Performing data deduplication

It is very likely that your dataframe contains duplicate rows. Removing them is essential to enhance the quality of the dataset. This can be done with the following steps:

  1. Let's consider a simple dataframe, as follows:
frame3 = pd.DataFrame({'column 1': ['Looping'] * 3 + ['Functions'] * 4, 'column 2': [10, 10, 22, 23, 23, 24, 24]})

The preceding code creates a simple dataframe with two columns. You can clearly see from the following screenshot that in both columns, there are some duplicate entries:

  1. The pandas dataframe comes with a duplicated() method that returns a Boolean series stating which of the rows are duplicates:

The output of the preceding code is pretty easy to interpret:

The rows that say True are the ones that contain duplicated data.

  1. Now, we can drop these duplicates using the drop_duplicates() method:
frame4 = frame3.drop_duplicates()

The output of the preceding code is as follows:

Note that rows 1, 4, and 6 are removed. Basically, both the duplicated() and drop_duplicates() methods consider all of the columns for comparison. Instead of all the columns, we could specify any subset of the columns to detect duplicated items.

  1. Let's add a new column and try to find duplicated items based on the second column:
frame3['column 3'] = range(7)
frame5 = frame3.drop_duplicates(['column 2'])

The output of the preceding snippet is as follows:

Note that both the duplicated and drop_duplicates methods keep the first observed value during the duplication removal process. If we pass the take_last=True argument, the methods return the last one. 

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