Reading and writing JSON with pandas

We can easily create a pandas Series from the JSON string in the previous example. The pandas read_json() function can create a pandas Series or pandas DataFrame.

The following example code can be found in of this book's code bundle:

import pandas as pd

json_str = '{"country":"Netherlands","dma_code":"0","timezone":"Europe/Amsterdam","area_code":"0","ip":"","asn":"AS196752","continent_code":"EU","isp":"Tilaa V.O.F.","longitude":5.75,"latitude":52.5,"country_code":"NL","country_code3":"NLD"}'

data = pd.read_json(json_str, typ='series')
print "Series
", data

data["country"] = "Brazil"
print "New Series
", data.to_json()

We can either specify a JSON string or the path of a JSON file. Call the read_json() function to create a pandas Series from the JSON string in the previous example:

data = pd.read_json(json_str, typ='series')
print "Series
", data

In the resulting Series, the keys are ordered in alphabetical order:

area_code                        0
asn                       AS196752
continent_code                  EU
country                Netherlands
country_code                    NL
country_code3                  NLD
dma_code                         0
ispTilaa V.O.F.
latitude                      52.5
longitude                     5.75
timezone          Europe/Amsterdam
dtype: object

Change the country value again and convert the pandas Series to a JSON string with the to_json() method:

data["country"] = "Brazil"
print "New Series
", data.to_json()

In the new JSON string, the key order is preserved, but we also have a different country value:

New Series
{"area_code":"0","asn":"AS196752","continent_code":"EU","country":"Brazil","country_code":"NL","country_code3":"NLD","dma_code":"0","ip":"","isp":"Tilaa V.O.F.","latitude":52.5,"longitude":5.75,"timezone":"Europe/Amsterdam"}
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