Choosing the best chart

There is no standard that defines which chart you should choose to visualize your data. However, there are some guidelines that can help you. Here are some of them:

  • As mentioned with each of the preceding charts that we have seen, it is important to understand what type of data you have. If you have continuous variables, then a histogram would be a good choice. Similarly, if you want to show ranking, an ordered bar chart would be a good choice.
  • Choose the chart that effectively conveys the right and relevant meaning of the data without actually distorting the facts.
  • Simplicity is best. It is considered better to draw a simple chart that is comprehensible than to draw sophisticated ones that require several reports and texts in order to understand them.
  • Choose a diagram that does not overload the audience with information. Our purpose should be to illustrate abstract information in a clear way.

Having said that, let's see if we can generalize some categories of charts based on various purposes.

The following table shows the different types of charts based on the purposes:



Show correlation

Scatter plot


Pairwise plot

Jittering with strip plot

Counts plot

Marginal histogram

Scatter plot with a line of best fit

Bubble plot with circling

Show deviation

Area chart

Diverging bars

Diverging texts

Diverging dot plot

Diverging lollipop plot with markers

Show distribution

Histogram for continuous variable

Histogram for categorical variable

Density plot

Categorical plots

Density curves with histogram

Population pyramid

Violin plot

Joy plot

Distributed dot plot

Box plot

Show composition

Waffle chart

Pie chart


Bar chart

Show change

Time series plot

Time series with peaks and troughs annotated

Autocorrelation plot

Cross-correlation plot

Multiple time series

Plotting with different scales using the secondary y axis

Stacked area chart

Seasonal plot

Calendar heat map

Area chart unstacked

Show groups


Cluster plot

Andrews curve

Parallel coordinates

Show ranking

Ordered bar chart

Lollipop chart

Dot plot

Slope plot

Dumbbell plot


Note that going through each and every type of plot mentioned in the table is beyond the scope of this book. However, we have tried to cover most of them in this chapter. A few of them will be used in the upcoming chapters; we will use these graphs in more contextual ways and with advanced settings. 

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