

+ (addition) operator, 182, 667

&as_filetype=xxx URL parameter, 88

&as_qdr=m# URL parameter, 88

&num=x URL parameter, 88

<ALT> tags, web page SEO, 571

<META> tags

stuffing, 577

web page SEO, 571-572

<TITLE> tags, web page SEO, 572

* (asterisks)

* (asterisk) operator, 667

* (whole-word wildcards), missing word searches, 80

** (exponent) operator, 183

/ (division) operator, 182

(ellipses) operator, 84, 667

^ (exponent) operator, 183

! (factorial) operator, 183

( ) (parentheses) operator, 204, 667

% (modulo) operator, 183

“(quotation marks)

“(quotes) operator, 204, 667

exact phrase searches, 79

- (subtraction) operator, 78, 182, 204, 667

~ (tilde) operator, 79, 667


3D buildings option (Google
   Earth), 450

3D terrain option (Google
   Earth), 452-453

52-week high/low (financial
   metrics), 486


A.D.A.M. website, 499

Access Google Account
   Features button (Google
   Toolbar), 63

accessible searches (visually
   impaired), 25

Add a Placemark button
   (Google Earth), 460

Add to Cart button (Google
   Checkout), 509

addition (+) operator, 182, 667

addresses, Google Maps

business addresses, submitting to, 136

searches in, 408-409

Adjust Toolbar Options button
   (Google Toolbar), 63

AdSense. See advertising,

Advanced Image Search page
   (Google Image Search), 346-347

Advanced News Search link
   (Google News), 473-474, 477

advanced search operators list, 667-669

Advanced Search page

Google, 85-87

Google Blog Search, 142-144


AdSense, 15

adding Google search
   boxes to ads, 597-599

adding to blogs, 261, 270-271

adding to custom search
   engines, 613

adding to site feeds, 599

adding to websites, 594-596

AdSense for Search, 591-592

applying to, 593-594

determining revenues
   from, 592

gadget API, 641

Google AdSense for
   Content, 590-591

monitoring ad performance, 600

tips for improving
   revenues, 601-603

AdWords, 581

CPC, 585

CPM, 585

creating ads, 586-587

determining costs of, 585

Google Checkout integration, 513

monitoring ad performance, 587

Calendar, 323-324

context, placing in, 583

keywords in, 582


Google.Inc, 15

sharing, 584

aerial views (satellite
   images), 414-415

after: operator, 667

   operator, 204

Agenda view (Calendar), 325

airport conditions, 178


blog alerts, 103

Comprehensive alerts, 103

Google Alerts, 102-105

Google News, 478

all-image view (Google
   News), 468

all-text view (Google
   News), 468

allinanchor: operator, 83, 667

allintext: operator, 83, 667

allintitle: operator, 82, 667

allinurl: operator, 82, 667

<ALT> tags, 571

analytical tools (websites)

diagnostic information, 617

Google Analytics, 621

account creation, 622

Dashboard, 622-623

reports of, 624

link information, 618-619

sitemap information, 619

statistical information, 618

Webmaster tools

accessing, 616

Analyze robots.txt tool, 620

Crawl Stats page, 618

Dashboard, 616

Diagnostic link, 617

Enhanced Image Search tool, 620

Generate robots.txt tool, 620-621

Index Stats page, 618

Manage Site Verification
   tool, 620

Overview page, 616

Pages with External
   Links report, 618-619

Pages with Internal Links report, 618

Remove URL tool, 620

Set Crawl Rate tool, 620

Set Geographic Target
   tool, 620

Set Preferred Domain tool, 620

Sitelinks report, 618

Sitemap link, 619

Subscriber Stats page, 618

Top Search Queries page, 618

What Googlebot Sees
   page, 618

“and” in searches, 77

Andrews, Paul, Google
   Book Search, 154

Android operating system, 558-559

angle brackets (< >)

<ALT> tags, web page SEO, 571

<META> tags

stuffing, 577

web page SEO, 571-572

<TITLE> tags, web page
   SEO, 572


maps, 437

slides (Google
   Presentations), 316

web page designs to
   avoid, 576

animotions (Lively
   avatars), 247, 174

API (Application
   Programming Interfaces), 627-628

Desktop Gadgets API, 641


API extensions, 641

Core Gadgets API, 641

creating, 642, 645-646

Desktop Gadgets API, 641

GGE, 642-646

publishing, 643

writing code for, 644-645

Gears (Google), 656-660

Google App Engine, 635

Google Code developer
   tools, 628-634

OpenSocial API, 648-653

Web 2.0, 636-637

App Engine (Google), 635

Apple Dashboard, 54

Apple Macintosh Google
   search, 180

arccotangent operator, 184

arccsc operator, 184


blog entries, 261

Gmail messages, 207

Usenet newsgroup articles, 230

arcos operator, 184

arcsec operator, 184

arcsin operator, 184

arctan operator, 184


Google Health, reading in, 499

Google Knol

editing via, 119

rating via, 117

searches via, 116-117

writing via, 117-118

Google News

archive searches, 475-477

international news, 470

NewsGator application, 650

reading on cell phones, 535

reading on iPhone, 552

searches, 473-477

asterisks (*)

* (asterisk) operator, 667

* (whole-word wildcards), missing word searches, 80

** (exponent) operator, 183

starred Gmail messages, 205

astronomy. See Google Sky

Atom feeds

blog syndication, 268

Google Blog Search subscriptions to, 144

attachments (Gmail), 199-200, 209

author: operator, 164, 234, 668

Authors Guild publishing
   community versus
   Google, Inc., 154

Auto Color button, 362

Auto Contrast button, 360

AutoFill button (Google
   Toolbar), 61-62

AutoFix spell checker, 61

AutoLink button (Google
   Toolbar), 63

AutoMapIt website, 566

automatic word stemming
   in searches, 79

AutoSitemap website, 566

avatars (Lively), 246-247

average volume (financial
   metrics), 485

A<Z sorts, Google
   Spreadsheets, 299


background themes,
   customizing in Google
   Presentations, 312-313

BackRub search engine,
   Google Inc. development, 12

bargain searches, Google
    Product Searches, 122

advanced searches, 125-127

basic searches, 123

best bargains, 129

price comparisons via, 124

results, 123-124

Base (Google). See Google Base

Basics tab (Google
   Chrome), 674

bcc (blind carbon copy), 199

bcc: operator, 204, 668

Bechtolsheim, Andy, 12

before: operator, 668

   operator, 204

Best of the Web website, 110

beta (financial metrics), 487

big (oversized) web pages, 576

BizRate, 122

Blank slides (Google
   Presentations), 310

blocking Google Talk users, 223

Blog Posts section (company/
   security pages), 484

Blog This! button, 358


Blog Search page (Google
   Blog Search), 140


adding page elements, 258-262

advertisements, 269-271

changing hosts, 271-272

changing templates, 256

controlling access, 267-268

creating, 252-253

customizing, 256-262

naming, 253

personalizing color, 256-257

personalizing fonts, 256-257

syndicating, 268-269

viewing posts, 254-255

Create a Blog link, 252

Dashboard, posting from, 262

development of, 252

iPhone, 554

Name Your Blog page, 253


adding labels, 265

adding links, 263

adding pictures, 263

adding video, 264

comment spam, 267

editing, 266

limiting comments, 266

moderating comments, 267

posting from Blogger
   Dashboard, 262

posting via email, 265

Preview Template link, 253

templates, choosing, 253

blogs, 251

access, controlling, 267-268

AdSense ads, 261, 270-271

advertisements, 269

archives, 261

blog lists, 261

Blog Posts section (company/
   security pages), 484

blogosphere, defining, 139

cell phones, creating posts on, 537-538

color, personalizing, 256-257


limiting, 266

moderating, 267

spam, 267

syndicating feeds, 269

creating, 252-253


adding page elements, 258-262

changing templates, 256

personalizing color, 256-257

personalizing fonts, 256-257

email, posting via, 265


adding AdSense ads to, 271

AdSense for Feeds, 592

browsing in Google
   Reader, 339

deleting subscriptions in
   Google Reader, 341

importing to Google
   Reader, 340

reading on iPhone, 553

renaming subscriptions in Google Reader, 341

searching in Google
   Reader, 339

subscribing in Google
   Reader, 338-340

feeds, 261

fonts, personalizing, 256-257

Google Blog Searchx

advanced searches, 142-144

evaluating search results in, 141

finding via, 138-140

fine-tuning searches, 142

listing via, 139

subscribing to search
   results, 144

Googlepedia: The Blog, 27

headers, 261

hosts, changing, 271-272

HTML, 261

JavaScript, 261

labels, 261, 265


adding to posts, 263

lists of, 261

logos, 261


comment spam, 267

controlling access, 267-268

editing posts, 266

limiting comments, 266

moderating comments, 267

naming, 253

newsreels, 261

Official Google Blog, 27

Official Google Webmaster Central Blog
   website, 624

page elements

adding, 258-262

feeds, 268

pictures, adding to posts, 261-263

polls, 261


adding Google Docs documents, 290

adding labels, 265

adding links, 263

adding pictures, 261-263

adding video, 264

categorizing in Google
   Reader, 337

comment spam, 267

editing, 266

emailing in Google Reader, 337

limiting comments, 266

moderating comments, 267

posting from Blogger
   Dashboard, 262

posting via email, 265

reading in Google
   Reader, 336

sharing in Google
   Reader, 338

viewing, 254-255

profiles, 261

RSS feeds, 138

slideshows, 261

subscription links, 261


Atom syndication, 268

comment feeds, 269


changing, 256

choosing, 253

text, adding to, 261

video, adding to posts, 264

YouTube video

adding to, 397-398

linking to, 396

blogurl: operator, 142, 668

Bluetooth, Android operating
   system, 558

body text searches, 83

Book Search (Google). See
   Google Book Search

book: operator, 668

Bookmark button (Google
   Toolbar), 60

bphonebook: operator, 668

brightness (photos), adjusting, 360-361

Brin, Sergey, 11

browsers (web)

