get into the conscious cleanse mindset

A “conscious cleanse” is one during which you gain deeper and deeper self-awareness and personal insights, while simultaneously undertaking a gentle detoxification of your system. This profound combination is the number-one reason why the Conscious Cleanse is the last program you’ll ever need. Our goal is to give you a framework that sets you up for optimal health and healing, extraordinary longevity, and vibrant health—for the rest of your life. While this may sound like a lofty goal, it works because of the Conscious Cleanse mindset. So please, leave behind your diet mentality and toss out your scale because there is no calorie restriction or any strict food rules to follow on the Conscious Cleanse. There is no starving or depriving yourself, either. But there are also no shortcuts to success. The work must be done, but with the right mindset, the work—as well as the results—can be joyful.


There’s no better way to slow down and bring yourself into the present moment than by taking a deep breath. Breathe in. Breathe out. When you remember to breathe, you pause, and in the pause, you create an opening to start to notice how you feel in your body. Let’s give it a try, shall we? Breathe in ... how do you feel in your body right now? Breathe out ... what part of your body is calling or speaking to you? Is it your stomach, your lower back, your throat, your head? Your body communicates with you through signs, symptoms, and sensations. Tension is a great teacher. Your pain is the path. Take another deep breath, close your eyes, and, just for a moment, tune in, and listen to the wisdom that your body holds.


The Conscious Cleanse includes an abundance of foods. Fresh fruits, like apples, pears, and blueberries. Nonstarchy vegetables, like cucumbers, carrots, broccoli, sprouts, and beets. Dark leafy greens, like spinach, romaine, arugula, and kale. Healthy fats, like olives, avocados, and cold-pressed olive oil. The list goes on—raw nuts and seeds; beans and legumes; starchy vegetables, like sweet potatoes and butternut squash; nongluten grains, like quinoa and brown rice; wild-caught fish; and organic, grass-fed meats, including bison and lamb. When you find yourself mentally stewing or obsessing over foods that are not on the Conscious Cleanse, gently bring your focus and attention back to the foods you can eat.


Have you ever uttered the words, “Ugh, I’ve fallen off the wagon,” or “I’ve got to get back on the wagon”? This is an old mentality that must let go of if you are going to free yourself from yo-yo dieting. Ditching the wagon means that you learn from your so-called “slip-ups” when they happen without adding any extra guilt or shame. It means that if you happen to have a few bites of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, you catch yourself in the moment, acknowledge it, take a deep breath, and get curious about what else might be going on. Are you feeling overwhelmed, stressed, sad, lonely, or simply tired? Pre–Conscious Cleanse, you may have eaten the whole pint, telling yourself, “Screw it, I’ll start over tomorrow.” This is the cycle of guilt and shame that many of us have learned to overcome. The truth is, you don’t need to start over tomorrow. Just make a better choice next time if need be. You’ve got this!


Ready to take a deep dive into self-inquiry? It’s time to take off the blinders and become an active participant in your own healing journey. And make no mistake, we all have work to do. At the core of the Conscious Cleanse is the willingness to look at all the ways in which we block ourselves from attaining what we say we want. Before you eat or drink anything, take a slow, deep, centering breath, and ask your body, “Will this food help me feel more vibrant?” Listen from your heart for the answers. Get curious about how you eat, not just what you eat. Do you eat while scrolling through social media or while multitasking? Once you are finished eating, tune into your body again. If you feel energized and gas-free, you’re on the right track. On the other hand, if you feel tired or gassy, or develop a headache or a stomachache, those are signs that the food you ate (or the way in which you consumed it) was not ideal for you.

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