
Note: Page numbers with “b,” “f,” and “t” denote boxes; figures; and tables.


ABB Alstom Power, 217–218, 380, 385, 394, 398, 897
ABB Alstom Power Cyclone, 225, 802, 904
ABB Alstom Power Tempest, 224–228, 802, 904
ABB Alstom Power Tornado, 904
ABB Alstom Power Typhoon, 217–219, 222–225, 400, 766, 904
India market entered by, 897
ABB GT-8, 777
ABB GT11N2, 777
ABB GT11N-EV, 525–526, 525f
ABB GT24, 777
ABB GT26, 777
ABB GT35, 4–5, 10, 801
ABB Stal, 869, 906
ABB Stal GTX-100, 906
ABB Synchrotact, 688
Abrasive blasting, 803
Absorptive linings and sound attenuation, 313–315, 314f, 314t, 315f
Acceleration control, 324f
Acceptance criteria, 788
Accessory cooling, 259
Accessory drives
aircraft and, 753
construction, 418–419
direct, 416–417
engine mounting and, 753
gear train, 417
gearboxes for, 414–418, 417f, 419f
gears for, 418–419
materials for, 418–419
mechanical arrangement of, 414, 415f–416f
radial, 416
Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology (ABET), 870–871
See also Engineering criteria 2000
Acid rain, 901, 904
Ackeret, J., 41–42
Active clearance control (ACC), 101, 238, 245f, 776
Active magnetic bearings (AMB), 856
Actuation, 493
Adiabatic efficiency, 6
Adjusted direct cooling (ADC), 611, 613, 613f, 617
full STIG and, 616–617, 618f
Adjusted indirect cooling (AIC), 611, 612f, 613
Advanced diffusion healing (ADH), 724–725, 730
Advanced gas/steam turbines, integration of, 598–605
Advanced Research (AR) program, 170
Advanced Turbine System (ATS), 586–594, 587f
advanced 3D compressor, 588
brush seals, 588–589
coatings, 588–589, 593
development activities of, 592–593
operating experience with, 591–592
steam cooling in, 589, 592–593
testing of, 589–591, 589t, 590f–591f
turbine blades of, 589
See also Siemens Westinghouse
Advanced ultrasupercritical (AUSC) steam, 781, 889
Aerodynamische Versuchs-Andstalt (AVA), 41
Aeroelastic instability, 622
Aero-thermal analysis, 747–748
Africa, 897
Aft fan, 8
Afterburning, 49, 95f, 101, 294, 497, 535–536, 781
construction for, 444–447
control system, 447–448, 448f–450f, 498
fuel consumption and, 450–451, 451f
ignition for, 444, 446f
jet pipe and, 441–451, 444f–445f
operation of, 444
performance and, 540–542
principles of, 441–442, 444f
propelling nozzle and, 441–443, 446–447
rate of climb and, 450–451, 451f
thrust calculation and, 465, 465f, 540–542
thrust increase from, 448–449, 450f
warning panel and, 507
See also Reheat
Air bleed systems, 194, 198f–199f
See also Bleed extraction
Air filter system, 286, 745
Air intake, civil nacelles, 756–757
Air permit, 599–600
Air pollutants, See Hazardous air pollutants (HAP)
Air resistance, 26
Air ratio, See Fuel air ratio
Air separation unit (ASU), 117, 356–357
Air speed, 32, 924
Airbus A-321, 680, 772–773
Air-cooled condenser (ACC), 636
accessory system location and, 753
control and instrumentation parameters for, 486–487
controls for, 487
electronic indicating systems and, 507–508, 507f
engine accessibility on, 754, 754f
engine cowlings on, 753–754
engine installation for, 749–762
engine selection for, 32–33
engines for, 2, 6–8, 31–40
environmental envelope and, 923
exhaust systems for, 290–295
fire warning and, 432, 506–507
flight envelope of, 914, 924, 925f
flight phases of, 31–32
fuel flow rate indicator in, 506f, 505
fuel pressure indicator and, 505
fuel temperature indicator and, 505
ingestion tests for engines of, 563–564
installation pressure losses and, 924
instrumentation for, 487
intakes and, 749–752
noise levels of, 295f
noise suppression for, 295–300
oil temperature indicator and, 504–505, 505f
power plant location in, 749–754, 750f
selecting control and instrumentation for, 486
services, 262
shaft powered, 33–35, 36f, 944
synchronizing and synchrophasing in, 508
thrust propelled, 35–39, 38t
turbojet instrument panel in, 499f
vibration indicator for, 505–506, 506f
warning systems in, 506–507
vertical/short takeoff and landing, 451
See also Short takeoff vertical landing
Aircraft integrated data system (AIDS), 507, 673
altitude and, 319, 319f
apportioning, 201f
compressor module and control of, 196
cooling and, 256–257, 260
fuel cells and, 855–856
internal pattern of, 256f
measurement of, 559–560, 559f
path of, 7–8, 14f, 16f, 256f
stable, limits of, 196f
velocity of, 6–7
Airforce One, 770
Airmeters, 559–560, 559f
Airspray nozzles, 203–205
Albany Research Center (ARC), 170
Alfa Laval, 904
Algae farming, 647–648
AlliedSignal, 825–826, 829
AlliedSignal Parallon, 850–852
Allis-Chalmers, 42
Allison, 43, 802, 824–825, 827
See also Rolls Royce Allison
Allison 250, 778, 881f
Allison C-18, 778
Allison C-20B, 778
Allison C-30, 778
Alloys, 170–171
Alstom 11N, 907
Alstom 13D-3, 905
Alstom 13E2, 109
Alstom GT10, 898
Alstom GT 11N2, 4t, 524
repairing, 729–730
Alstom GT24, 3t–4t, 609
Alstom GT26, 3t–4t, 119, 609
Alstom GT35, 4–5
Alstom Power, 897
Altair, 308
Alternative energy technologies, 867–868
Alternative Fuels for Industrial Gas Turbines (AFTUR), 409
Alternator, direct drive, 856
airflow and, 319, 319f
humidity and, 923f
mach number and, 957f
performance and, 542, 542f–543f
shaft horsepower and, 539, 543f
See also Engine test bed, Pressure altitude
Altitude sensing unit (ASU), 324
Altitude test facility (ATF), 549–550, 550f, 708, 708f
Aluminide/MCrAlY coating deterioration in clean environments, 714–715
Aluminum smelter, 134
Ambient conditions v. pressure altitude, 915t–918t
Ambient pressure, 914
pressure altitude v., 919f
Ambient temperature, 914
humidity and, 922f
pressure altitude v., 920f
American Petroleum Institute (API), 904–905
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 767–768, 772
performance test codes by, 787
See also IGTI
“An Aerodynamic Theory of Turbine Design” (Griffith), 42
