Chapter 10. Rigid Body Physics with Box2D

In this chapter, we will cover the following recipes:

  • Introducing Box2D
  • Introducing more complex shapes
  • Introducing joints
  • Real-life joints example – bike simulator
  • Reacting to collisions
  • Sensors and collision filtering
  • Querying the world
  • Building a physics world from level data
  • Implementing a deferred raycaster
  • The fixed timestep approach


The path to reach this chapter has been long. Coding sessions and headaches have turned you into a master of the Libgdx subsystems, but there is still one important topic that resists your reign: Box2D physics.

Do not be afraid, brave knight, because as a man of action, this chapter brings you a lot of practical content to dominate and just the necessary theoretical physics concepts to rise you to develop the ultimate game.

Samples will be very interactive and enjoyable. Tweaking and adapting their code for your own purposes can be very useful for learning.

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