Appendix E. About the Authors

Teresa S. Stover is a technical communications consultant who specializes in Microsoft Project and project management. She started up Stover Writing Services in 1987, and ever since she has been managing projects having to do with user assistance or instruction: online help, training curriculum, multimedia productions, and Web content. Clients have included Apple Computer, National Semiconductor, Boeing, MetLife, Unisys, and the Puyallup School District. Most significantly, she has worked with the Microsoft Project product team for every release since Project 4.0 in the early 1990s.

Having won several awards from the Society for Technical Communications, including a Best In Show, Teresa has written a number of other books including titles on Windows, Office, Team Manager, and Microsoft Money.

Teresa is typically planted in her Victorian home office in southern Oregon, but she sometimes tears herself away to conduct workshops on computer, business, and project management topics. She is also a disaster volunteer for the American Red Cross, participates in "disobedience" trials with Draco the wonder German Shepherd Dog, and plays store some Saturdays at her husband’s shop, Stovepipe Antiques.

Learn more at Teresa’s Web site Teresa also welcomes e-mails from readers sent to .

Bonnie Biafore has always been good at getting things done, but a few decades passed before she realized that she was "Managing Projects." Now, with a Project Management Professional Certification (PMP) from the Project Management Institute (PMI), she runs her own company, MonteVista Solutions, Inc., offering project management and training services to clients in a variety of industries.

On a parallel course, writing and ferocious editing have been a lifelong habit. She’s written award-winning books about project management, investing, and several commercial software programs (Microsoft Project, Quicken, QuickBooks, and Visio). Bonnie is also a regular contributor of project management articles to Microsoft’s Work Essentials Web site.

When she isn’t meeting deadlines, she cooks gourmet meals, hikes in the nearby mountains, or makes jewelry. You can learn more about Bonnie and her books at her Web site,

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