Establishing the Enterprise Portfolio

The enterprise portfolio is the full set of projects that is stored on your project server. Individual project managers initially add their projects to the project server and then they check their own projects out and in. Team members might participate on one, two, or more projects in the enterprise portfolio at one time, or transition from one to another over time. Executives, portfolio managers, and other managing stakeholders can review aspects of some or all projects in the portfolio.

Individual project managers are responsible for adding projects to the project server. They can create a new enterprise project entirely from scratch. They can also import a local project; that is, one they’ve been working on that’s stored on their own computer or elsewhere on the network. Importing a local project essentially copies the project to the project server, and that copy becomes the live enterprise version.

After a project is added to the project server, it is considered published to the enterprise. The new enterprise project becomes available to be viewed and checked out by users with the proper permissions.


Project managers needing more information about creating a new enterprise project can refer to the section titled Saving a New Enterprise Project to the Server in Chapter 22. For more information about importing an existing project, refer to the section titled Importing a Local Project to the Server in Chapter 22.

If a published project is checked out by a project manager or other user, and you need to check it in (usually because of some extenuating circumstance), you can force a project check-in as follows:

  1. In the Project Web Access Quick Launch task bar, click Server Settings.

  2. Under Database Administration, click Force Check-In Enterprise Objects.

  3. In the Select The Type Of Object You Want To Force Check-In box, click Enterprise Projects.

    All projects that are currently checked out are listed in the table.

  4. Select the check boxes for the projects you want to check in. Then click Check In.

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