Creating laser blasts

This recipe is best used for laser blasts coming from a gun or some other sci-fi weapon. How about a spaceship cannon? It's quite easy to do, so let's get started!

How to do it…

The following recipe will walk us through the steps of creating a laser blast:

  1. Go to Figure(U) | Direct draw | Straight line. Select a color for the laser blast.
  2. On an empty raster layer, draw a straight line with the line tool. As shown in the following screenshot, I've chosen a bright red color. I have also made the paper color black so that the laser effect is easier to see.
    How to do it…
  3. Lock the transparency of the layer with the straight line. For directions on how to do this, see steps 1 and 2 of the Making colored line work recipe.
  4. Make white the active color.
  5. Select the Gradient(G) tool. Then select the Foreground to transparent subtool.
  6. Open the Sub Tool Detail palette.
  7. At the top of the Sub Tool Detail palette, you will see a slider with the current gradient displayed. Drag the triangle below the white section into the center of the slider.
  8. Click on the transparent color swatch below the foreground and background colors in the toolbar, as shown in this screenshot:
    How to do it…
  9. Move the cursor over the bottom of the gradient preview slider in the Sub Tool Detail palette. The cursor will show a + sign next to it. Click on the far left of the slider to add a transparent stop, and leave the white gradation just in the center. The following screenshot shows what the Sub Tool Detail palette should look like after this change:
    How to do it…
  10. Close the Sub Tool Detail palette.
  11. With the Gradient(G) tool still selected, click at the top of the straight line made in step 2 and hold down the mouse. Drag to the bottom of the straight line and release the mouse button. This will leave us with a colored line that has a white gradient center, as shown here:
    How to do it…
  12. Copy the layer and then select the bottom copy in the Layer palette. This is shown in the following screenshot:
    How to do it…
  13. Navigate to Filter | Blur | Gaussian blur and set Area to blur(G) to a number that is large enough for the laser blast to get a halo effect around it. Click on OK.
  14. Now the laser blast will have a blurred outline. Make a layer below the one you just blurred. Ensure that white is still the active color.
  15. Select the Airbrush(B) tool and the Soft subtool. Add white around the colored edges of the laser beam to increase the glow.
  16. As shown in the following screenshot, I have also used the Soft subtool of the Eraser(E) tool on the edges of the original line to blend everything together. This step is optional.
    How to do it…
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