Analysis exchange rates, 570
ANalysis-SYNthesis (ANSYN), 529
Annular combustion chamber, 207–209, 210f, 403, 609
Ansaldo Energia, 77t–83t, 353
APIC, 84t–87t
Appendage resistance, 26
Application testing, 566
Aquifer flow modeling, 653
Arctic warming, 638b
Asea Brown Boveri (ABB), 769, 897, 904
See also ABB Alstom Power, European Gas Turbine
ASEAN, 766
Asia, 897
currency crises, 897
Athodyd, 44–45, 47
See also Ramjet
Atomizing spray nozzle, 335
Audits, 534
aims of, 680–681
assessment of findings, 698–708
detection, assessment, and planning in, 690
engine test bed, 563
fuel testing and, 691–693
maintenance and, 679–683
planning, 681–682
procedures for, 682–683
Austenitic steels, 163–164, 166
delay time, measurements of, 389–394, 391f, 393f
modeling, 388–394
water and, 392, 393f
Automatic control system, 406–408
Automotive vehicles, 22–24, 26t
installation pressure losses and, 924
Auxiliary equipment design, 133
off-design case operation, 133
transient behavior, 133
unique control systems, 133
Auxiliary loads, 604
Auxiliary power unit (APU), 39–40, 40t, 836
pneumatic, 40
starting with, 421
Aviadvigatel JSC, 57t–76t
Aviall, 771
Avio SPA, 57t–76t
Axial compressor, 6, 13, 17, 42, 46f, 181, 188, 191–195, 207
accessory gearbox and, 414–416
construction of, 194
operating principles of, 192–194
pressure changes through, 193f
rotors for, 194, 195f
single-spool, 191f
stator vanes for, 195
temperature changes through, 193f
triple-spool, 192f
twin-spool, 191f
water injection and, 435
Axial thrust, 616, 616f


Babcock, Mitusi, 890
Back-pressure steam turbines (BPSTs), 131–132
Baksheesh, 781, 897
Balance of plant (BOP), 131–132, 603–605
auxiliary loads, 604
equipment selection, 603–604
material selection, 604
water chemistry, 604–605
Balancing, 197, 704–706, 705f
Ball bearings, 267–268
Barometers, 553
Base load power plants, 19–20
low cycle fatigue and, 783
Base metal deterioration, 710–713
alloy aging and creep damage, 710–713
Bauersfeld, W., 42
Baylor University, 871, 877–881, 879f, 869
Bearing chamber, 177–178
cooling, 258–259
Bearings, 267–272
active magnetic, 856
developments, 271–272
failure of, 699
in generators, 468, 468f
internal clearance, 270
loads, control of, 261
lubrication of, 274–275
materials, 270–271
squeeze film, 270, 271f
steam turbines and, 153, 153f–154f
turbomachinery, 262
Bechtel, 121, 122t, 124, 603–604, 604t, 623, 900
Bell, 780
Bell, Frank, 22
Bell Jet Ranger, 778
Bell Textron/Boeing Osprey, 780
Benson Once-Through Steam Generator (OTSG), 625–626
Bentley Nevada, 766, 802
Altair Filters, 768
Berlin University of Technology, 868
Best available technology (BAT), 175, 353, 659, 781
Betz Petromeen, 378
Bharat Heavy Electricals, 77t–83t
Biofuels, 878–879
Biomass, 341, 898–899, 902, 909, 911t
Blade, See Turbine blade
Blade moment weighting, 706, 706f
Blade vibration monitoring system (BVM4), 523
extraction, 282–283, 531, 531f
interstage, 194, 196
valves, 493
Blended fuel oil (BFO), 382–383, 382f
Blowdown, 123, 788
Blow-off valves (BOV), 529–530
BMW, 868
BMW hollow blade, 238, 238f
Boeing 747, 761f
Bomb calorimeter, 558
Boots Company, 217–218
Boundary conditions, assumed, 792, 792t, 798, 798t
Boyle’s Law, 6
BP, 649
Brazing, 803
Breather, 272, 272f
Bristol Aero-Engine Company, 451
Bristol Engine Company Proteus engine, 24
Brite Euram, 163
British Caledonian Airways, 771
Brown Boveri Company (BBC), 42
Brush seals, 260, 588–589, 767
Bulkmeter, 557
Bunker fuel, 353
See also Residual fuel
Burner, See Combustor module
Burns, Tony, 771
Bush, George, 904, 908
Business climate, contemporary, 767–769
Butane, 350–351, 395t, 396f
doors, 282–285
principle, 7–8
valve, 231


Calcium silicate carbonation, 648f
Calera process, 646
Calibrated air speed (VCAS), 924, 927
California Energy Commission, 908, 911t
California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), 909–912, 908, 911t, 912
Calorific value, 338, 338f, 341
CANMET Energy Technology Centre-Ottawa (CETC-O), 888
CanmetENERGY CO2 R&D Consortium program, 888
Capillary drilling, 810–811
Capstone Turbine, 92t, 836, 840
Captive power plant (CPP), 129–131, 132f, 133–134
Carbon capture, 890
Carbon dioxide (CO2), 638, 660–661, 663, 904, 908
capturing, 648–659
improved oil recovery using, 650, 657–658
mitigation of, 639
power plants and, 796, 797f
reinjecting, 639
sequestering of, See Sequestration, carbon dioxide
storing, 648–659
taxes on, 659, 902–903
transporting, 657
underground injection of, 650–651
undersea injection of, 658
utilizing, 648–659
Carbon Dioxide Capture Project, See CO2 Capture Project
Carbon monoxide (CO), 123, 126, 214, 218, 224, 226f, 400, 640t, 659–661
catalytic reduction of, 625–626, 629–630
combustor and, 783
CO-to-CO2 oxidation reaction, 126
emission factors for, 640t
water injection and, 573–574
Carbon seals, 260
Carbon sequestration and storage (CSS) systems, 346, 766
Carnot cycle, 931, 936f
Carpet plot, 875, 875f
CASCADE test, 884
forging of, 805
maintenance and, 815
manufacture of, 805, 821
sandwich, 811–812
steam turbines and, 151
Casting, 803, 805–807, 806f
automated, 807f
investment, 803, 807, 807f
Catalytic reduction systems, 662–663
catalytic reduction; Xonon flameless combustor
See also Sconox,Selective
Catalytica, 212
Cathedral diesel engines, 24
Central warning panel (CWP), 507
Centrifugal compressor, 6, 13, 15, 46f, 181f, 207
accessory gearbox and, 414
construction of, 190
diffuser for, 190, 193f
impeller for, 190, 192f
operating principles of, 189–190
pressure changes through, 189f
velocity changes through, 189f
Centrifugal separation, 364, 365f, 367t, 368, 368f–369f, 373, 375t, 376–377, 377f
Ceramic components, 824
filters made from, 830–834, 830t–832t, 833f
