Server Message Block (SMB) protocols to propagate through the network and can be used to steal credentials.

From this data, the hunt team can craft a hypothesis that directly addresses these tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP). The hypothesis may be: An adversary has infected several internal systems and is using a Microsoft SMB protocol to move laterally within the internal network, with the intent of infecting other systems. Again, this sample hypothesis is specific and provides the threat hunters with a concrete area of focus to either prove or disprove the hypothesis.

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