Releasing your Libgdx game on browsers

There still is a good pool of casual gamers on the web. Traditional ways of deploying games for this platform required an extra plugin to be installed, but now, thanks to GWT and Libgdx, you can export your games directly to Javascript/HTML code.

GWT supports any of these browsers: Firefox, Internet Explorer (versions 8, 9, 10, and 11), Safari (versions 5 and 6), Chromium, Chrome, and Opera (latest version).

Getting ready

In order to go further in this recipe, it is necessary to install the Google plugin on your Eclipse. All you have to do is go to Help | Eclipse Marketplace. Then, search for Google Plugin and install the proper one according to your Eclipse version.

Finally, restart Eclipse and you will be ready to deploy to the browsers.

As can be expected, the samples-gwt project can be used to try the deployment process.

How to do it…

As happens with the other deployment processes, you will not have to invest a lot of effort. Basically, the project is exported into a directory that must be copied into your server, just as described here:

  1. Right-click on your GWT project by navigating to Google | GWT Compile. The following window will appear:
    How to do it…

    GdxDefinition is intended for debug purposes, whereas GdxDefinitionSuperDev is the way to go when releasing your game. Select one of them and click on Compile.

  2. Select a directory to store your web application files. Then, the cross-compilation process to Javascript will start. It can take a little bit of time to complete due to the permutations needed to reach different browsers and localizations.
  3. Once it has successfully finished, copy the generated folder (for instance, samples-gwt) into the webapps directory of your web server. After that, you will be able to access your application at http://yourserverurl/samples-gwt/.

There's more…

The test page does not exactly stand out for its decoration but that has an easy solution. You can modify the index.html file that you have just generated and apply it some CSS styles.

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