vanes made from, 824, 825f–829f
Ceramic matrix composite (CMC), 954
CFE Company, 57t–76t
CFM International, 57t–76t
Charles’ law, 6
Chavez, Hugo, 897
Chemical forming, 809–810
Chernobyl, 900
supercritical steam plant, 889
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), 638
Chromalloy, 720
surface reaction braze by, 724–725, 730
Chromate sealing, 803
Circulating pressurized fluidized bed combustion (CPFBC), 794–796, 794f, 830
Civil aircraft engine controls, 490–508
engine electronic controller, 491
Civil fans, 185–187
Civil nacelles, 754–757
air intake, 756–757
nozzles and tail cones, 757
thrust reverser, 757
Cleaning, 693
cycle for, 355t
online, 475–479
overhaul and, 702–703
water injection and, 475–476
Clearances, 743
Climate change, 637–638, 648
See also Arctic warming
Closed cycle turbines, 20–21, 98, 99f, 107f, 340
design points and, 944
CO2 Capture Project, 649, 655–656
CO2 Sink, 656
CO2 Store program, 653–654
Coal, 346
fuel combustion related technology, 887–888
gas, 902
Coalescers, 282–283
Coal-fired power plants, 792–793, 901
aluminum smelter case, 134
equipment selection criteria, 135–136
factors for, 623
gas turbine integration into, 619–623
low-pressure turbine sizing, 134
N-2 criteria, 134–135
power addition in, 690–697
supplementary firing, 134
Coke Oven Gas (COG), 228
Combined acceleration and speed control system, 327–330, 328f, 338
Combined cycle power generation (CC), 98, 100f, 101–102, 104–106, 347, 782–783, 795f, 814, 899, 905
construction cost and, 109–110, 116f
cost per fired hour and, 114
cycling, 777
design decisions for, 783–786
design points and, 943
dual-pressure, 110f–111f
economics and, 108–109
equipment selection for, 620, 621t
exhaust systems and, 622
facility requirements for, 630, 630t
fuel for, 113, 114t–115t
gas-fired, 794
guaranteed values for, 787–788
integrated gasification, 117, 119f, 350–353, 356–359, 359f, 791f, 794, 795f
load cycling and, 627–636, 632t, 633f, 633t
modular strategies for, 109–119
plant configuration for, 619–620
plant design for, 624–627
power generation with, 619
startup of, 622–623, 634f
startup time optimization of, 624–627
steam turbine construction for, 622
thermal efficiency of, 783
thermal performance of, 623
thermodynamic processes in, 791t
trends in, 114–116
Combined cycle power plants (CCPPs), 129, 598
Combined diesel and gas turbine (CODAG), 27, 30f
Combined diesel electric and gas turbine (CODLAG), 27, 30f, 31
Combined diesel or gas turbine (CODOG), 27, 30f, 31
Combined gas turbine and gas turbine (COGAG), 27, 30f, 31
Combined heat and power (CHP), 12, 21f, 98, 100f, 217, 291, 302, 896
design point and, 943–944
fuel cells and, 849
large scale, 15–17
microturbines and, 843–844
small scale, 14–15
Combustion, 6
degradation, 743–744
efficiency and, 199, 209, 212f
emissions and, 214, 215f, 638–639, 783
fissions and, 209
intensity of, 209
process of, 199–201, 339
products of, 344–345, 583, 927–947
sequential, 610f, 777, 609–611
stability of, 209, 212f
system, commissioning and tuning of, 601
temperature of, 214, 215f
thrust distribution and, 354
Combustion chambers, 197–199, 200f
annular, 207–209, 210f, 403, 609
emissions controls and, 639
materials for, 209–216
multiple, 207, 208f
performance of, 209
sequential, 777
steam injection in, 608
thrust calculation and, 462, 464–465, 464f
turbo-annular, 207
water injection in, 436, 438f, 572–575, 575f, 576t
Combustion turbine (CT), 627–628, 631, 659, 661
thermodynamic processes in, 791t
Combustor module, 1–2, 175, 214–215, 396
component tests for, 817f
dual-fuel DLE, 218, 225f, 227f
emissions control and, 783
environmental regulations and, 175
flameless, 211–213, 663–664
fouling of, 698
inspection of, 673–674
low-NOx, 210–216
measurement of dynamics of, 222, 223f
nitrogen oxide emissions and, 785, 816
repairing, 728–729
two-stage, 785
Combustor starter, 421
Commissioning issues, 600–601
Community Choice Aggregation law, 908
Comparitor, 333
ceramic, See Ceramic components
manufacture, optimization of, 814
maps, 583
module-mounted, 272
performance parameters, 940
of steam turbines, 125–126, 155–156, 155f
testing, 817f
Component design point, 938
linear scaling and, 941
Component improvement program (CIP), 773, 907
Composites, 803, 811–812, 813f, 954
continuous fiber reinforces ceramic composites, 830
Compression, 6
ratio, 23
Compressor degradation, 742–743
Compressor differential pressure (CDP), 534
Compressor mass flow rate, 534
Compressor module, 1–2, 49, 94, 180–181
airflow control for, 196
airfoils for, 816
ATS development for, 588
axial, See Axial compressor
balancing, 197, 704–706, 705f
centrifugal, See Centrifugal compressor
fan blades for, 200f, 809f, 812f, 955, 957
fouling of, 476–477, 698–699, 947
inspection of, 673
intercooler in, 528
materials for, 196–197
operating conditions for, 195–196
pressure ratio and, 616f
replacing blades in, 784
thrust on, 354–355
water and modeling, 584
water injection in, 436, 437f, 573–574, 574t, 575f
Compressor–turbine matching, 239
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis, 207
Computer aided design (CAD), 805
Computer aided manufacture (CAM), 805
Computer based learning and teaching (COBALT), 867
Computer numerical control (CNC), 805, 808
TIG welding, 695
Computer simulation, 805
Concentrating solar power (CSP), 911t
Concorde, 39
Condensate polisher, 626
Condensate system, 631–633, 632t–633t, 635f
Condensation, 578–579, 584
Condition monitoring, 672–674
Condition monitoring system (CMS), 772
Confidence level, 789
Conglomerate culture, 773–774
Constant pressure (CP), specific heat at, 927, 933
for air, 934f
calculations with, 931
for kerosene, 932f
for natural gas, 934f
Constant static pressure mixing, 949
