Chapter 7. Exotic Options

All derivatives are financial contracts, and in these contracts, there are far more features that can be agreed on than a simple right to buy or to sell. Complex payout structures can be engineered based on what-if scenarios; thus, the final payout of an exotic contract can be dependent on a whole set of circumstances. Often, even the path of the underlying has a serious influence on the final payout. Compared to these derivatives, the good old call and put options were soon seen simple, earning them a not too impressive nickname: plain vanilla.

Vanilla call and put options are like plain vanilla ice-creams, the simplest possible ice-cream without any fancy optional toppings. The expression "plain vanilla" is so strongly embedded in finance that it is even used in the bond market, where a vanilla bond is the simplest possible coupon-paying bond.

Any option that has some extras over the basic plain vanilla options belong to a very numerous group called exotic options. Exotic options are popular because sell-side bankers are in fierce competition to offer tailor-made products for the clients. Another reason behind the fact that exotics are widely spread is that, interestingly enough, most of the time, quoting a price on an exotic structure is not a much more difficult task for market makers than quoting vanilla prices.

A general pricing approach

Exotic or not, there is one intrinsic feature that is always the same in every derivative product, that is, it is a function of other instruments, hence the name derivative. Thus, the price of a derivative is not independently developed as the outcome of a direct supply and demand; rather, it is given as an estimated construction cost. For example, the one month forward dollar price of a euro is highly dependent on the spot dollar price of the euro; the forward price is just the function of the spot price (and the interest rates).

If exactly the same benefits that are granted by holding a derivative can be constructed by a trading strategy that involves less complex instruments, then the derivative can be replicated. Derivatives are not like unique paintings; the forgery of a derivative has the very same value, while replicas are as good as the original. By using the no-arbitrage argument, Black and Scholes (1973) and Merton (1973) showed that the price of a derivative should be equal to the expected sum of expenses that arise during the proper implementation of the dynamic replication strategy. Taleb (1997) extensively describes that implementing a proper replication strategy under real market circumstances could often be really tricky.

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