Firefox, Google
   extensions, 25

Google buttons, adding to, 65

Google Chrome, 675-677


blog feeds in Google
   Reader, 339

Google Groups, 232-233

YouTube, 381

BSD (Berkeley Software
   Distribution) UNIX, 180

bulk items (Google Base),
   uploading, 135-136

bulleted lists, adding to Google
   Presentations, 314

businesses, Google Maps

adding to, 427

searches via, 425-427

submitting addresses to, 136

viewing via, 426

Buy Now button (Google
   Checkout), 513-515

buying/selling. See Google Base;
   Google Checkout


cache: operator, 85, 668

Cached pages link (search
   results pages), 73

calculator feature (Google), 181

advanced calculation
   functions, 182-183

basic calculation functions, 182

math/science constants, 184-186

multiple calculation operations, 182

nesting equations, 182

trigonometric functions, 183-184

units of measure, converting, 186-187

Calendar, 322

advertising in, 323-324

cell phones, viewing on, 537

company events, 485

configuring, 324

Create Event link, 329

creating, 325


adding to websites, 334

adding, 327-330

Gmail additions, 330

invitations to, 333

Quick Add feature, 329

receiving as mobile
   phone notifications, 332

syncing with Outlook, 331

gadget API, 641

HTML, exporting information to, 327

iCal, exporting information to, 327

iPhone, 548

multiple calendars, 324-326


Agenda view, 325

customizing, 326

multiple calendars, 326

via other calendar applications, 327

XML, exporting information to, 327

cameras (web), uploading
   YouTube video from, 401

capitalization (text)
   searches, 76

Caption slides (Google
   Presentations), 310

carets (^), exponent operator, 183

categorizing blog postings
   in Google Reader, 337

cc (carbon copy), 199

cc: operator, 204, 668

cell phones

Android operating system, 558-559

blogs, reading feeds on
   iPhone, 553

Calendar events, receiving on, 332

Google marketing strategies, 560

Google Mobile

creating blog posts on, 537-538

directory services, 540, 555

Gmail in, 535-536

GOOG-411, 540, 555

Google Calendars in, 537

Google Maps in, 531-534

Google News in, 535

joining, 530

More menu, 538

navigating home page, 530

phone requirements, 530

Search page, 531, 538

text messages, 539-540

Google Mobile News, 479


default Google applications, 542

displaying driving directions, 546

downloading Google
   applications, 542

Gmail, 543

Google Calendar, 548

Google Docs, 549-551

Google Maps, 545

Google News, 552

Google Notebook, 552

Google Reader, 553

Google Talk, 551

Google Web Search, 546

iGoogle page, 554

IM, 551

Picasa Web Albums, 553

reading blog feeds on, 553-554

YouTube, 555

Mobile Sitemaps, 566

number searches, 171

photos, viewing on, 374

Product Search for
   Mobile, 26

YouTube video

uploading, 402-403

viewing, 395

cell ranges (Google
   Spreadsheets), 298-299

Change Background dialog (Google Presentations), 312


Google Finance, 487

Google Presentations,
   adding to, 315

Google Spreadsheets, 303

chats (online)

Gmail, 226-227

Google Talk, 222-225

iGoogle, 225


avatar animotions, 247

browsing virtual rooms, 244

client downloads, 244

Create New Room pane, 249-250

designing avatars, 246

Furniture & Things pane, 250

logins, 244

My Avatar pane, 246

viewing conversations in
   text view, 247

viewing user profiles, 248

whisper feature, 248

Checkout (Google). See
   Google Checkout

children, filtering search content for, 90-91

choose operator, 183

Chose Slide Layout dialog
   (Google Presentations), 311

Chrome (Google). See
   Google Chrome

Clear button, 357

clipping web content via
   Google Toolbar, 100

cloaking web pages, 578

Closed Collaboration
   option (Google Knol), 119

CNET news website, 84

Code (Google). See Google Code

code searches (Google), 25

code swapping web pages, 578


Google Presentations, 318

Google Sites, 525

Google Spreadsheets, 306

Collage button, 358

color, personalizing in Blogger, 256-257

columns (Google
   inserting/deleting, 298



limiting, 266

moderating, 267

spam, 267

syndicating feeds, 269

YouTube, 386

common words in searches, 78

communities (online), Lively by Google, 27

company/security pages (Google Finance)

Blog Posts section, 484

Discussions section, 484, 491

Events section, 485

Financials section, 485

Key Metrics section, 483

Key Stats & Ratios section, 485

More Resources section, 485

Officers and Directors section, 485

Recent Stories section, 484

Related Companies section, 484

Stock Chart section, 484

Summary section, 485

Comprehensive alerts, 103

condensing notes in Google Notebook, 98


Calendar, 324

Google Chrome, 674

Google Earth view options, 453-455

Google Toolbar, 58

search preferences, 89



adding, 210-211

groups, 212-213

importing, 194, 211

searches, 212

sending messages to, 213-214

viewing, 212

Google Talk, adding to, 223

content filtering searches, 90-91, 350

contextual targeting, 591

conversations (Gmail), 192, 196

converting units of measure, 186-187

copying slide formats (Google
   Presentations), 311

copyrighted image
   searches, 351-353

Core Gadgets API, 641

cos operator, 183

cosecant operator, 183

cosh operator, 184

cosine operator, 183

cotangent operator, 183

CPC (cost per click), 123, 585

CPM (cost-per-thousand
   -impressions), AdWords, 585

Crawl Stats page
   (Webmaster tools), 618

Create a Blog link
   (Blogger), 252

Create Event link
   (Calendar), 329

Create New Room pane
   (Lively), 249-250

Create New Site page
   (Google Sites), 520

Crop button, 363

cropping pictures, 363

csc operator, 183

CSS (Cascading Style
   Sheets), web page tags, 573

currency, 187

custom maps in My Maps
   (Google Maps), 430, 433-434

custom search engines

AdSense ads, adding to, 613

websites, adding to, 610-613


backgrounds, Google Presentation themes, 312-313


adding page elements, 258-262

changing templates, 256

personalizing color, 256-257

personalizing fonts, 256-257

Calendar views, 326

Google Alerts, 104

Google News, 471-472

Google Toolbar, 63


gadgets, 32-33

themes, 35

placemarks (Google
   Earth), 460-461

Search page (Google
   Mobile), 538

YouTube video player, 397



Blogger, posting from, 262

Google Analytics, 622-623

Mac, 25, 54

Webmaster tools, 616

Dashboard Widgets (Mac), 25

data units of measure, 187

deep web searches, 19-20, 160-161

define: operator, 174, 668

definition searches

Google Glossary, 174

Google Sets, 175

what is search, 173-174

Delete Slide link (Google
   Presentations), 311


columns from Google
   Spreadsheets, 298

copyrighted images, 351

Gmail messages, 201

Google Alerts, 105

labels from Gmail, 207

notes from Google
   Notebook, 101

rows from Google
   Spreadsheets, 298

websites from Google
   Index, 565

YouTube video from
   Favorites list, 388

Desktop (Google). See
   Google Desktop

Diagnostics link
   (Webmaster tools), 617

directions (driving)

cell phones, displaying on, 534

Google Earth, 457-459

Google Maps

changing routes, 424

faulty directions, 424-425

following, 422

multiple-stop directions, 422

printing directions, 424

turn-by-turn directions, 421-422

iPhone, displaying on, 546


Best of the Web website, 110

Google Directory, 108

browsing categories in, 114

category searches, 115

development of, 110-111

Google Web Search versus, 112

listing searches, 113

navigating, 113-115

PageRanks in, 111-112

web page submissions to, 111

Google Mobile, 540, 555

Open Directory Project, 110

search engines versus, 108-110

Yahoo! Directory, 110

Discussion Groups (Google Groups), 491-493

Discussions section (company
   /security pages), 484, 491

division (/) operator, 182

Docs (Google). See Google Docs

Doctorow, Cory, Google
   Book Search, 155

doctors, finding, 500

document servers, 17

domain searches, 82

doorway pages, 577


Google Chrome, 674

Google Desktop, 43

web files via Google
   Chrome, 677

YouTube video

iPod, 395

PC, 393-395

driving directions

cell phones, displaying on, 534

Google Earth, 457-459

Google Maps

changing routes, 424

faulty directions, 424-425

following, 422

multiple-stop directions, 422

printing directions, 424

turn-by-turn directions, 421-422

iPhone, displaying on, 546

Duplicate Slide link
   (Google Presentations), 311


earnings per share (financial
   metrics), 486

Earth (Google). See Google Earth

eBay, Google Checkout, 508

Edit tab (Google
   Spreadsheets), 296


Google Alerts, 104

Google Docs documents, 289-290

Google Knol articles, 119

Google Spreadsheets data, 298

posts (blogs), 266

web pages, 522-523

electricity, 187

ellipses (…) operator, 84

email, 191

addresses, adding to Google Presentations, 314

blogs posting to, 265, 337


adding, 211

exporting to Gmail, 211

importing to Gmail, 194


adding contacts, 210-211

archiving messages, 207

attachments, 199-200

calendar events, adding
   to Calendar, 330

cc/bcc, 199

cell phones, sending/receiving on, 535-536

chats, 226-227

composing messages, 198-199

contact groups, 212-213

conversations, 192, 196

deleting messages, 201

exporting contacts, 194

filtering incoming messages, 207-209

forwarding messages, 198, 217

iGoogle, 219

inbox page, 194

inbox searches, 202-205

iPhone, 542-543

importing contacts, 211

message labels, 205

reading messages in
   another program, 215-216

replying to messages, 197

retrieving messages from
   POP accounts, 214

“searching not sorting”
   concept, 192-193

sending Google Alerts to
   inbox, 104

sending messages, 199, 213-214

signatures, 218

spam, 209

Switching to Gmail feature, 194

unique features of, 192

vacation mode, 218

viewing contacts, 212

virus scanning, 209

Google Alerts as plain
   -text messages, 104

Google Maps, 420


forwarding to other
   accounts, 217

reading in another program, 215-216

Outlook search bar
   (Google Desktop), 48

photos, 368

POP accounts, retrieving
   email from, 214

“searching not sorting”
   concept, 192-193

sending, 199

Switching to Gmail
   feature (Google), 194

YouTube video, sharing, 391-392

Email button, 358, 368


maps on websites, 433

YouTube video in web
   pages, 397

Enhanced Image Search
   tool (Webmaster tools), 620

events (Calendar)