Continental Shelf Institute, 649
Continuous emission monitoring (CEM), 42, 218
Continuous fiber reinforces ceramic composites (CFCC), 830
Controlled shaft heating, 956–957
Controller testing, 565
Controls and instrumentation system (C&I), 500f, 684, 879f
aircraft, 487
aircraft integrated data system and, 507
components, 488–490
digital telemetry and, 526
electronic engine control and, 332–333
electronic indicating systems and, 507–508, 507f
fuel flow rate and, 505, 506f
fuel pressure and, 505
fuel temperature and, 505
land based, 508–513
laws, 488
modeling and, 528–531
oil temperature and, 504–505, 505f
parameters for, 486–487
principles and functions, 487–488
selection of, 486
synchronizing and synchrophasing and, 508
testing and, 437–465
turbojet instrument panel for, 499f
vibration and, 505–506, 506f
warning systems and, 506–507
wear monitoring in, 509
Controls, instrumentation, and diagnostics system (CID), 686
advances in, 513–521
parameters for, 486–487
selection of, 486
Cooldown, 627, 627t
Cooling, 206–207
accessory, 259
airflows for, 256–257, 260
bearing chamber, 258–259
direct, 611, 613, 613f, 617, 618f
disk, 748
design, 256
evaporative, 789–791
fire protection systems and, 431–435, 432f–434f
flame tube and, 201, 202f
generator, 260f, 466, 470, 470f–471f
heat recovery steam generator and, 636
indirect, 611, 612f, 613
injected, 928, 953
inlets and, 638–639, 789–792
interstage, 791–792
mass-transfer, 947–953
for oil, 267, 269f
systems, 17, 260f
Cooper RBB, 773
Cooper Rolls Coberra 6000, 22
Coordinate measuring machine (CMM), 814
Coriolis meters, 216
Correction curves, 788–789, 791f
thermodynamic processes and, 789, 791t
See also Degradation curves
fatigue, 629
hot, See Hot corrosion
Corrupt Practices Act, 781, 897
Cost per fired hour, 114
COST, 163
Cowlings, 753–754
Crack detection, 703
Crandall, Robert, 771
damage, 710
rate, 595, 823, 940
resistance, 824
rupture strength, 163–164, 166, 819f
strain rate, 595–596
Critical hull speed, 24
business success and, 770
conglomerate, 773–774
end-user/operator, 771–772
environmental technology and, 774–775
joint venture, 773–774
market entry monopoly and, 773
mergers and, 770
OEM/manufacturer, 772
repair and overhaul shop, 769–771
ruggedness and, 772–773
training and, 774, 861
Curvic coupling, 956f, 957–958
CUSUM plots, 567, 567f
Cycle analysis, 871
Cycle design parameters, 940
Cycle fatigue, 535, 596–597
Cycle matching, 570
Cycle modifications, 101, 104–106
Cycle optimization, 619–623
Cycle pressure ratio, 543
Cycle selection, 619–623
Cyclic life, See Low cycle fatigue


Daihatsu Diesel Manufacturing, 77t–83t
Daily start/stop (DSS) approach, 245
Darrieus, G., 42
De Laval bulb root, 238, 238f
Deaerating device, 264–265
Debottlenecking, 861
Decentralization, 899
Deep-groove ball bearings, 268
Defense applications, 497
air filtering system, 745
curves, 745–746, 789
external factors affecting, 744
fuel treatment, 745
gaseous fuel, 744
liquid fuel, 744
marine and offshore environment, 744
operations and LTSA, 746
recoverable and non-recoverable degradation, 745
reducing, 745–746
water, 744
Delavan, 396–398
Demand growth, 126
Denel, 88t–91t
Deregulation, 117, 162, 868, 880–882, 894, 896
Desalination, 903–904
Design cycle, 870–871, 871f
iterative nature of, 945
Design development, 782
cyclical nature of, 870–871, 871f
reliability and, 783–786
Design point
closed cycles and, 944
combined cycle and, 943
CHP and, 943–944
component, 938, 941
diagrams of, 941
engine, 345–346
engine performance parameters for, 938–940
exchange rates for, 941–942
first cut, 945
intercooled cycle and, 942–943
performance calculations and, 938
pressure ratio and, 940–941
recuperated cycle and, 942–943
simple cycle and, 942
Design problem, 871–872
Design process, concept, 944–946
Design requirements, 871–872
Development testing
steady state, 563–565
transient, 565–566
Diesel engines, 13, 20, 23–24, 27, 30f, 857, 866
cathedral, 24
high speed, 24
Diesel fuel, 340, 394, 395t, 396, 927, 929, 930f
kerosene burned with, 344
operation on, 386–388
Diffuser, 94, 156, 190, 193f
thrust calculation and, 462
thrust distribution and, 460
vanes of, 189
Digital telemetry, 513, 520–521
failure prevention and, 524
installation of, 526–528
instrumentation for, 526
monitoring with, 524–526
Dilution zone, 201
Dimethyl-ether (DME), 351, 351t
Direct drive, 2
alternator with, 856
Direct firing, 339–340
Directional solidification, 241
Discharge coefficient (CD), 560
Disk cooling, 748
Displacement hulls, 26
Dissolved oxygen (DO), 630
Distributed control system (DCS), 627–628, 636
Distributed power generation, 769, 868, 908
DME forum (JDF), 351
Doctoral degrees, 867t
Dongan Engine Manufacturing Company, 57t–76t
Drag, balance of forces for, 540f
Dresser-Rand, 77t–83t
Dry air, 929
composition of, 928–929, 929t
temperature-entropy diagram for, 931, 935f
Dry low-emission combustion system (DLE), 213f, 214–215, 218
Dual fuel
combustion systems, 205
operation, 600–601
Ducted fan, 8, 43, 47–49
Durand Special Committee on Jet Propulsion, 43
Dynamic head, 924, 928, 938
Dynamic pressure, 928
Dynamic temperature, 928
Dynamic viscosity, 343, 345, 928, 938


E.ON, 891
Ebara, 77t–83t
Economic dispatchability, 126
EDB/ELSAM, 849–850
Effective Perceived Noise deciBel (EPNdB), 296
Effective structural repair (ESR), 724–725, 730
adiabatic, 6
combustion, 199, 209, 212f
external, 535
internal, 535
isentropic, 931
mandates for, 912t
power generation and, 795, 796f
propeller, 539
propfans and, 48f
speed and, 544–545, 544f
steam turbines and, 620f
stoichiometric, 639
thermal, 256–257, 535, 939
turbine inlet temperature and, 776
turbojets and, 48f
turboprops and, 48f
Electrical power supply for fuel metering unit, 493
