Chapter 6. Using New Rulers and Line Tools

In this chapter, you will learn these recipes:

  • Using Symmetry ruler
  • Making action lines with the Scattered stream line tool
  • Making action lines with the Dark stream line tool
  • Adding moods with the Gloom stream line tool
  • Making rain drops with the Rain stream line tool
  • Making focus lines with the Scattered stream line tool
  • Making focus lines with the Dark saturated line tool
  • Making focus lines with the Dense saturated line tool
  • Using the Brightness tool
  • Creating dark flashes with the Burst tool


Rulers are one of the best features of several digital art programs. They allow us to simulate traditional rulers in the digital space, making it easier to draw straight lines or smooth curves. Manga Studio 5 has some special rulers, including focus lines and perspective rulers.

In this book, we're going to cover only the new rulers and line tools that are available in 5.0.5, since all the other rulers were discussed in my other book, Mastering Manga Studio 5, Packt Publishing.

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