adding, 327-328

Gmail, 330

Quick Add feature, 329

company events, 485

invitations to, 333

mobile phone notifications,
   receiving, 332

Outlook, syncing with, 331

websites, adding to, 334

Events section
   pages), 485

exact phrase searches, 79

Excel documents, exporting
   to Google
   Spreadsheets, 294

exclamation points (!), factorial
   operator, 183

excluding words from
   searches, 78

experimental searches, 25

explicit subject matter,
   YouTube video, 386

exponent operators, 183

Export button, 358, 365


Calendar information, 327

email contacts to Gmail, 211

Google Docs documents
   to Word, 284

Google Notebook notebooks, 101

Google presentations to
   PowerPoint format, 309

Google Spreadsheets to
   Excel, 294

medical report to Google
   Health, 498

photos (Picasa), 365

Word documents to
   Google Doc, 281-282


F P/E (forward price/
   earnings ratio), financial
   metrics, 486

Facebook versus
   OpenSocial API, 654

fact searches, 176-177

factorial (!) operator, 183

fair use ruling, Google
   Image Search, 352-353

Favorites list (YouTube), 388


blogs, 261

AdSense in, 271, 592

browsing in Google Reader, 339

deleting subscriptions in Google
   Reader, 341

importing to Google
   Reader, 340

reading on iPhone, 553

renaming subscriptions
   in Google Reader, 341

searching in Google
   Reader, 339

subscribing to in Google
   Reader, 338-340

Google News feeds, reading, 477

RSS feeds

AdSense for Feeds, 592

NewsGator, 650

web page SEO, 573

site feeds (page elements), 268, 599

fewer results searches
   (&num=x URL
   parameter), 88

File button (Google
   Spreadsheets), 296

file extension searches, 81

file-type searches, 81, 88

filename: operator, 204, 668

filetype: operator, 81, 668


image searches, 350

incoming mail (Gmail), 207-209

search content, 90-91

financial metrics

52-week high/low, 486

average volume, 485

beta, 487

earnings per share, 486

F P/E (forward price/earnings ratio), 486

market capitalization, 486

net income (profit, earnings), 486

net profit margin, 486

operating income, 486

operating margin, 486

P/E (price/earnings ratio), 486

return on average assets, 487

return on average equity
   (return on equity), 487

revenue, 486

trading volume, 485

financial searches

Google Finance

charts, 487

company/security pages, 483-485

Discussion Groups, 491-493

financial metrics, 485-487

graphs, 487

Market Summary
   section, 482

navigating, 482-483

portfolio tracking, 488-490

Portfolios section, 482

profile creation, 493

Recent Quotes section, 482

Sector Summary section, 482

Stock Screener feature, 490-491

Top Stories section, 482

Trends section, 482

quotes, 482

stocks, company/
   security pages (Google Finance), 483-485

Financials section (company/
   security pages), 485

Find button (Google
   Toolbar), 61

finding. See searches

FindIt @ link, 166

Firefox web browser,
   Google extensions, 25

Flight Simulator mode
   (Google Earth), 461-463

flight status, tracking, 178

Flixter application
   (OpenSocial API), 650

fonts (text), personalizing
   in Blogger, 256-257

foreign languages

Google News, changing in, 473

Preferences page (Google),
   selecting in, 89

searches in, 90

Form tab (Google
   Spreadsheets), 296


Google Alerts, 104

Google Spreadsheet data, 299-300


Google Docs documents, 284-285

Google Notebook notes, 99

Google Presentations, 314

web pages

Google Sites, 524-525

SEO, 570

formulas in Google
   Spreadsheets, 300-301

Formulas tab (Google
   Spreadsheets), 296

forwarding Gmail messages, 198, 217

FotoFlexer application
   (OpenSocial API), 650

Free Web Search (Google).
   See Google Free Web

from: operator, 204, 668

FTC (Federal Trade
   Commission) website, 173

full-screen mode

Google Earth, 455

YouTube, 385

function buttons (Picasa), 357-358

functions in Google
   Spreadsheets, 302

Furniture & Things pane
   (Lively), 250


G-Mapper website, 566


API extensions, 641

code, writing, 644-645

Core Gadgets API, 641

creating, 642, 645-646

defining, 640

Desktop Gadgets API, 641

GGE, 642-646

Google Desktop sidebar

adding to, 52

moving in, 54

removing from, 53

viewing in, 53

Google Gadget Directory
   website, 640

Google Spreadsheets, 305

Google support for, 640

HTML, 640


adding to, 31-32

creating for, 37-38

customizing in, 32-33

rearranging in, 34

removing from, 33

JavaScript, 640

publishing, 643

web pages adding to via
   Google Sites, 522

widgets versus, 54

Gears (Google), 290, 306, 656-657

application development, 659

application support for, 660

audience for, 660

gears_init.js source files, 658

Google Chrome, 679

initializing, 658

installing, 658

web resources, 660

Generate robots.txt tool
   (Webmaster tools), 620-621

GGE (Google Gadget


creating, 645-646

publishing, 643

writing code for, 644-645

navigating, 642

Gift CD button, 369

Gmail, 191

account signup, 194

calendar events, adding to Calendar, 330

cell phones,
   sending/receiving on, 535-536

chats, starting, 226-227


adding, 210-211

groups, 212-213

importing, 194, 211

searches, 212

sending messages to, 213-214

viewing, 212

conversations, 192, 196

Google Alerts, sending to
   inbox, 104

iGoogle, 219

inbox, 194

advanced searches, 203-205

basic searches, 202

search options, 202-203

iPhone, 542-543


adding attachments, 199-200

archiving, 207

cc/bcc, 199

composing, 198-199

deleting, 201

filtering incoming mail, 207-209

forwarding, 198, 217

labels, 205

opening attachments, 200

reading in another program, 215-216

reading, 195

replying to, 197

saving attachments, 200

scanning attachments
   for viruses, 209

sending, 199

signatures, 218

starring, 205

viewing attachments, 200

POP accounts, retrieving
   email from, 214

“searching not sorting”
   concept, 192-193

spam, blocking, 209

Switching to Gmail feature, 194

unique features of, 192

vacation mode, 218

Gmail button (Google
   Toolbar), 59

GOOG-411 (Google
   Mobile), 540, 555


Advanced Search page, 85-87

browsers, adding buttons to, 65

calculator feature, 181

advanced calculation
   functions, 182-183

basic calculation
   functions, 182

converting units of measure, 186-187

math/science constants, 184-186

multiple calculation
   operations, 182

nesting equations, 182

trigonometric functions, 183-184

default Internet Explorer
   search engine, setting
   as, 65

Gadget Directory website, 640

gadget support, 640

Google, Inc.

