Concatenating along with an axis

This is the first option. We'll use the pd.concat() method from the pandas library.

The code for combining the dataframes is as follows:

# Option 1
dfSE = pd.concat([df1SE, df2SE], ignore_index=True)
dfML = pd.concat([df1ML, df2ML], ignore_index=True)

df = pd.concat([dfML, dfSE], axis=1)

The code should be self-explanatory by now. We first concatenated the dataframes from the Software Engineering course and the Machine Learning course. Then, we concatenated the dataframes with axis=1 to place them side by side.

The output of the preceding code is as follows:

You probably noticed that the StudentID field is repeated. One hack that could be done afterward is to delete the repeated field. However, let's see the other alternatives. 

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