turmeric tonic latte

This is one of our all-time favorite herbal teas. Packed with turmeric, the inflammation-fighting spice, this latte makes a robust and creamy treat while on the Conscious Cleanse.

Yield 1 serving
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes

1 cup Coconut Milk

1 rounded tsp minced fresh turmeric

½ rounded tsp minced fresh ginger

¼ tsp freshly ground black pepper

1 cinnamon stick

1 tsp coconut oil

1 tbsp honey, or 1 packet stevia (optional; use stevia for low sugar)

1   In a small saucepan, heat the coconut milk, turmeric, ginger, pepper, cinnamon stick, and coconut oil over medium heat, whisking frequently for 4 minutes or until hot.

2   Remove the cinnamon stick, and transfer the mixture to a high-speed blender. Add honey or stevia, if using, and blend on high for 1 to 2 minutes or until frothy. Pour into a mug with the cinnamon stick, and serve.


Be careful when blending hot liquids. Always use the blender lid and cap, and as an extra precaution, we like to place a kitchen towel over the top, too.


We love this tea so much, we partnered with The Tea Spot to craft our very own tea line. Try their Organic Turmeric Tonic tea blend in place of the fresh spices called for here.

turmeric tonic latte

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