advertising revenues, 15

business model, 10-11

history of, 11-14

mission statement, 10

profits chart, 14

public offering, 13

publishing community
   versus, 153-156

revenues chart, 14

stock prices, 13

world headquarters
   (Googleplex), 16

hardware development, 560

home page

entering search queries, 71

I’m Feeling Lucky button, 71

navigating, 70

original home page, 13

mobile technology marketing
   strategies, 560

Preferences page

configuring search preferences, 89

displaying more results
   per page, 92

language selection, 89

opening new results
   windows, 92

saving search preferences, 89

search boxes, adding to
   Adsense ads, 597-599

search results pages

Cached pages link, 73

extending searches, 75

Note This link, 75

omitted results, 74

OneBox specialized
   results, 73

Other relevant pages
   link, 73

page excerpts, 73

page title links, 73

related searches, 73

search boxes, 72, 181-184

Search Within Results
   link, 76

Similar pages link, 73

size (web pages), 73

specialized searches
   links, 72

sponsored links, 73

statistics bar, 72

URL, 73

viewing results, 71

Switching to Gmail feature, 194

Universal Search, 73-74

Web 2.0, 636-637

website directory, 663-665

Google Alerts, 102

Blog alerts, 103

Comprehensive alerts, 103

customizing, 104

deleting, 105

editing, 104

Gmail inbox, sending to, 104

Group alerts, 103

HTML formatting, turning off, 104

News alerts, 103

plain-text email messages, 104

subscribing to, 103

Web alerts, 103

Google Analytics, 621

account creation, 622

Dashboard, 622-623

reports of, 624

Google App Engine, 635

Google Base

attributes, 131


bulk uploads, 135-136

searches, 131

selling, 133-135

labels, 131

overview, 130-131

Google Blog Search, 138

Blogger Blog Search page, 140

Google Blog Search page, 140

listing blogs via, 139

searches, 140

advanced searches, 142-144

evaluating results from, 141

fine-tuning, 142

subscribing to search results, 144

Google bombing, 577

Google Book Search, 148

additional information,
   finding via, 152

advanced searches, 149

Andrews, Paul, 154

content, viewing, 151

Doctorow, Cory, 155

Library Project, 147

Partner Program, 146

Google Checkout

advantages of, 508

API, 514

Buy Now button, 513-515

buying items

account setup, 509

adding items to shopping
   cart, 509-510

managing account, 510

reviewing purchases, 510

security, 511

eBay auctions, 508

profitability, 507

selling items, 511

account setup, 512

collecting payments, 516

evaluating payment services, 513-514

fee structure, 512

Google AdWords integration, 513

seller protection policy, 517

withdrawing funds, 516

shopping cart integration, 513

typical transaction example, 504-506

Google Chrome, 672

Basics tab, 674

browsing via

Omnibox searches, 676

tabbed browsing, 677

configuring, 674

downloading, 674

Google Docs operation in, 673

Google Gears in, 679

Incognito mode, 677

installing, 674

Minor Tweaks tab, 675

Under the Hood tab, 675

web files, downloading, 677

web-based applications,
   running, 678-679

Google Code

developer tools, 628-634

searches, 25

Google Desktop, 42

Desktop sidebar, 51

adding gadgets to, 52

displaying, 52

moving gadgets in, 54

removing gadgets from, 53

viewing gadgets in, 53

Desktop Window, 51

downloading, 43

hard disk searches

advanced searches, 46

basic searches, 44

filtering results of, 46

network searches, 49-50

options for, 46

viewing results of, 45

indexes, 43, 48

Outlook search bar
   (Microsoft), 48

Timeline view, 47

web searches, 51

Google Directory, 108


browsing, 114

searches within, 115

development of, 110-111

Google Web Search versus, 112

listing searches, 113

navigating, 113-115

PageRanks in, 111-112

web page submissions to, 111

Google Docs

benefits of, 276


creating, 280

editing, 289-290

entering text, 284

exporting to Word, 284

formatting text in, 284-285

importing Word documents, 281-282

inserting images into, 286

inserting links into, 285

inserting tables into, 286

“locked” documents, 289

posting to blogs, 290

printing, 288

publishing, 289

saving, 283

sharing, 288

spell-checking text, 287

templates, 280

file synchronization, 290

folders, creating, 279

Google Chrome, running in, 673

Google Gears, 290

Google Spreadsheets Data
   gadget API, 641

iPhone, 549-551

navigating, 279

privacy, 277

reasons for using, 277-278

security, 277

working offline, 290

workspace, navigating, 282-283

Google Earth. See also Google Maps; Google Sky

3D buildings option, 450

3D terrain option, 452-453

Add a Placemark button, 460

custom placemarks, 460-461

default view, 446

driving directions, 457-459

Flight Simulator mode, 461-463

interface of, 442

layers, 459

location searches, 456-457


keyboards, 445

mouse, 444

onscreen controls, 443-444

New Placemark dialog, 461

Pan and Zoom navigation
   mode, 444

placemarks, 450

Play Tour button, 459

POI (points of interest), 459

versions of, 442


full-screen mode, 455

latitude/longitude grid, 455

Overview map, 455

printing, 456

saving, 456

setting preferences, 453-454

zooming in/out, 447, 450

Google Finance

charts, 487

company/security pages

Blog Posts section, 484

Discussions section, 484, 491

Events section, 485

Financials section, 485

Key Metrics section, 483

Key Stats & Ratios section, 485

More Resources section, 485

Officers and Directors
   section, 485

Recent Stories section, 484

Related Companies section, 484

Stock Chart section, 484

Summary section, 485

Discussion Groups

finding discussions, 491

rating messages, 492

reading messages, 492

replying to messages, 493

starting new discussions, 493

financial metrics

52-week high/low, 486

average volume, 485

beta, 487

earnings per share, 486

F P/E (forward
   ratio), 486

market capitalization, 486

net income (profit, earnings), 486

net profit margin, 486

operating income, 486

operating margin, 486

P/E (price/earnings ratio), 486

return on average assets, 487

return on average equity
   (return on equity), 487

revenue, 486

trading volume, 485

gadget API, 641

graphs, 487

Market Summary section, 482

navigating, 482-483

portfolio tracking, 488-490

Portfolios section, 482

profile creation, 493

Recent Quotes section, 482

Sector Summary section, 482

Stock Screener feature, 490-491

Top Stories section, 482

Trends section, 482

Google Free Web Search, 608-610

Google Gadgets

API extensions, 641

Core Gadgets API, 641

Desktop Gadgets API, 641


creating, 642, 645-646

GGE, 642-646

publishing, 643

writing code for, 644-645

Google Gears. See Gears

Google Glossary, 174

Google Groups

alerts, 103

browsing, 232-233

Discussion Groups
   (Google Finance), 491-493


creating, 240

managing, 241

sending invitations, 241

home page, 236

message threads, starting, 238

messages, reading, 236

posting to, 238

searches, 231-235

subscribing to, 238

unsubscribing from, 238

Usenet newsgroups, 230

viewing, 236

Google Health, 495

doctor searches, 500

hospital searches, 500

medical histories, viewing, 498

privacy, 501


adding information to, 497

creating, 496

importing medical
   records to, 498

Read About Health Topics
   link, 499

security, 501

Google Image Search

Advanced Image Search page, 346-347

basic searches, 346

copyrighted images

deleting from searches, 351

fair use ruling, 352-353

lawsuits, 352-353

search results

filtering, 350

removing images from, 351

saving, 350

viewing, 348-349

Google Index

Google Sitemaps, 565-568


removing from, 565

sitemap submissions to, 565

submitting to, 564

Google Knol


editing, 119

rating, 117

writing, 117-118

Closed Collaboration
   option, 119

Moderated Collaboration
   option, 119

Publish button, 118

Revisions tab, 119

searches in, 116-117

Google Labs, 24

accessible searches (visually
   impaired), 25

Dashboard Widgets for
   Mac, 25

experimental searches, 25

Firefox extensions, 25

Google code searches, 25

Google Mars, 26

Google Ride Finder, 26

Google Sets, 26, 175

Google Suggest, 26

Google Trends, 27

Lively by Google, 27

Product Search for
   Mobile, 26

Google Maps. See also
   Google Earth; Google Mars; Google Ride Finder;
   Google Sky