Electricity generation, See Power generation
Electro-chemical machining (ECM), 805, 809–811, 811f
Electro-discharge machining (EDM), 805, 811, 812f
Electrolytic etching, 803
Electrolytic grinding, 809–810
Electron beam welding, 803, 808, 810f
Electronic engine control, 332–333
Electronic indicating systems, 507–508, 507f
Electroplating, 704, 803
Electrostatic separation, 363–364, 365f, 366, 367t, 368f, 383, 385
Elements of Gas Turbine Propulsion (Mattingly), 870
Elf, 650, 899
Elf Enterprise Caledonia, 686
Elliott Energy Systems, 92t
Emerging fuel trends, 345–346
from coal as fuel, 641–642
effects on aircraft gas turbine engines, 639–642
reducing, 765–766
Emission factors
carbon monoxide, 640t
criteria pollutants, 641t–642t
greenhouse gases, 641t–642t
hazardous air pollutants, 643t–645t
nitrogen oxides, 640t
turbine design and, 123
Emissions activity category form, 664f
Emissions control
combustion and, 214–215, 215f, 638–639, 783
culture and, 774–775
intercooler and, 639
nitrogen oxides and, 210–216
permits, 663–664
postcombustion, 905
power generation and, 795–796, 796f–797f
retrofitting, 902
startup time and, 627, 629–630
strategies used for, 211–212
technologies for, 661–663
testing of, 564
trading, 211, 895
turbine inlet temperatures and, 210, 638–639, 774
Emissions legislation, 15–17, 24, 123, 175, 214, 353, 640t–645t, 659–663, 683–684, 897, 899, 902, 904, 908
nitrogen oxides and, 210
taxes and, 211, 781
trading and, 211, 895
trends in, 210, 213–214, 638b, 768, 868
Emissions removal, hydrogen turbines, 890
ENCAP, 656
Endurance test, 788
End-user groups, 175–176, 907
End-user/operator culture, 771–772
Energi E2, 656
Energy Action Plan, 908
Energy Action Plan II, 909
Energy and Biodiversity Initiative (EBI), 648–649
Energy installations, 762–764
enclosure, 762–763
intake system, 762
Energy efficiency mandates, 912t
concept design process, 944–946
condition indicators, 673–674
control, electronic, 332–333
cycle, 874–875
design point, See Design point
deterioration, 947
failure investigations, 566
health monitoring, 494
installation, 519–520
layout, 945
mountings, 752–753, 753f
preliminary design, 954–955
speed governor, 326, 329f–330f, 338, 436
speed indicator, 500–502, 503f
torque indicator, 499–500, 502f
Engine condition monitoring systems (ECMS), 280, 486, 534, 593, 671, 775, 768
Engine electronic controller (EEC), 491
Engine performance analysis (EPA), 870–872, 875–877, 876f
See also Performance analysis
Engine pressure ratio (EPR), 498–499, 501f
Engine section stator (ESS), 178–179
Engine supervisory control (ESC), 333
Engine test bed
altitude test facility, 549–550, 550f, 708, 708f
analysis calculations for, 568–571
auditing, 563
calibration of, 562
definitions for, 562
flying, 550, 708
indoor sea level jet, 548
indoor sea level shaft power, 547f, 548–549
indoor sea level thrust, 546–548, 547f
outdoor sea level thrust, 546, 547f
sea-level, 707–708, 708f
turboshaft gas generator, 548
types of, 546
Engineering criteria 2000 (EC 2000), 870–871, 877
Engineering degrees, 867t
Engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) contractor, 129, 598–601
Enron, 720
Enthalpy, changes in, 938
See also Specific enthalpy
Entropy, 931
See also Specific entropy
Environment, human activity and, 638
Environmental envelope, 914–923
aircraft and, 923
international standards for, 914
marine propulsion and, 922–923
mechanical drive and, 920–921
power generation and, 920–921
Environmental international caucuses, 904
Environmental Protection Act, 217
Environmental Protection Agency, 659
Environmental regulations
culture and, 774–775
production cost and, 792
trends in, 868
See also Emissions legislation
EPRI, 779
Equipment selection, gas turbines, 600
Equivalent air speed (VEAS), 924
Equivalent horsepower, See Total equivalent horsepower
Equivalent operating hours (EOH), 355, 627–628, 737
Erosion, 743
Error detection, 568
Esso, 775, 898–899
ESV2, 770–771
Etching, electrolytic, 803
ETH Zurich, 42
Ethane, 390–391
E-trading, 895
EU, 766
Energy Charter, 163
Eurojet, 57t–76t
European Gas Turbine (EGT), 217–218, 769, 802, 904
See also ABB Alstom Power, Alstom
Europrop International, 57t–76t
Evaporative cooling, 789–791
gas power, 939
heat recovery, 836
loss curves, 602–603
mass flow, 939
mixing, 296, 296f
silencer, 309
temperature, 527, 939
Exhaust gas temperature (EGT), 502–504, 687
Exhaust systems, 290–295
aircraft and, 290–295
combined cycle steam turbines and, 622
construction of, 294–295
inspecting, 674
noise and, 296
nozzles of, 296f–298f, 297–298
thrust calculation and, 463
turbojets and, 291
turboprops and, 291
Existing Plants, Emissions & Capture Research & Development (EPEC R&D) Program, 888
Expansion, 6
joints, 479–484
thermal, 479
External coating, 714–715
External efficiency, 535
Externals and engine build unit, 763–764
land-based and marine engines, installation of, 764
Extraction control valves, 156, 158f
Exxon 501-KB5, 824, 827f
Exxon Mobil, 900, 900t
Exxon Valdes (ship), 638
Exxon, 772


F class technology, 720–721
coatings and, 721, 721f
geometry of, 722
rejuvenation and, 722, 722f–723f
repair materials and, 723–727
repairing, 722–723
single crystal and DS materials in, 721–723, 721f, 724f
stripping and, 703
F/A-22 Raptor, 761
F6-F9-H11, 287–288
Fabrication, 807–808
Failure analysis, 855
business decisions and, 766
Fairey Microfiltrex, 833–834
Fan blade, 185
Fan casing, 187
and statics, 187–188
Fan cowl doors, 754
Fan disc, 185–186
Fan pressure ratio, 940
Fan rotor, 187
Fan system, 182–184
corrosion, 629
cycle, 535, 596–597
high cycle fatigue, 596, 737, 940
low cycle fatigue, 596, 597f, 598, 685, 723, 941
thermal-mechanical fatigue damage, 714
F-class gas turbine, 125
