Selecting NumPy array elements

From time to time, we will wish to select a specific constituent of an array. We will take a look at how to do this, but to kick off, let's make a 2 x 2 matrix again (see the file in this book's code bundle):

In: a = array([[1,2],[3,4]])
In: a
array([[1, 2],
       [3, 4]])

The matrix was made this time by giving the array() function a list of lists. We will now choose each item of the matrix one at a time, as shown in the following code snippet. Recall that the index numbers begin from 0:

In: a[0,0]
Out: 1
In: a[0,1]
Out: 2
In: a[1,0]
Out: 3
In: a[1,1]
Out: 4

As you can see, choosing elements of an array is fairly simple. For the array a, we just employ the notation a[m,n], where m and n are the indices of the item in the array. Have a look at the following figure for your reference:

Selecting NumPy array elements
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