animated maps, 437

basic maps, creating, 435-436


adding to, 427

searches, 425

submitting location data, 136

viewing, 426

cell phones, 531

displaying driving directions
   on, 534

displaying location maps on, 532

displaying satellite maps on, 533

displaying traffic
   information on, 533

finding local businesses, 534

driving directions

changing routes, 424

faulty directions, 424-425

following, 422

multiple-stop directions, 422

printing, 424

turn-by-turn directions, 421-422

emailing maps, 420

gadget API, 641

info balloons, adding, 437

iPhone, 542, 545

linking to maps, 420

live traffic conditions, 419

map controls, adding, 436

markers, adding, 437-438

mashups, 429

custom maps, 430, 433-434

Google Maps API, 435-438

web searches, 439

My Maps

custom maps, 430, 433-434

embedding maps on
   websites, 433

navigating, 411-413

photos, mapping, 371-372

printing maps, 420

satellite images

aerial views, 414-415

street view photos, 417-418


addresses, 408-409

landmarks, 410

web searches, 411

sharing maps, 420

Street View button, 417-418

terrain maps, viewing, 416

Google Mars, 26. See also
   Google Maps

Google Mobile

blog posts, creating on, 537-538

directory services, 540, 555

Gmail, 535-536

GOOG-411, 540, 555

Google Calendars in, 537

Google Maps in, 531

displaying driving locations, 534

displaying location
   maps, 532

displaying satellite maps, 533

displaying traffic information, 533

finding local businesses, 534

Google Mobile News, 479

Google News in, 535

home page, navigating, 530

joining, 530

More menu, 538

phone requirements, 530

Search page, 531, 538

text messages, 539-540

Google News

accessing, 468

Advanced News Search
   link, 473-474, 477

alerts, 103, 478

all-image view, 468

all-text view, 468


archive searches, 475-477

international news, 470

reading in, 470

searches, 473-477

cell phones, reading on, 535

customizing, 471-472

default view, 468

feeds, reading, 477

Google Mobile News, 479

iPhone, 552

languages, changing, 473

navigating, 470

News Archive Search link, 475

sections of, 470

Google News button
   (Google Toolbar), 59

Google Notebook

iPhone, 552

managing, 100-101


adding sections to, 100

creating, 99

deleting sections from, 101

deleting, 101

exporting, 101

moving sections in, 101

organizing, 100

public web pages, 101

renaming, 100

sharing, 101


adding web links, 99

adding, 99

condensing, 98

deleting, 101

formatting text, 99

moving between sections, 101

printing, 100-101

viewing web links, 99

searches, 99

web content in, 100

Google Notebook button
   (Google Toolbar), 60

Google Page Creator. See
   Google Sites

Google Presentations

accessing, 308

bulleted lists, adding to, 314

Change Background dialog, 312

charts, adding to, 315

collaboration function, 318

email addresses, adding to, 314

handouts, printing, 316

images, adding to, 315

incremental reveals, 316


creating, 308

exporting to PowerPoint
   presentations, 309

importing PowerPoint
   presentations to, 308-309

live presentations, 318

online presentations, 319-320

saving, 308


adding to presentations, 311

animation in, 316

Blank slides, 310

Caption slides, 310

Chose Slide Layout dialog, 311

Delete Slide link, 311

Duplicate Slide link, 311

Text slides, 310

Title slides, 310

Two Column slides, 310

speaker notes, printing, 318


adding to, 314

formatting in, 314

themes, 311

choosing, 312

custom backgrounds, 312-313

video, adding to, 316

web addresses, adding to, 314

web page links, adding to, 314

workspace, navigating, 309-310

Google Product Search

functions, 122

main page, 123


advanced searches, 125-127

basic searches, 123

best bargains, 129

price comparisons via, 124

results, 123-124

store inventories, uploading, 136

Google Q&A, 177

Google Reader

blog feeds

browsing, 339

deleting subscriptions, 341

importing, 340

renaming subscriptions, 341

searches, 339

subscribing to, 338-340

blog postings

categorizing, 337

emailing, 337

reading, 336

sharing, 338

iPhone, 553

Google Ride Finder, 26. See also
   Google Maps

Google Scholar, 158

advanced searches

Advanced Search page, 165-166

operators, 164


adding to, 167

identifying, 159

deep web searches, 160-161

library access, 167

library links, 166

non-public information, 159-160

print-only content, 160

publishers and, 167

results, 161

listing information, 163

types of, 162-163

uses for, 163

Scholar Preferences page, 166

searches, 164

websites, adding to, 166

Google Search button,
   adding to browsers, 65

Google Sets, 26, 175

Google Sitemaps, 565-568

Google Sites

collaborating in, 525

templates, 524-525

URL format in, 520

web pages

adding content to, 522-523

adding to websites, 523

creating, 520

editing, 522-523

formatting, 524-525

saving changes to, 523


adding web pages to, 523

creating multiple sites, 524

Google Sky, 463. See also
   Google Earth

Google Spreadsheets

collaboration function, 306

Edit tab, 296

File button, 296

Form tab, 296

Formulas tab, 296

functionality of, expanding, 305

gadgets, 305

Google Gears, 306

Print button, 296

Revisions tab, 296

Sort tab, 296


accessing, 294

adding sheets to, 296

cell ranges, 298-299

charting data, 303

creating, 294

deleting columns, 298

deleting rows, 298

editing data, 298

entering data, 297

entering formulas, 300-301

entering functions, 302

exporting to Excel, 294

formatting data, 299-300

inserting columns, 298

inserting rows, 298

printing, 305

saving, 294

sorting data, 299

working offline, 306

workspace, navigating, 295

Google Suggest, 26

Google Talk

blocking users, 223

contacts, adding, 223

iPhone, 551

online status, changing, 225

saving chat histories, 224

sending files via, 224

text-based chats, 222

voice-based chats, 225

Google Toolbar


Access Google Account
   Features button, 63

adding to, 60, 63

Adjust Toolbar Options
   button, 63

AutoFill button, 61-62

AutoLink button, 63

Bookmark button, 60

Find button, 61

Gmail button, 59

Google News button, 59

Google Notebook button, 60

“more buttons” button, 63

Pop-Up Blocker button, 60

removing from, 64

SpellCheck button, 61

configuring, 58

customizing, 63

installing, 58

search boxes, 59

web content, clipping, 100

Google Trends, 27

Google Video, 403

Google washing, 577

Google Web Search

Google Directory versus, 112

iPhone, 546 button, adding
   to browsers, 65

Googleating, 577

GoogleBot, 18-19

Googlepedia: The Blog
   website, 27

googol (mathematical
   term), 12

government information
   searches. See
   U.S. Government Search


blogs, adding to, 261

Google Docs documents, inserting into, 286

Google Presentations, adding to, 315

graphs (Google Finance), 487

Group alerts, 103

group: operator, 234

groups: operator, 668

GSiteCrawler website, 566

Gsitemap website, 566


handouts (Google
   Presentations), printing, 316

hard disk searches via
   Google Desktop

advanced searches, 46

basic searches, 44

filtering results of, 46

network searches, 49-50

options for, 46

viewing results of, 45

has:attachment operator, 204, 668

headers, adding to blogs, 261

heading tags (HTML), web
   pages, 569-570, 573

health and well-being. See
   Google Health

hidden text in web pages, 575

highlighted keyword
   searches, 85

Hold button, 357

home pages


I’m Feeling Lucky button, 71

navigating, 70

searches, entering
   queries, 71

Google Groups, 236

personalized home pages.
   See iGoogle

Usenet newsgroup, 236

hospitals, finding, 500

hosts (blogs), changing, 271-272

HTC Dream (Android operating system), 558-559

HTML (Hypertext Markup

blogs, adding to, 261

Calendar information,
   exporting to, 327

gadgets, 640

Google Alerts, turning
   formating off in, 104

web pages

designs to avoid, 576

heading tags, 569-570, 573

hyperbolic cosine operator, 184

hyperbolic functions (calculator
   feature), 184

hyberbolic sine operator, 184

hyperbolic tangent operator, 184


I’m Feeling Lucky button
   (Google home page), 71

iCal, exporting Calendar
   information to, 327


chatting, 225


adding, 31-32

creating, 37-38

customizing, 32-33

rearranging, 34

removing, 33

Gmail in, 219

RSS feeds, adding, 32

tabs, adding, 34

themes, 35

viewing, 30

iGoogle page (iPhone), 554

iLike application
   (OpenSocial API), 650

IM (instant messaging)

Gmail, 226-227

Google Talk

adding contacts, 223

blocking users, 223

changing online status, 225

iPhone, 551

saving chat histories, 224

text-based chats, 222

voice-based chats, 225

iGoogle, 225


avatar animotions, 247

browsing virtual rooms, 244

client downloads, 244

Create New Room pane, 249-250

designing avatars, 246

Furniture & Things pane, 250

logins, 244

My Avatar pane, 246

viewing conversations in
   text view, 247

viewing user profiles, 248

whisper feature, 248


all-image view (Google
   News), 468

blogs, adding to, 261-263

Enhanced Image Search tool (Webmaster tools), 620

FotoFlexer application, 650

Google Docs documents,
   inserting into, 286

Google Image Search

Advanced Image Search
   page, 346-347

basic searches, 346

copyrighted images, 351-353

fair use ruling, 352-353

filtering search results, 350

removing images from
   search results, 351

saving search results, 350

viewing search results, 348-349

Google Presentations,
   adding to, 315

Picasa web albums

iPhone, 553

mapping images, 371-372

sharing images, 373

uploading to, 370

viewing images on cell phones, 374

printing, 350

RockYou application, 650-651


advanced searches, 346-347

basic searches, 346

copyrighted image lawsuits, 352-353

deleting copyrighted
   images, 351

fair use ruling, 352-353

filtering results, 350

removing images from, 351

saving results, 350

viewing results of, 348-349

Slide application, 650

web pages

adding to via Google
   Sites, 522

designs to avoid, 576

SEO, 571


blog feeds to Google
   Reader, 340

email contacts to Gmail, 194, 211

medical records into
   Google Health, 498

PowerPoint presentations to Google Presentations, 308-309

Word documents to
   Google Doc, 281-282

in: operator, 204, 668

inanchor: operator, 83, 668

inblogtitle: operator, 142, 668

inbound links (websites),
   increasing, 569

inbox searches (Gmail), 202-205

Incognito mode (Google
   Chrome), 677

incoming mail (Gmail), filtering, 207-209

incremental reveals
   (Google Presentations), 316

Index (Google). See Google Index

index servers, 17

Index Stats page
   (Webmaster tools), 618

indexes (Google Desktop), 43, 48

info balloons, adding to
   map mashups (Google
   Maps), 437

info: operator, 84, 668

inpostauthor: operator, 142, 668

inposttitle: operator, 142, 668

instant messaging. See
   IM (instant messaging)

insubject: operator, 234, 668

international news, reading
   via Google News, 470

Internet Explorer, Google
   as default search engine in, 65

intext: operator, 83, 668

intitle: operator, 82, 668

inurl: operator, 82, 668

inverse cosecant operator, 184

inverse cosine operator, 184

inverse cotangent operator, 184

inverse secant operator, 184

inverse sine operator, 184

inverse tangent operator, 184

inverse trigonometric functions
   (calculator feature), 183-184


Calendar events, 333

Google Groups, sending via, 241

newsgroups, sending via, 241


Android operating system, 558-559

blog feeds, reading on, 553

driving directions, displaying, 546

Gmail, 542-543

GOOG-411 (Google
   Mobile), 555

Google applications,
   downloading, 542

Google Calendar, 548

Google Docs, 549-551

Google Maps, 542, 545

Google News, 552

Google Notebook, 552

Google Reader, 553

Google Talk, 551

Google Web Search, 546

iGoogle page, 554

IM, 551

Picasa Web Albums, 553

YouTube, 555

iPod, downloading
   YouTube video to, 395

is: operator, 204, 668

J - K


gadgets, 640

page elements, 261

web page designs to
   avoid, 576

Key Metrics section (company/
   security pages), 483

Key Stats & Ratios section
   pages), 485


Flight Simulator mode
   commands (Google
   Earth), 463

Google Earth navigation, 445


PPC advertising, 582

searches, 85, 93-95

stuffing, 577

web pages

designs to avoid, 575

SEO, 570

kids, filtering search content for, 90-91

Knol (Google). See Google Knol


label: operator, 204-206, 668


blogs, adding to, 261, 265

Gmail messages

adding, 205

deleting, 207

Google Base, 131

Labs (Google). See Google Labs

landmarks, Google Map
   searches, 410


Google News, changing in, 473

Preferences page (Google),
   selecting in, 89

searches in, 90 My Favorite Music
   application (OpenSocial
   API), 650

latitude/longitude grid
   (Google Earth), 455

layers (Google Earth), 459

less than symbol (<)

