heavy metals be gone juice

This powerhouse juice is good preventive medicine. Not for the uninitiated, this super green juice will chelate toxic heavy metals and help to detox the liver and the kidneys.

Yield 1 quart
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time None

2 lemons, peeled

1 bunch spinach

½ bunch dandelion greens

1 cucumber

1 head celery

1 bunch fresh cilantro

1 bunch fresh Italian (flat-leaf) parsley

In a juicer, combine all ingredients. Pour into a Mason jar, and enjoy immediately.

cardio booster juice

Beets are good for building the blood, which is amazing for boosting cardiovascular health and supercharging a workout! And if liver detox is what you’re looking for, beet juice is the answer.

Yield 2½ cups
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time None

2 medium beets, trimmed and scrubbed

1large bunch celery

1large bunch spinach

1 green apple

1 lemon, peeled

In a juicer, combine all ingredients. Pour into a Mason jar, and enjoy immediately.

jules’ go-to green juice

This green juice is the non-negotiable foundation of Jules’ wellness plan. Hydrating and alkalizing, it’s loaded with enzymes and easily absorbed. It’s like high-speed nutrition delivered right to your cells.

Yield 1 quart
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time None

½ cucumber

6 large kale leaves, with stems

4 collard leaves

½ bunch fresh Italian (flat-leaf) parsley

1 head romaine lettuce

1 head celery

In a juicer, combine all ingredients. Pour into a Mason jar, and enjoy immediately.

spicy greens juice

Looking for a little kick from your green juice? This juice utilizes the stalks from the broccoli bunch that many would toss in the compost. It’s clean and simple, delivering hydration, minerals, and vitamins while also boosting digestion.

Yield 1 quart
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time None

2 small lemons, peeled

1 head celery

1 cucumber

2 stalks broccoli

½ bunch kale

½ bunch fresh Italian (flat-leaf) parsley

2–2½-in piece fresh ginger

In a juicer, combine all ingredients. Pour into a Mason jar, and enjoy immediately.

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