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), 671, 699–700, 720
Federal Express, 770
heating, 106, 139, 141
treatment, 635t, 636
Ferritic stainless steels, 171
FFT analysis, 670
Fiber Optic Vibration Monitor, 522
Filter systems, 279
dust and, 281
fuel, 363, 370
insects and, 281, 281f
metal-based, 830t, 833–834, 833f
offshore environments and, 282–283
oil, 272, 272f
pulse-jet, 280
rainfall and, 280–281
spin-tube, 282, 282f
tropical environments and, 280–282
two- and three-stage, 286–290
Financial trends, 887–912
Finex Oven Gas (FOG), 228, 232f
Finite element analysis (FEA), 595, 177
Fire protection systems
aircraft warnings and, 432, 506–507
containment methods for, 434
detection systems in, 432–434, 434f
engine fire prevention and, 432
external cooling and ventilation for, 432, 432f–433f
extinguishing systems in, 434–435, 435f
overheat detection and, 435
warning system and, 506–507
direct, 339–340
indirect, 339–340
First cut design points, 945
Fir-tree root, 238, 238f, 683, 690
Fischer-Tropsch (FT) reactor, 648
Fixed indirect cooling (FIC), 611
Flame out avoidance, 576
Flame stabilization, 201f, 214, 785
afterburning and, 444–446
Flame tube, 200–201, 207–209
annular combustion chamber and, 207–209
cooling of, 201, 202f, 204f
igniter plug in, 425
multiple combustion chambers and, 207
Flameless combustors, 211–213, 663–664
Flash point, 361
Flashback, 773
Fleet stagger, 700
Flight deck indicators, 672
Flight envelope, 914, 924–927, 925f
Flight speed, 924–927
Floating Production, Storage and Offloading ship (FPSO), 10, 865f
Flow control unit (FCU), 320
Flue gas desulfurization (FGD), 684
Fluorescent testing, 703
Fly ash, 890
Flying test bed (FTB), 761–762
Fogging, inlet, 789–791
Foreign object damage (FOD), 680, 775, 784
maintenance and, 595
resistance to, 175–177
Forging, 803, 805, 805f
Form drag, 24
Fossil fuels, 893, 900, 903
Fouling, 743
of combustor module, 698
of compressor module, 476–477, 698–699, 947
Fracking, 345–346, 889
Free power turbine, 5f, 13, 22, 96, 97f, 192f, 233
Free stream total pressure, 924
Free stream total temperature, 924
Front bearing housing (FBH), 178–179
advanced turbines and, 124
analysis of, 372–373, 374t–375t, 376f, 383, 866
autoignition measurement for, 389–394, 391f, 393f
autoignition modeling for, 388–394
boiling and, 339
calorific value of, 338, 338f, 341
changing, 337–338
chemistry of, 929
contamination control for, 339
controls for, 372–373
density of, 341–343, 345, 361
design and, 941
distribution, 205
economic conditions and strategy for, 346–347
filtering, 363, 370
financial factors and, 693
flash point of, 361
flow rate of, 505
forwarding, 378
gas turbine, 338–339
gaseous, 350t
heating, 337
incompatibility of, 361
independence, 907
liquid energy flow measurement of, 556–557
low-btu gases, 101, 351–352, 352t
maintenance and, 691–693
metering system, 214–216, 397–398
nonconventional, 355–356, 358f
power generation and, 792, 792f
pressure of, 345, 505
prices of, 796–797, 798t
properties of, 341–343, 349–353, 339–341
pumps, 333–337, 334f, 493
purchase agreement, 117
purification of, 363
refining, 360f, 362
requirements for, 338–339
separation methods for, 363–366, 365f–366f
specific gravity of, 338f, 341–343, 342f, 345
shutoff, 216, 869
specifications of, 354, 384–385
stability of, 361
storage of, 372, 383
synthesis exchange rates of, 344
system design and, 349–353
technologies for, 902–904
temperature of, 505
testing, 691–693
trace metals in, 360, 360t
treatment of, 354, 360–379, 364f, 384f
types of, 339–341
unconventional, 345–359
vanadium inhibition for, 363, 370, 371f
vaporizer, 398–399
venting, 216
viscosity of, 342f–343f, 343, 361
washing, 363, 368–373, 369f, 383
water mixed with, 401, 403
. See also specific fuels
Fuel air ratio, 928–931, 930f, 932f–934f
Fuel cell flexible (FCF) turbine, 847–848, 848f
Fuel cells, 768, 835–840, 896
combined heat and power and, 849
flow requirements for, 855–856
heat exchangers v., 845f
pressure ratios for, 847
stack pressurization for, 845
Fuel consumption, 545–546
afterburning and, 450–451, 451f
Fuel control systems
acceleration and speed control for, 327–330, 328f, 338
altitude and, 319, 319f
flow control for, 324–327, 325f
pressure control for, 320–322, 321f, 323f
pressure ratio control for, 330–332, 331f
turboprops and, 318
Fuel flow distributor, 337, 337f
Fuel flow measurement, 556–557
Fuel flow regulator (FFR), 327, 330–333
Fuel heating value (FHV), 556–558
Fuel injector, 201, 397f
industrial and marine, 205
Fuel metering unit (FMU), 492–497
actuation, 493
bleed valves, 493
electrical power supply, 493
engine health monitoring, 494
fuel pumps, 493
indication systems, 493–494
position measurement, 496
pressure sensors, 495–496
rotor speed sensors, 496
safety and availability, 497
sensors, 494
software, 493
temperature sensors, 494–495
vibration, 496
Fuel oil, 402t
blended, 382–383, 382f
intermediate, 382–383, 382f
treated, 381–382
treating, 370
See also Diesel fuel
designer, 205
Fuel system, 320f
control of, 319–333, 498
flow measurement and, 215–216
hydrogen turbines, 890
low-pressure, 333, 334f
parts of, 318
pumps for, 333–337
variables and versatility of, 890
Full authority digital engine control (FADEC), 332, 490
Full coverage film cooling (FCFC), 816
Full electric propulsion (FEP), 27
Full flow lubrication system, 263–264, 264f
Future business trends, 893–900
FutureGen project, 766, 835


Gamma exponent, 938
Gas constant, 927, 930–931, 930f, 930t, 938
Gas generator, 1–2, 96–97
Gas island, 117
Gas lobby, See Lobbying
Gas path analysis, 689
repairs anticipation with, 691
Gas pipelines, 22
Gas properties, 927–928
Gas turbine change unit (GTCU), 272