<ALT> tags, web page
   SEO, 571

<META> tags

stuffing, 577

web page SEO, 571-572

<TITLE> tags, web page SEO, 572

lg operator, 184

library links (Google
   Scholar), 166

limiting comments (blogs), 266

lines/shapes, drawing on
   custom maps (Google Maps), 432

link bombing, 577

link lists (blogs), 261

link: operator, 84, 668


blogs, adding to, 263

Google Docs documents,
   inserting into, 285

Google Maps, 420

inbound links (websites),
   increasing, 569

link farms, 578

outbound links, web page
   designs to avoid, 576

specific page link
   searches, 84

text searches, 83

web pages

adding to via Google
   Sites, 522

matching to queries, 21

outbound links, 576

SEO (search engine optimization), 571


increasing inbound links, 569

traffic analysis, 618

YouTube video, 396

Linux Google search, 180

lists (blogs), 261

live presentations (Google
   Presentations), 318

Lively, 27


animotions, 247

designing, 246

My Avatar pane, 246

client downloads, 244

logins, 244

text view, viewing conversations in, 247

user profiles, viewing, 248

virtual rooms

browsing, 244

Create New Room pane, 249-250

Furniture & Things pane, 250

whisper feature, 248

ln operator, 184

local businesses, finding
   via cell phones, 534

location maps, displaying
   on cell phones, 532

location searches (Google
   Earth), 456-457

location: operator, 668

“locked” Google Docs documents, 289

log operator, 184

logarithm base 2 operator, 184

logarithm base 10 operator, 184

logarithm base e operator, 184

logarithmic functions (calculator
   feature), 184

logos (blogs), 261

Look Control (Google Earth), 444


Mac, Dashboard Widgets, 25

machine: operator, 669

Manage Site Verification
   tool (Webmaster tools), 620



comment spam, 267

controlling access, 267-268

editing posts, 266

limiting comments, 266

moderating comments, 267

notebooks (Google
   Notebook), 100-101

map controls (Google Maps
   API), 436


Google Maps, 408. See also Google Mars; Google Ride Finder; Google Sky

adding businesses to, 427

address searches, 408-409

aerial views, 414-415

animated maps, 437

basic maps, 435-436

business searches, 425

custom maps, 430, 433-434

driving directions, 421-425

emailing maps, 420

info balloons, 437

landmark searches, 410

linking to maps, 420

live traffic conditions, 419

map controls, 436

markers, 437-438

mashups, 429-430, 433-439

My Maps, 430, 433-434

navigating, 411-413

printing maps, 420

satellite images, 414-418

sharing maps, 420

street view photos, 417-418

terrain maps, 416

web searches, 411

location maps, displaying
   on cell phones, 532

satellite maps, displaying
   on cell phones, 533

market capitalization
   (financial metrics), 486

Market Summary section
   (Google Finance), 482

Mars (Google), 26. See also
   Maps (Google)

mashups (maps), 429

custom maps

collaborting on, 434

creating, 430, 433

sharing, 433

Google Maps

animated maps, 437

basic maps, 435-436

info balloons, 437

map controls, 436

markers, 437-438

web searches, 439

matching web pages to
   queries, 20

mathematical constant
   searches, 184-186

mathematics, units of
   measure conversions, 187

medical records, exporting
   to Google Health, 498

medicine. See Google Health

merchant reviews (Google), 127-129



adding attachments, 199-200

archiving, 207

cc/bcc, 199

cell phones, 535-536

composing, 198-199

conversations, viewing, 196

deleting, 201

filtering incoming mail, 207-209

forwarding, 198, 217

labels, 205

opening attachments, 200

reading, 195, 215-216

replying to, 197

saving attachments, 200

sending, 199, 213-214

signatures, 218

starring, 205

viewing attachments, 200

Google Finance Discussion Groups

rating in, 492

reading in, 492

replying to, 493

Google Groups

posting to, 238

reading, 236

starting new threads, 238


Google Talk, 551

iPhone, 551

text messages (Google
   Mobile), 539-540

<META> tags, 571-572, 577

Microsoft Google search, 180

Minor Tweaks tab (Google
   Chrome), 675

mirror websites, 578

missing word searches, 80

Mobile Product Search, 26

mobile devices

Android operating system, 558-559

blogs, reading feeds on
   iPhone, 553

Calendar events, receiving on, 332

Google marketing
   strategies, 560

Google Mobile

creating blog posts on, 537-538

directory services, 540, 555

Gmail in, 535-536

GOOG-411, 540, 555

Google Calendars in, 537

Google Maps in, 531-534

Google News in, 535

joining, 530

More menu, 538

navigating home page, 530

phone requirements, 530

Search page, 531, 538

text messages, 539-540

Google Mobile News, 479


default Google applications, 542

displaying driving directions, 546

downloading Google
   applications, 542

Gmail, 543

Google Calendar, 548

Google Docs, 549-551

Google Maps, 545

Google News, 552

Google Notebook, 552

Google Reader, 553

Google Talk, 551

Google Web Search, 546

iGoogle page, 554

IM, 551

Picasa Web Albums, 553

reading blog feeds on, 553-554

YouTube, 555

Mobile Sitemaps, 566

number searches, 171

photos, viewing on, 374

Product Search for
   Mobile, 26

YouTube video

uploading, 402-403

viewing, 395

Mobile Sitemaps, 566

Mobile Web Index, 566

mod operator, 183

Moderated Collaboration
   option (Google Knol), 119

moderating comments
   (blogs), 267

modulo (%) operator, 183

“more buttons” button
   (Google Toolbar), 63

More menu (Google
   Mobile), 538

More Resources section
   (company/security pages), 485

more results searches
   (&num=x URL parameter), 88

most recent results
   searches (&as_qdr=m#
   URL parameter), 88

mouse, Google Earth navigation, 444

Move control (Google
   Earth), 444

movie: operator, 669


gadgets in Google
   Desktop sidebar, 54

Google Notebook notes
   between sections, 101

photos (Picasa), 358

multiple-stop driving directions (Google Maps), 422

multiplication (X) operator, 182


iLike application, 650 My Favorite
   Music application, 650

My Avatar pane (Lively), 246

My Maps (Google Maps)

