Using the Color History palette

Have you ever painted and required a color that you were using 10 minutes ago, but by now it's been so blended with everything around it that you can't get the pure color any more? The Color History palette is the answer to your prayers, and it's easy to use.

Getting ready

Before opening the Color History palette, open a blank page and scribble on it with a bunch of colors. In order for the Color History palette to show us anything, we must have a history of colors that we've used recently. It has to be only one click with the mouse or one stroke with the stylus, as long as the color is used somewhere on the page.

How to do it…

  1. Open the Color History palette by going to Window | Color History(Q).
  2. The palette will open and will show any colors used recently. Click on the required color to make it active.

This screenshot shows the Color History palette:

How to do it…

If you wish to save the colors from Color History, click on the icon in the top-left corner and then click on Register to color set palette to save them. To clear the history, click on the same icon and select Clear color history.

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