
Hey, there! We’re Jo and Jules, the cofounders of the Conscious Cleanse. If you’re like us, you’ve probably read more than your fair share of diet books. You likely have a kitchen cabinet full of beautiful cookbooks that you’ve hardly cracked—ones you purchased hoping for weight loss, glowing skin, more energy, and less pain. But alas, here you are, feeling subpar, while the cookbooks sit and collect dust.

Well, we have good news for you! You don’t need another diet! And after devouring this cookbook, you won’t need another cookbook either. You may want one for ideas and inspiration, but you won’t need it.

When we created the Conscious Cleanse nearly 10 years ago, our goals were to teach people about getting back to the basics of eating real food and to help them identify food allergies and sensitivities, ultimately empowering them to become their best selves. After leading tens of thousands of people through our program, we know that it works. We also know that the single most powerful skill you can learn when it comes to taking charge of your health and making a sustainable lifestyle change is learning to make simple, nutrient-dense, home-cooked meals.

Our goal with The Conscious Cleanse Cookbook is simple—to get you in the kitchen, experimenting, cooking, chopping, peeling, tossing, grilling, and baking! Notice we put “experimenting” first. We want you to approach the recipes in this cookbook like an experiment: be curious, have fun, and above all else, forget the notion that every meal has to be a masterpiece. Once you start trying the recipes, you’ll be pleasantly surprised to find that making healthy food can be both simple and delicious. Amazing things happen when you stock your kitchen with high-quality ingredients and cook with fresh produce. So, let go of the idea that you have to be perfect, dig in and get your hands dirty, and trust that you are in the right place.

No matter how many times you’ve found yourself grabbing a quick lunch from the drive-thru, shoveling in the kids’ leftovers, or taking down a pint of ice cream, there is another way forward—one that’s ripe with hope and possibility, and one that won’t require you to spend all day in the kitchen. We know you’re busy and have a lot of demands on your time. We get it! That’s why the majority of the recipes in this book are quick and easy, without sacrificing flavor and nutrition.

Are you ready to get started? Are you ready to experience the wonders and the joys of vibrant health? We’re so glad you’re here, and we can’t wait for you to dive into the recipes. If you have any questions or feedback at all, we would love to hear from you. Email us at [email protected] or visit our website,, for lots of free resources and access to our amazing online membership community.

With love from our kitchens to yours,
Jo and Jules

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