Developing your own map loaders and renderers

What if Tiled or any of the other supported editors do not suit your needs? After all, they are all based on tiles and not all games use the same approach for their levels. Take the popular game Braid, for example, where levels are made of nonsquare images. You might want to use a different tool to edit levels or even roll out your own editor!

Luckily enough, Libgdx's 2D maps API is fully extensible. That is the beauty of this framework: simple, clean, and extensible. It does not impose a single way of doing things.

Throughout this recipe, you will learn how to easily add full support for bespoke level formats.

Getting ready

This recipe does not come with a code sample, so you do not need to prepare anything special before carrying on. Nevertheless, it is highly advisable that you understand all the concepts previously explained in this chapter.

How to do it…

Let's say you want to use an editor that is currently not supported by Libgdx. You will have to write your own MapLoader and MapRenderer implementations.

Let's cover level loading now. Pay attention to the features your editor supports and how the export format works. Once that is clear, ask yourself the following question: can I support everything I need with the built-in map classes?

The documentation for the maps package in Libgdx can be found by visiting

If the answer is no, then you need to extend them and add new ones when necessary.

Now, imagine we have a custom-level editor we want to support in our Libgdx game. We create a CustomMap class that extends Map. You can add whatever Map is missing to support all the features your editor offers:

public class CustomMap extends Map {

We need a CustomMapLoader class that can give us CustomMap instances from FileHandle. It would also be nice to support AssetLoader for nice asynchrony and reference counting, so we will make it extend the AssynchronousAssetLoader class. For more details about asset handling, please refer to Chapter 7, Asset Management:

public class CustomMapLoader extends AsynchronousAssetLoader<CustomMap, CustomMapLoader.Parameter> {
public static class Parameter extends AssetLoaderParameters<CustomMap> {
   public CustomMapLoader(FileHandleResolver resolver) {
   public CustomMap load (String fileName, Gleed2DMapLoader.Parameters parameters) {
   public void loadAsync(AssetManager manager, String fileName, FileHandle file, Parameters parameter) {

   public CustomMap loadSync(AssetManager manager, String fileName, FileHandle file, Parameters parameter) {

   public Array<AssetDescriptor> getDependencies(String fileName, FileHandle file, Parameters parameter) {

Finally, we need to tell our AssetManager class that CustomMapLoader is the one responsible for dealing with CustomMap objects:

assetManager.setLoader(CustomMap.class, new CustomMapLoader(new InternalFileHandle));

Obviously, the actual loading of the level will depend on the format you are dealing with. Do not fear to dive into other Libgdx loaders at to learn from them.

Great! You have your fantastic level loader and you are wondering how to get it on the screen. Add a CustomMapRenderer class that implements the MapRenderer interface.

The setView() method is typically used to set the SpriteBatch projection matrix. This will determine which parts of the map are going to be visible on the screen. It has two versions: one takes a camera while the other takes a projection matrix and the view bounds.

Override the render() method to draw all the visible layers by iterating through all their entities. It can take an optional array of layer indices that will determine the layers that will be rendered as well as the order in which that will happen. The code is as follows:

public class CustomMapRenderer implements MapRenderer {

   public CustomMapRenderer(CustomMap map) {

   public void setView(OrthographicCamera camera) {

   public void setView(Matrix4 projectionMatrix, float viewboundsX,
float viewboundsY, float viewboundsWidth, float viewboundsHeight) {

   public void render() {

   public void render(int[] layers) {

Keep in mind that you will have to be careful in order to make rendering fast enough. Something you should always try to achieve is to only render what is on screen. Do not try to draw all the objects in every layer every single frame, for that is absolute madness! Study other renderers at to see how they are implemented.

Brilliant! You just added full support to a new level format to Libgdx. Consider contributing back to the community!

There's more…

Here are a few options you might want to consider:

  • Gleed2D: This is the open source Windows-only nontiled-based editor. The project is no longer active but you might make good use of it. The editor supports the standard lot: layers, properties, textures, and shapes. Levels are saved in an easy-to-read XML format. It is available at
  • Inkscape: This is the open source cross-platform vector graphics editor. Besides the classic geometric shapes, you can import your own bitmaps as well. Additionally, it supports layering. Inkscape exports to SVG, which is nothing more than plain old XML. Be careful because the schema is not easy to handle. It is available at
  • Ogmo: This is the open source Windows-only tiled-based editor. It also saves its levels as XML. It is available at
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