Understanding data science

Let's get this out of the way by pointing out that, if you have not heard about data science, then you should not be reading this book. Everyone right now is talking about data science in one way or another. Data science is at the peak of its hype and the skills for data scientists are changing. Now, data scientists are not only required to build a performant model, but it is essential for them to explain the results obtained and use the result for business intelligence. During my talks, seminars, and presentations, I find several people trying to ask me: what type of skillset do I need to learn in order to become a top-notch data scientist? Do I need to get a Ph.D. in data science? Well, one thing I could tell you straight away is you do not need a Ph.D. to be an expert in data science. But one thing that people generally agree on is that data science involves cross-disciplinary knowledge from computer science, data, statistics, and mathematics. There are several phases of data analysis, including data requirements, data collection, data processing, data cleaning, exploratory data analysis, modeling and algorithms, and data product and communication. These phases are similar to the CRoss-Industry Standard Process for data mining (CRISP) framework in data mining.

The main takeaway here is the stages of EDA, as it is an important aspect of data analysis and data mining. Let's understand in brief what these stages are:

  • Data requirements: There can be various sources of data for an organization. It is important to comprehend what type of data is required for the organization to be collected, curated, and stored. For example, an application tracking the sleeping pattern of patients suffering from dementia requires several types of sensors' data storage, such as sleep data, heart rate from the patient, electro-dermal activities, and user activities pattern. All of these data points are required to correctly diagnose the mental state of the person. Hence, these are mandatory requirements for the application. In addition to this, it is required to categorize the data, numerical or categorical, and the format of storage and dissemination. 
  • Data collection: Data collected from several sources must be stored in the correct format and transferred to the right information technology personnel within a company. As mentioned previously, data can be collected from several objects on several events using different types of sensors and storage tools.
  • Data processing: Preprocessing involves the process of pre-curating the dataset before actual analysis. Common tasks involve correctly exporting the dataset, placing them under the right tables, structuring them, and exporting them in the correct format.
  • Data cleaning: Preprocessed data is still not ready for detailed analysis. It must be correctly transformed for an incompleteness check, duplicates check, error check, and missing value check. These tasks are performed in the data cleaning stage, which involves responsibilities such as matching the correct record, finding inaccuracies in the dataset, understanding the overall data quality, removing duplicate items, and filling in the missing values. However, how could we identify these anomalies on any dataset? Finding such data issues requires us to perform some analytical techniques. We will be learning several such analytical techniques in Chapter 4, Data Transformation. To understand briefly, data cleaning is dependent on the types of data under study. Hence, it is most essential for data scientists or EDA experts to comprehend different types of datasets. An example of data cleaning would be using outlier detection methods for quantitative data cleaning.
  • EDA: Exploratory data analysis, as mentioned before, is the stage where we actually start to understand the message contained in the data. It should be noted that several types of data transformation techniques might be required during the process of exploration. We will cover descriptive statistics in-depth in Section 2, Chapter 5, Descriptive Statistics, to understand the mathematical foundation behind descriptive statistics. This entire book is dedicated to tasks involved in exploratory data analysis.
  • Modeling and algorithm: From a data science perspective, generalized models or mathematical formulas can represent or exhibit relationships among different variables, such as correlation or causation. These models or equations involve one or more variables that depend on other variables to cause an event. For example, when buying, say, pens, the total price of pens(Total) = price for one pen(UnitPrice) * the number of pens bought (Quantity). Hence, our model would be Total = UnitPrice * Quantity. Here, the total price is dependent on the unit price. Hence, the total price is referred to as the dependent variable and the unit price is referred to as an independent variable. In general, a model always describes the relationship between independent and dependent variables. Inferential statistics deals with quantifying relationships between particular variables.
    The Judd model for describing the relationship between data, model, and error still holds true: Data = Model + Error. We will discuss in detail model development in Section 3, Chapter 10Model Evaluation. An example of inferential statistics would be regression analysis. We will discuss regression analysis in Chapter 9, Regression.
  • Data Product: Any computer software that uses data as inputs, produces outputs, and provides feedback based on the output to control the environment is referred to as a data product. A data product is generally based on a model developed during data analysis, for example, a recommendation model that inputs user purchase history and recommends a related item that the user is highly likely to buy.
  • Communication: This stage deals with disseminating the results to end stakeholders to use the result for business intelligence. One of the most notable steps in this stage is data visualization. Visualization deals with information relay techniques such as tables, charts, summary diagrams, and bar charts to show the analyzed result. We will outline several visualization techniques in Chapter 2, Visual Aids for EDA, with different types of data. 
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