custom maps

collaborating on, 434

creating, 430, 433

sharing, 433

websites, embedding maps on, 433


Name Your Blog page
   (Blogger), 253

name seaches, 170-171

narrowing focus of searches

Advanced Search page
   (Google), 85-87

body text searches, 83

domain searches, 82

file type searches, 81

highlighted keyword
   searches, 85

link text searches, 83

number range searches, 84

page information searches, 84

page title searches, 82

related page searches, 84

similar page searches, 84

specific page link searches, 84

URL searches, 82, 87-88


Google Directory, 113-115

Google Maps, 411-413

nesting equations, 182

net income (profit, earnings),
   financial metrics, 486

net profit margin (financial
   metrics), 486

network searches, Google
   Desktop, 49-50

New Placemark dialog
   (Google Earth), 461

News alerts, 103

News Archive Search link
   (Google News), 475

news feeds (Google News), reading, 477

news stories

Google Health, reading in, 499

Google News

archive searches, 475-477

cell phones, 535

international news, 470

iPhone, 552

reading, 470

searches, 473-477

NewsGator application, 650

NewsGator application
   (OpenSocial API), 650


browsing, 232-233


creating, 240

managing, 241

sending invitations, 241

message threads, starting, 238

messages, reading, 236

posting to, 238

searches, 231-235

subscribing to, 238

unsubscribing from, 238


article archives, 230

browsing, 233

home page, 236

viewing, 236

newsreels, adding to blogs, 261

NexTag, 122

North button (Google
   Earth), 444

Note This link (search
   results pages), 75

Notebook (Google). See
   Google Notebooks

nth root of (root) operator, 183

numbering systems, 187


calculator feature (Google), 181

advanced calculation
   functions, 182-183

basic calculation functions, 182

converting units of measure, 186-187

math/science constants, 184-186

multiple calculation
   operations, 182

nesting equations, 182

trigonometric functions, 183-184

math/science constant
   searches, 184-186

searches, 84, 178-179

units of measure, converting, 186-187


OCLC (Online Computer Library Center) project, 153, 160

off-color pictures, 362

Officers and Directors section (company/security pages), 485

Official Google Blog website, 27

Official Google Webmaster Central Blog website, 624

Official Google Webmaster Help group website, 624

omitted search results, 74

Omnibox (Google Chrome), searches via, 676

OneBox specialized results (search results pages), 73

online chats via Lively, 27


animotions, 247

designing, 246

client downloads, 244

conversations, viewing in text view, 247

Create New Room pane, 249-250

Furniture & Things pane, 250

logins, 244

My Avatar pane, 246

user profiles, viewing, 248

virtual rooms, browsing, 244

whisper feature, 248

online payment services. See
   Google Checkout

online presentations
   (Google Presentations), 319-320

online status (Google Talk),
   changing, 225

Open Directory Project, 110

Open WorldCat database, 160

OpenSocial API, 641, 648

availabile applications for, 650-653

Facebook versus, 654

OpenSocial Directory
   website, 651

OpenSocial Foundation
   website, 648

website support for, 649

operating income (financial
   metrics), 486

operating margin (financial
   metrics), 486

OR operator, 77, 204, 669

Order Prints button, 358

Other relevant pages link
   (search results pages), 73

outbound links (web
   pages), designs to avoid, 576

Outlook (MS), syncing
   calendar events with, 331

Outlook search bar (Google Desktop), 48

oversized web pages, 576

Overview map (Google Earth), 455

Overview page (Webmaster tools), 616


P/E (price/earnings ratio),
   financial metrics, 486

Page Creator (Google). See
   Google Sites

page excerpts (search
   result page), 73

page information searches, 84

page link searches (specific), 84

page title links (search
   result page), 73

page title searches, 82

Page, Larry, 11

PageRank (web pages), 21-22

Google Directory listings, 111-112

inbound links to web
   pages, increasing, 569


<ALT> tags, 571

authoritative content, 574

deliberate practices to avoid, 577

designs to avoid, 574-576

formatted text, 570

hierarchical organization, 569-570

HTML heading tags, 573

important site information, 570

keywords, 570

<META> tags, 571-572

RSS feeds, 573

text versus images, 571

text versus links, 571

<TITLE> tags, 572

updates, 573

matching web pages to
   queries, 21

Pages with External Links
   report (Webmaster tools), 618-619

Pages with Internal Links
   report (Webmaster tools), 618

Pan and Zoom navigation
   mode (Google Earth), 444

parental controls, filtering
   search content, 90-91

parentheses ( ( ) ) operator, 204, 667

pay-per-click (PPC) model, 123

payment services (online).
   See Google Checkout

payments, collecting
   (Google Checkout), 516

PC, YouTube video

downloading to, 393-395

uploading, 399-401

people searches

names, 170-171

personal information, 172-173

phone numbers, 171

percentage symbol (%),
   modulo operator, 183

Perfect 10 website, Google
   Image Search lawsuit, 352


AdSense ads, monitoring, 587, 600

websites, improving in, 624

peripherals, Google Earth

keyboards, 445

mouse, 444

personal information
   searches (people), 172-173

personalized Home pages.
    See iGoogle

personalized searches versus
   pure searches, 39

phones (cell)

Android operating system, 558-559

blogs, reading feeds on
   iPhone, 553

Calendar events, receiving on, 332

Google marketing strategies, 560

Google Mobile

creating blog posts on, 537-538

directory services, 540, 555

Gmail in, 535-536

GOOG-411, 540, 555

Google Calendars in, 537

Google Maps in, 531-534

Google News in, 535

joining, 530

More menu, 538

navigating home page, 530

phone requirements, 530

Search page, 531, 538

text messages, 539-540

Google Mobile News, 479


default Google applications, 542

displaying driving directions, 546

downloading Google applications, 542

Gmail, 543

Google Calendar, 548

Google Docs, 549-551

Google Maps, 545

Google News, 552

Google Notebook, 552

Google Reader, 553

Google Talk, 551

Google Web Search, 546

iGoogle page, 554

IM, 551

Picasa Web Albums, 553

reading blog feeds on, 553-554

YouTube, 555

Mobile Sitemaps, 566

number searches, 171

photos, viewing on, 374

Product Search for
   Mobile, 26

YouTube video

uploading, 402-403

viewing, 395

PhoneBook searches, 170-171

phonebook: operator, 669


all-image view (Google News), 468

blogs, adding to, 263

CDs/DVDs, burning to, 369-370

cropping, 363

emailing, 368

Enhanced Image Search tool (Webmaster tools), 620

exporting, 365

FotoFlexer application, 650

Google Docs documents,
   inserting into, 286

Google Presentations,
   adding to, 315

off-color photos, 362

Picasa web albums

iPhone, 553

mapping photos, 371-372

sharing photos, 373

uploading to, 370

viewing photos on cell phones, 374

placemarks (custom
   maps), adding to, 432

printing, 366-367

red eye removal, 363

renaming, 359

resizing, 366

RockYou application, 650-651

saving, 365-366

searches for, 356

Slide application, 650

special effects, 364-365

web pages

adding to via Google
   Sites, 522

designs to avoid, 576

SEO, 571


function buttons, 357-358


brightness, 360-361

burning to CDs/DVDs, 369-370

cropping, 363

emailing, 368

exporting, 365

moving, 358

off-color, 362

printing, 366-367

red eye removal, 363

renaming, 359

resizing, 366

saving, 365-366

special effects, 364-365

picture library, 356

Prints and Products dialog, 367

search boxes, 358

searches for, 356

web albums

iPhone, 553

mapping photos, 371-372

sharing photos, 373

uploading photos to, 370

viewing photos on
   cell phones, 374

zoom slider control, 358


custom maps (Google
   Maps), 432

Google Earth, creating, 450, 460-461

plain-text email messages,
   Google Alerts as, 104

Play Tour button (Google
   Earth), 459

playlists (YouTube), 389-392

plus sign (+) operator, 667

POI (points of interest),
   Google Earth, 459

polls, adding to blogs, 261

POP email accounts

forwarding Gmail to, 217

reading Gmail in, 215-216

retrieving email from, 214

pop-up blockers (Google
   Toolbar), 60

portfolio tracking (Google
   Finance), 488-490

Portfolios section (Google
   Finance), 482

posts (blogs)

cell phones, creating on, 537-538


limiting, 266

moderating, 267

spam, 267

syndicating feeds, 269

editing, 266

Google Docs documents, adding, 290

Google Groups, 238

Google Reader

categorizing in, 337

emailing in, 337

reading in, 336

sharing in, 338

images, adding, 263

labels, adding, 265

links, adding, 263

newsgroups, 238

posting via

Dashboard (Blogger), 262

email, 265

video, adding, 264

viewing, 254-255

PowerPoint presentations,
   Google Presentations to, 308-309

PPC (pay-per-click) advertising, 123


adding Google search boxes to ads, 597-599

adding to site feeds, 599

adding to websites, 594-596

AdSense for Search, 591-592

applying to, 593-594

determining revenues from, 592

Google AdSense for
   Content, 590-591

monitoring ad performance, 600

tips for improving revenues, 601-603

AdWords, 581

CPC, 585

CPM, 585

creating ads, 586-587

determining costs of, 585

monitoring ad performance, 587

keywords in, 582

placing in context, 583

revenue sharing, 584

Preferences page (Google)

language selection, 89

more results per page, displaying, 92

new results windows, opening, 92

search preferences, 89

Presentations (Google). See
   Google Presentations

Preview Template link (Blogger), 253

price-comparison websites, 122-129

Print button, 296, 366


driving directions

Google Earth, 459

Google Maps, 424

Google Docs documents, 288

Google Earth views, 456

Google Maps, 420

Google Notebook notes, 100-101

Google Spreadsheets, 305

handouts (Google
   Presentations), 316

images, 350

photos (Picasa)

online print services, 367

personal printers, 366

speaker notes (Google
   Presentations), 318


Google Checkout, 511, 517

Google Docs, 277

Google Health, 501

Product Search (Google).
   See Google Product


blogs, 261

Google Finance, creating in, 493

Google Health, 496-498

Publish button (Google
   Knol), 118


gadgets, 643

Google Docs documents, 289

publishing community versus
   Google, Inc., 153-156

pure searches versus
   personalized searches, 39

Q - R

quantity units of measure, 187

queries, matching web
   pages to, 20

Quick Add feature
   (Calendar), 329

Quick Capture page
   (YouTube), 401

QuickList (YouTube),
   adding video to, 387

“(quotation marks)

“(quotes) operator, 204, 667

exact phrase searches, 79

quotes (stock)

Recent Quotes section
   (Google Finance), 482

searches, 482

R&D (research and development).
   See Google Labs

ranges (cells), Google
   Spreadsheets, 298-299

ranking search results, 20-22


Google Knol articles, 117

messages, Google Finance
   Discussion Groups, 492

YouTube video, 385

Read About Health Topics
   link (Google Health), 499


blog postings in Google
   Reader, 336

Gmail messages on other
   programs, 215-216

Recent Quotes section
   (Google Finance), 482

Recent Stories section
   (company/security pages), 484

red eye (pictures), 363

refining searches, word order, 77

Related Companies section
   (company/security pages), 484

related page searches, 84

related searches (search
   results pages), 73

related: operator, 84, 669

Remove URL tool (Webmaster tools), 620


buttons from Google
   Toolbar, 64

gadgets from

Google Desktop sidebar, 53

iGoogle, 33

websites from Google Index, 565


files, 359

notebooks (Google
   Notebook), 100

photos (Picasa), 359

replying to

Gmail messages, 197

Google Finance Discussion Group messages, 493

research and development
   (R&D). See Google Labs

resizing photos (Picasa), 366

results (searches)

Google Product Search, 123-124

ranking, 21-22

return on average assets
   (financial metrics), 487

return on average equity
   (return on equity), financial metrics, 487


AdSense ads

determining revenue
   from, 592

tips for improving, 601-603

financial metrics, 486

PPC advertising, sharing, 584

Revisions tab

Google Knol, 119

Google Spreadsheets, 296

Ride Finder (Google), 26.
   See also Google Maps

robots.txt files

Analyze robots.txt tool
   (Webmaster tools), 620

Generate robots.txt tool
   (Webmaster tools), 620-621

sitemap submissions to
   Google via, 567

RockYou application
   (OpenSocial API), 650-651

root (nth root of) operator, 183

Rotate clockwise button, 357

Rotate control (Google
   Earth), 444

Rotate counter-clockwise
   button, 357

rows (Google Spreadsheets),
   inserting/deleting, 298

rphonebook: operator, 669

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds, 138

AdSense for Feeds, 592

Google Blog Search
   subscriptions to, 144

iGoogle, adding to, 32

NewsGator application, 650

web page SEO, 573


SafeSearch content filter
   tool, 90-91, 608-609

safesearch: operator, 669

Satellite button (Google
   Maps), 414

satellite images

aerial views, 414-415

cell phones, displaying on, 533

street view photos, 417-418


chat histories (Google
   Talk), 224

driving directions, Google
   Earth, 459

Gmail attachments, 200

Google Docs documents, 283

Google Earth views, 456

Google Spreadsheets, 294

image search results, 350

notes to Google
   Notebook, iPhone, 553

photos (Picasa), 365-366

presentations in Google
   Presentations, 308

search preferences, 89

search results, 95

web pages in Google
   Sites, 523

YouTube video

adding video to Favorites
   list, 388

adding video to playlists, 389-390

adding video to QuickList, 387

viewing playlists, 390

Scholar (Google). See
   Google Scholar

Scholar Preferences page
   (Google Scholar), 166

scholarly information
   searches, 158

advanced searches, 164-166

content, identifying, 159

library links, 166

non-public information, 159-160

print-only content, 160

results, 161

listing information, 163

types of, 162-163

uses for, 163

Schoogle/Schoogling, 158

scientific constant
   searches, 184-186

scrapper sites, 578

search boxes

AdSense ads, adding to, 597-599

search results pages, 72, 181-187

search engines

directories versus, 108-110

spamming, 577

Search page (Google
   Mobile), 531, 538

search results pages (Google)