Gas Turbine Users Association (GTUA), 175, 773
Gas turbines (GTs), 102f, 124–125, 131, 406
acoustic treatment of, 299–300
adjusting, 675
aeroderivative, 2–5, 17, 20, 22, 30, 99–101, 275, 389, 801
aeroengine, 6–8
aircraft applications of, 2, 31–40, 878–880, 923
aircraft installation of, 749–762
applications versatility of, 2–6
assembling, 706–707, 707f, 955f, 956–957
automotive applications or, 22–24, 922
basic manufacture of, 803–812
calculating thrust of, 461–465
cleaning, 693, 702–703
closed cycle, 20–21, 98, 99f, 107f, 340, 944
configurations of, 94–101
control of, 319
cowlings over, 753–754
cycles of, 101–119
design priorities for, 176–177
development of, 41–42, 119–120, 887
disassembly of, 701–702, 956f, 957
economics and design of, 173–177
emissions status of, 638
enclosures for, 300, 309–315
evolution of, 119–121, 121f
exhaust systems of, 287f–288f, 290–297, 296f–298f, 463, 622, 674
family tree for, 7f
flexible connectors in, 307–308
fuel cell flexible, 847–848, 848f
fuels for, 338–339
future trends in, 887
global fleet of, 56–92
heavyweight, 17, 20, 99–101
history of, 3, 6
industrial, 5, 802, 920–921
industrial mechanical drive applications of, 22
ingestion tests for, 563–564
inlet to, 280–285
land-based, 1–6, 508–513, 763f, 764, 801
life extension of, 737–742
manufacturers of, 3, 5
marine applications of, 3–5, 10, 16f, 24–31, 764, 922–924
markets for, 111f
mechanical arrangement of, 46f, 47
micro, 3
modular concept for, 180–217, 180f, 671–672, 701
new models of, 119–120, 120t
noise sources in, 296–299, 298f
noise suppression for, 295–300
offshore platforms and, 865f
operating principles of, 2
operational modes of, 2–3
peak power rating of, 5
performance testing of, 788
performance verification of, 533
personal, 769
power generation applications of, 13–20
power of, 2
ramp rate of, 626, 635t
reciprocating engines v., 3f
recuperated, 852
rivals to, 900–902
schematic of, 2f
selection/specification of, 121–122, 775
sequential combustion, 610f, 777, 609–611
simple cycle, 13
as starter units, 421–422, 426f
startup time and, 629–630
steam injected, 608–618
storage of, 708, 709f
transportation of, 708, 709f
upgrading, 121, 814–820
uses of, 1
vibration potential of, 295
working cycle of, 2f–3f, 6
See also Combustion turbine
Gaseous fuel, 744
Gas-fired power plants, 794
Gasoline, 395t
GE 7EA, 355, 598, 722, 724f, 725–728, 726f, 731
GE 7FA, 119, 120t, 122t
GE 7FB, 119, 121
GE 90, 772–773
GE 9F, 780
GE 9FB, 121
GE CF6-80C2, 671, 781
GE CFM 56, 680, 771, 775, 802
GE Energy, 77t–83t
GE F404, 772
GE Frame 3, 598, 686, 720, 775
GE Frame 5, 175, 177, 355, 534, 683, 686, 690, 720, 775, 778
GE Frame 6, 355
GE Frame 7, 5, 175, 534, 778
GE Frame 7F, 727–729, 727f–728f
GE Frame 9, 5
GE Frame 9F, 680
GE I-A, 43, 953–954
GE LM1600, 686, 731
GE LM2500, 177, 671, 686, 779, 895, 905
GE LM6000, 906
GE MS7001EA, 734–735
GE Oil & Gas (Nuovo Pignone), 77t–83t
GE Speedtronic Mark V, 686
GE T-700, 772, 954, 957–958
GE/Schenectady TG-100, 43
Gearbox, 2, 10, 262
GEC, 905
GEC Alstom, 897
Gemini, 906
General Dynamics, 775, 780
General Electric, 42–43, 119, 121, 355, 533, 619, 621t, 766, 771, 775, 802, 866–867, 897, 953–954
advanced diffusion healing by, 724–725, 730
aircraft engines made by, 57t–76t
financing by, 775, 906
India market entered by, 897
licensing by, 905
General Electric CF6, 6, 11f, 776
General Electric CF6-80C2, 4–5
General Electric Energy Rentals, 906
General Electric LM2500, 4–5, 22
General Electric LM6000, 4–5
General Electric Outage Optimizer, 906
General Electric TF39, 11f
Generators, 465f, 467f
bearings in, 468, 468f
configuration of, 465
control of, 473–474
cooling of, 260f, 466, 470, 470f–471f
design of, 465, 467–470
excitation system in, 466, 472–473, 472f
operating, 474
standby, 12–13
stators of, 467, 467f–468f
testing, 473, 474t
See also Turbogenerator
Genting Corporation, 896
Geologic sequestration, 643
Geothermal energy, 909, 911t
GE-P&W Engine Elliance, 57t–76t
Gland seals, 158, 159f, 274
Glass bead peening, 697
Gloster E28139, 31
Goodman Diagram, 596, 596f
Governing valves, 156, 157f
Governor spill valve, 322
Gravimetric monitoring, 652–653
Green, Andrew, 23
GRI mechanism, 388–390
Grinding, electrolytic, 809–810
Griffith, A. A., 42, 451
Ground indicators, 673–674
Ground testing, 676–677, 678f
GTAP, 597–598
GT–J models, 835
Guarantee points, 905
Guillame, 31
Gulf, 772


H A L, Engine Division, 57t–76t, 88t–91t
Hail, See Ice ingestion
Hamilton Sundstrand, 84t–91t
Hard particle LPM, 730, 735–737
See also LZN
Harrier, 39, 451, 452f
Hastelloy, 42
Hastelloy X, 833–834
Haven, Brenda (Lt. Col.), 871
Haynes Stellite, 42
Hazardous air pollutants (HAP), 659, 661
emission factors for, 643t–645t
Head, dynamic, 924, 928, 938
Head up display (HUD) system, 494
Heat exchanger, 20–21
Heat pumps, 895, 900–901
Heat rate, 139, 600, 619, 939
Heat recovery steam generator (HRSG), 13–15, 98–99, 100f, 108–109, 114–116, 121, 127, 131, 134, 163, 348–349, 356, 381–382, 387f, 535, 593, 624–625, 660
combined cycle performance and, 623
cooling system and, 636
corrosion fatigue and, 629
load cycling issues for, 628–629
modeling, 582–583
operation of, 386–388
performance testing of, 787
startup time and, 624–626
steam injection and, 611
thermal cycling and, 559
thermal stress and, 628–629
thermodynamic processes in, 791t
water chemistry and, 630
Heat sink, 124t
thermodynamic processes in, 791t
Heat treatment, 803
Heating value, 341, 687
formulas for, 344–345
See also Calorific value
Heavy fuel oil (HFO), 361–362
Heavy metals, 890
Heavy oil, 114t–115t, 119, 355, 355t, 361
operation on, 386–388
Heavyweight engines, 17, 20, 99–101
Heinkel He 176, 31
Heinkel He S-3b, 31
Helicopter control systems, 497
Helium, 20
Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Pollution (HMIP), 217
Herbold, Robert, 867
Hero’s engine, 44, 44f
Hertzian stress, 856
High cycle fatigue (HCF), 596, 737, 940
cracking, 713–714
High Efficiency Fossil Power Plants (HEFPP), 844, 847
High Efficiency Fuel Cell Power Plant program, 856
High pressure air cooler (ACHP), 611–613
High speed diesel engines, 24
High-pressure (HP) compressor, 185
Hitachi, 77t–83t
HMS Grey Goose, 24
Horsepower, thrust v., 539
Hot components
life assessment of, 738, 739f
life extension of, 740–742
maintenance and upgrading of, 737–738, 738f, 739t
Hot corrosion, 683, 715–716, 594
on internal surfaces, 717–718
Hot gas ingestion, 260–261
Hot gas path (HGP), 737
maintenance for components in, 737–738, 738f
Hot gas path inspection (HGPI), 737
protection plan, 907
Hot isostatic press (HIP), 814, 954
Hot section inspections (HSI), 534, 671, 907
Hovercraft, 27–31, 28t
Howmet, 724–725, 730
HP/IP structure, 179–180
HR6W, 171, 171t
HSDE, 671, 685
HSDE Digicon, 686–687
HSDE Digitrend, 686
Huff and puff filter, See Pulse-jet-type filter
altitude and, 923f
ambient temperature and, 922f
engine performance and, 571–572, 572t, 573f
measuring, 561–562
relative, 914–920, 922f
specific, 914–920, 922f
Hush kits, 779
Hybrid electric vehicles, 24, 27f
Hybrid power systems, 836, 896
cycle parameters for, 855t
gas turbine/MFCF, 855t
gas turbine/SOFC, 837–839, 840f, 849–853, 849f–853f, 853t, 855t, 856, 857t
improvements in, 857
performance of, 27f, 857–858, 858t
pressure ratios and, 847
turbogenerator for, 853–859
Hydraulic fluid, 159–161
Hydraulic seals, 260
Hydrodynamic drag, 24
Hydroelectric power, 909, 911t
Hydrogen, 341, 349–350
embrittlement from, 770
refinery gases rich in, 228
Hydrogen turbines, 889
carbon capture, 890
emissions removal, 890
energy/fuels pie chart, 891
fracking, 889
fuel system variables and versatility, 890
technologies, improvement of, 889–890


Ice ingestion, 280, 579
modeling, 581
Ice protection systems
cycle for, 431, 431f
electrical, 430–431, 430f
key areas for, 429f
Iceland’s E15 volcano eruption, 640–641
IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme, 648–649
Igniters, 205–206
Ignition and starting systems, See Starting and ignition systems
Ignition unit, 423–425, 427f–428f
IGTI, 767–768, 772, 895
Impact damage, 716–717
Impellers, 190, 192f
Improved oil recovery (IOR), 649, 656–657
carbon dioxide-based, 650, 657–658
subsea, 658
Impulse/reaction turbine, 236, 236f
Independent overhaul contractors, 907
Independent power producers (IPP), 117, 803, 892, 894, 898–899, 905
merchant power producers, 899
negotiation risk and, 780
OEMs becoming, 766
options for, 896–897
project development and, 780–781
India, 897
Indian Air, 771
Indicated air speed (VIAS), 924
Indirect firing, 339–340
Industrial fuel injectors, 205
In-flight recorders, 673
Influence coefficient method, 947, 949
Infrastructure, 898–900
Ingersoll Rand (IR), 840
Inlet guide vane (IGV), 126–127, 135, 683, 691
Inlets, 279
air refrigeration, 789–791
air filtration at, 299–300
cooling air to, 638–639
cooling devices for, 789–792
conditions, 914
fogging, 789–791
water injection and, 436, 437f
hot section, 534
intervals for, 355, 355t
manufacture and, 812–814
overhaul and, 701–708
regular, 534
aircraft engine, 749–762
digital telemetry and, 526–528
land based engine, 763f, 764
marine engine, 764
performance and, 923, 947
turbo-props and, 749
Installation pressure losses, 914, 923–924, 947
aircraft engines and, 924
automotive engines and, 924
industrial engines and, 924
marine engines and, 924
Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers (IEEE), 848–849
Instrumentation and controls, See Controls and instrumentation system (C&I)
Insulating blanket, 289f, 294
aircraft installation and, 749–752
compression, 752f
condensation and, 578–579
fuselage, 751f, 753f
ground testing and, 676
inspecting, 674
pitot-type, 750, 750f
ram effect and, 749–750
variable throat area, 752, 752f, 759
wing leading edge, 751f
Integrated coal gasification combined cycle, 794, 795f
Integrated electric drive (IED), 27
Integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC), 117, 119f, 346, 350–353, 356–359, 359f, 794, 795f
pre-combustion CO2 capture, 645
thermodynamic processes in, 791t
See also Combined cycle
Integrated High Performance Turbine Engine Technology (IHPTET), 953–954
Integrated Pollution Control (IPC), 217–219
Intercooled cycle, 937f, 942–943
Intercooler, 98, 99f, 528, 530, 534, 781
condensation and, 578–579, 584
emissions control and, 639
Intercooling, 105–106, 107f
InterGen, 900
Intermediate fuel oil (IFO), 382–383, 382f
Intermediate-pressure (IP)
compressor, 185
rotor, 178–179
Internal air system, 256–262
airflow pattern, 256f
Internal deposits, 718
Internal efficiency, 535
Internally coated surfaces, 717
International Aero Engines AG, 57t–76t
International Aero Engines V2500, 680, 771–775, 802
consortium producing, 774
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 904
International Maritime Organisation (IMO), 24
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 914, 923
International Standard Atmosphere (ISA), 914
Interstage bleeds, 194, 196
Interstage cooling, 791–792
Interturbo (Zao Interturbo), 77t–83t
Investment casting, 803, 805–807, 807f
IPIECA, 648–649
Isentropic efficiency, 931
Ishikawajima-Harime, 57t–76t


Japanese Aeroengine Consortium (JAEC), 802
V2500 and, 774
JDF, See DME forum
Jet fuel starters, 40
Jet pipe, 95–97
afterburning and, 441–451, 444f–445f
ground testing and, 676
mounting of, 752–753
pressure in, 447–448
thrust calculation and, 461
thrust reversers and, 439
See also Propelling nozzle
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