What you need for this book

The code examples in this book should work on most modern operating systems. For all chapters, Python 2 and pip is required. To install Python, go to https://wiki.python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide/Download. To install pip, go to http://pip.readthedocs.org/en/latest/installing.html. Instructions to install software are given throughout the chapters. Most of the time, we need to run the following command with admin privileges:

    $ pip install <some software>

The following is a list of software used for the examples and versions used for testing purposes:

  • NumPy 1.8.1
  • SciPy 0.14.0
  • matplotlib 1.3.1
  • IPython 2.0.0
  • pandas Version 0.13.1
  • tables 3.1.1
  • numexpr 2.4
  • openpyxl 2.0.3
  • XlsxWriter 0.5.5
  • xlrd 0.9.3
  • feedparser 5.1.3
  • Beautiful Soup 4.3.2
  • StatsModels 0.6.0
  • SQLAlchemy 0.9.6
  • Pony 0.5.1
  • dataset 0.5.4
  • MongoDB 2.6.3
  • PyMongo 2.7.1
  • Redis server 2.8.12
  • Redis 2.10.1
  • Cassandra 2.0.9
  • Java 7
  • NLTK 2.0.4
  • scikit-learn 0.15.0
  • NetworkX 1.9
  • DEAP 1.0.1
  • theanets 0.2.0
  • Graphviz 2.36.0
  • pydot2 1.0.33
  • Octave 3.8.0
  • R 3.1.1
  • rpy2 2.4.2
  • JPype
  • Java 7
  • SWIG 3.02
  • PCRE 8.35
  • Boost 1.56.0
  • gfortran 4.9.0
  • GAE for Python 2.7
  • gprof2dot 2014.08.05
  • line_profiler beta
  • Cython 0.20.0
  • cytoolz 0.7.0
  • Joblib 0.8.2
  • Bottleneck 0.8.0
  • Jug 0.9.3
  • MPI 1.8.1
  • mpi4py 1.3.1

Of course, it's not necessary for you to have the same version of the software. Usually, the latest version available should work.


Some of the software listed are used for a single example; therefore, please check first whether the example is relevant for you before installing the software.

To uninstall Python packages installed with pip, use the following command:

   $ pip uninstall <some software>
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