Making focus lines with the Dense saturated line tool

What if we need lots and lots of thin focus lines? The Dense saturated line tool is the go-to tool for that job!

Getting ready

You will need an open file to work in. The size and resolution don't matter.

How to do it…

The following steps will teach us how to use the Scattered saturated line tool:

  1. Select the Figure(U) tool from the toolbox. Then go to Saturated line | Dense saturated line.
  2. Click on the spot where you want all the lines to radiate from and hold down the mouse button.
  3. While still holding down the mouse button, drag out to form an ellipse around the area to focus on. In the following screenshot, the lines will be focused on the character's face. Because this tool makes such dense lines, I try to go a long way around the area that I want the focus to be on so that it doesn't get obscured by the lines.
    How to do it…
  4. Release the mouse button to generate the lines.

How it works…

This tool also generates our focus lines based on a circle, just like the Scattered saturated line tool. The focus lines radiate from the central point of the ellipse, fading at its outer edges.

Again, we can change the settings of the existing lines by selecting them with the Object tool, then going back to the Scattered saturated line tool, and opening the Sub Tool Detail palette, as detailed in the How it works… section of the Making action lines with the Scattered stream line tool recipe.

Here, you can see the focus lines created with the ellipse pictured in the preceding screenshot:

How it works…
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