Outlining Simpson's paradox

Usually, the decisions we make from our dataset are influenced by the output of statistical measures we apply to them. Those outputs tell us about the type of correlation and the basic visualizations of the dataset. However, sometimes, the decisions differ when we segregate the data into groups and apply statistical measures, or when we aggregate it together and then apply statistical measures. This kind of anomalous behavior in the results of the same dataset is generally called Simpson's paradox. Put simply, Simpson's paradox is the difference that appears in a trend of analysis when a dataset is analyzed in two different situations: first, when data is separated into groups and, second, when data is aggregated.

Here's a table that represents the recommendation rate for two different game consoles by males and females individually and also combined:




Xbox One











The preceding table presents the recommendation rate of two different game consoles: PS4 and Xbox One by males and females, both individually and combined.

Suppose you are going to buy a game console that has a maximum recommendation. As shown in the preceding table, Xbox One is recommended by a higher percentage of both men and women than the PS4. However, using the same data when combined, the PS4 has a higher recommended percentage (62.5%) according to all users. So, how would you decide which one to go with? The calculations look fine but, logically, the decision making does not seem okay. This is Simpson's paradox. The same dataset here proves two opposing arguments. 

Well, the main issue, in this case, is that when we only see the percentages of the separate data, it does not consider the sample size. Since each fraction shows the number of users who would recommend the game console by the number asked, it is relevant to consider the entire sample size. The sample size in the separate data of males and females differs by a large amount. For example, the recommendations of males for the PS4 is 50, while the recommendation for Xbox One is 180. There is a huge difference in these numbers. Xbox One has far more responses from men than from women, while the case is the opposite for the PS4. Because fewer men recommend the PlayStation, which results in a lower average rating for the PS4 when the data is combined, it leads to the paradox.

In order to come to a single decision regarding which console we should go with, we need to decide whether the data can be combined or whether we should look at it separately. In this case, we have to find out which console is most likely to satisfy both males and females. There might be other factors influencing these reviews, but we don't have this data, so we look for the maximum number of good reviews irrespective of the gender bias. Here, aggregating the data makes the most sense. We will combine the review and go with the overall average. Since our aim is to combine the reviews and see the total average, the aggregation of the data makes more sense. 

It looks like Simpson's paradox is a far-fetched problem that is theoretically possible but never occurs in practice because our statistical analysis of the overall available data is accurate. However, there are many well-known studies of Simpson's paradox in the real world.

One real-world example is with mental health treatments such as depression. The following is a table about the effectiveness of two types of therapies given to patients: 

Therapy A

Therapy B

Mild depression



Severe depression







As you can see, in the preceding table, there are two types of therapies: Therapy A and Therapy B. Therapy A seems to work better for both mild and severe depression, but aggregating the data reveals that treatment B works better for both cases. How is this possible? Well, we cannot conclude that the results after the data aggregation are correct, because the sample size differs in each type of therapy. In order to come to a single decision regarding which therapies we should go with, we need to think practically: how was the data generated? And what factors influence the results that are not seen at all?

In reality, mild depression is considered to be a less serious case by doctors and therapy A is cheaper than therapy B. Therefore, doctors recommend the simpler therapy, A, for mild depression. 

The details and facts of the two therapy types are not mentioned in our dataset. The kind of depression and seriousness of the case leads to confounding variables (confounding variables are something we don't see in the data table but they can be determined by background analysis of the data) because it affects the decision regarding what treatment and recovery method to select. So, the factor that decides which treatment works better for the patient is dependent on the confounding variable, which is the seriousness of the case here. To determine which therapy works better, we require a report of the seriousness of the cases and then need to compare the recovery rates with both therapies rather than aggregated data across groups.

Answering the questions we want from a set of data sometimes requires more analysis than just looking at the available data. The lesson to take from Simpson's paradox is that data alone is insufficient. Data is never purely objective and neither is the final plot. Therefore, we must consider whether we are getting the whole story when dealing with a set of data.

Another fact that must be considered before concluding the analysis based on the output we get is that correlation does not imply causation. This is so important in the field of statistics that Wikipedia has a separate article on this statement.

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