Cached pages link, 73

extending searches, 75

Gmail searches, 202

more results per page, displaying, 92

new results windows,
   opening, 92

Note This link, 75

omitted results, 74

OneBox specialized
   results, 73

Other relevant pages link, 73

page excerpts, 73

page title links, 73

related searches, 73

search boxes, 72, 181-184

Search Within Results
   link, 76

Similar pages link, 73

size (web pages), 73

specialized searches links, 72

sponsored links, 73

statistics bars, 72

URL, 73

viewing results, 71

Search Within Results link
   (search results pages), 76


&as_filetype=xxx URL
   parameter, 88

&as_qdr=m# URL parameter, 88

&num=x URL parameter, 88

accessible searches (visually
   impaired), 25

AdSense for Feeds, 592

AdSense for Search, 591-592

advanced search operators list, 667-669

Advanced Search page
   (Google), 85-87

   operator, 204

allinanchor: operator, 83

allintext: operator, 83

allintitle: operator, 82

allinurl: operator, 82

“and” in, 77


Google Knol, 116

Google News, 473-477

asterisks (*), whole-word
   wildcards, 80

author: operator, 234

automatic word stemming, 79

bargains, Google Product
   Searches, 122-129

bcc: operator, 204

before:year/month/day operator, 204


Google Blog Search, 138-144

Google Reader, 339

body text, 83

books, Google Book
   Search, 146-152

cache: operator, 85

capitalization, 76

cc: operator, 204

common words, 78

configuring, 89

content filtering, 90-91

custom search engines,
   adding to websites, 610-613

customizing, 89

deep web searches, 19-20, 160-161

define: operator, 174

doctors, 500

domains, 82

ellipses (…) operator, 84

exact phrases, 79

excluding words from, 78

experimental searches, 25

extending, 75

facts, 176-177

fewer results (&num=x
   URL parameter), 88

file extensions, 81

file types, 81, 88

filename: operator, 204

filetype: operator, 81

financial searches

Google Finance, 482-493

stocks, 483-485

Find button (Google
   Toolbar), 61

foreign language
   searches, 90

from: operator, 204


advanced searches, 203-205

basic searches, 202

contacts, 212

options for, 202-203

“searching not sorting” concept, 192-193

Google Base items, 131

Google Chrome, 676-677

Google code searches, 25

Google Directory, 113-115

Google Free Web Search, 608-610

Google Groups, 231-235

Google Groups, 231

Google home page, 70-71

Google Knol, 116-117

Google Maps

addresses, 408-409

businesses, 425-427

driving directions, 421-425

emailing, 420

landmarks, 410

linking to, 420

live traffic conditions, 419

mashups, 439

navigating, 411-413

printing, 420

satellite images, 414-418

web searches, 411

Google Notebook, 99

Google search results pages

Cached pages link, 73

displaying more results
   per page, 92

Gmail searches, 202

extending searches, 75

Note This link, 75

omitted results, 74

OneBox specialized results, 73

opening new results windows, 92

Other relevant pages link, 73

page excerpts, 73

page title links, 73

related searches, 73

search boxes, 72, 181-183

Search Within Results link, 76

Similar pages link, 73

size (web pages), 73

specialized searches links, 72

sponsored links, 73

statistics bar, 72

URL, 73

viewing results, 71

Google Sets, 26

Google Suggest, 26

Google Toolbar, 59

Google Trends, 27

Google Web Search

Google Directory versus, 112

iPhone, 546

group: operator, 234

hard disk searches via
   Google Desktop

advanced searches, 46

basic searches, 44

filtering results of, 46

network searches, 49-50

options for, 46

viewing results of, 45

has:attachment operator, 204

highlighted keywords, 85

hospitals, 500


advanced searches, 346-347

basic searches, 346

copyrighted image lawsuits, 352-353

deleting copyrighted
   images, 351

fair use ruling, 352-353

filtering results, 350

removing images from, 351

saving results, 350

viewing results of, 348-349

in: operator, 204

inanchor: operator, 83

index of, 20

info: operator, 84

insubject: operator, 234

Internet Explorer, Google
   as default search engine in, 65

intext: operator, 83

intitle: operator, 82

inurl: operator, 82

is: operator, 204

keyword searches, 93-95

label: operator, 204-206

link text, 83

link: operator, 84

local businesses via
   cell phones, 534

location searches (Google
   Earth), 456-457

mathematical constant
   searches, 184-186

methodology of, 93

minus operator (-), 78, 204

missing word searches, 80

more results (&num=x
   URL parameter), 88

most recent results
   (&as_qdr=m# URL parameter), 88

narrowing focus of

Advanced Search page
   (Google), 85-87

body text searches, 83

domain searches, 82

file type searches, 81

highlighted keyword searches, 85

link text searches, 83

number range searches, 84

page information searches, 84

page title searches, 82

related page searches, 84

similar page searches, 84

specific page link searches, 84

URL searches, 82, 87-88

network searches, Google
   Desktop, 49-50

newsgroups, 231-235

number ranges, 84

numbers, 178-179

omitted results, 74

Omnibox searches
   (Google Chrome), 676

OR operator, 77, 204

page information, 84

page titles, 82

parentheses ( ( ) ) operator, 204


names, 170-171

personal information, 172-173

phone numbers, 171

personalized searches versus
   pure searches, 39

Preferences page (Google), 89

process, 17

Product Search for
   Mobile, 26

quotation marks (“) in, 79

quotes (“) operator, 204

quotes (stocks), 482

related pages, 84

related searches (search
   results pages), 73

related: operator, 84

results, ranking, 20-22

safety, 90-91

saving results, 95

scholarly information, 158

advanced searches, 164-166

content, identifying, 159

library links, 166

non-public information, 159-160

print-only content, 160

results, 161-163

scientific constant
   searches, 184-186

“searching not sorting”
   concept (Gmail), 192-193

servers, 17

similar pages, 84

similar words in, 79

similar: operator, 84

site: operator, 82

specific page links, 84

stocks, 483-485

stop words, 78

subject: operator, 204

synonyms in, 79

technology, 179-180

text-message searches, 539-540

tilde operator (~), 79

to: operator, 204

travel, 178

U.S. Government Search, 179-181

Universal Search, 73-74

University Search, 180

URLs, 82, 87-88

weather, 177

web pages

database, 18-19

increasing inbound links, 569

increasing PageRank, 569

SEO, 569-579

web searches via Google
   Desktop, 51


increasing inbound links, 569

increasing PageRank, 569

SEO, 569-579

whole-word wildcards (*), 80

word order, 77

words not appearing side
   by side, 80


Google Glossary, 174

Google Sets, 175

what is search, 173-174

YouTube, 382

sec operator, 183

secant operator, 183

Sector Summary section
   (Google Finance), 482


Gmail, 209

Google Checkout, 511, 517

Google Docs, 277

Google Health, 501

Google Toolbar, 60

pop-up blockers, 60

Select Email dialog, 368

selling/buying items
   online. See Google Base;
   Google Checkout

SEO (search engine optimization)

<ALT> tags, 571

authoritative content, 574

deliberate practices to
   avoid, 577

designs to avoid, 574-576

formatted text, 570

hierarchical organization, 569-570

HTML heading tags, 573

important site information, 570

inbound links, 569

keywords, 570

<META> tags, 571-572

professional SEO, 578-579

RSS feeds, 573

text versus

images, 571

links, 571

<TITLE> tags, 572

updates, 573

Set Crawl Rate tool
   (Webmaster tools), 620

Set Geographic Target tool
   (Webmaster tools), 620

Set Preferred Domain tool
   (Webmaster tools), 620

Sets (Google), 26, 175

shapes/lines, drawing on
   custom maps (Google
   Maps), 432


blog postings in Google
   Reader, 338

custom maps (Google
   Maps), 433

Google Docs documents, 288

Google Maps, 420

Google Notebook notebooks, 101

photos (Picasa)

burning to CDs/DVDs, 369-370

email, 368

Picasa web albums, 373

YouTube video, 391-392

shopping (online). See also
   Google Base

Google Product Search, 122

advanced searches, 125-127

basic searches, 123

best bargains, 129

main page, 123

price comparisons, 124

search results, 123-124

merchant reviews
   (Google), 127-129

payment services. See
   Google Checkout website, 122

shopping cart integration
   (Google Checkout), 509-510, 513

side by side, words not
   appearing (searches), 80

signatures, Gmail messages, 218

similar page searches, 84

Similar pages link (search
   results pages), 73

similar words in searches, 79

sin operator, 183

sine operator, 183

sinh operator, 184

site feeds (blogs), 268, 599

Site Magellan website, 566

site: operator, 82, 669

Sitelinks report
   (Webmaster tools), 618

Sitemap link (Webmaster
   tools), 619

SitemapDoc website, 566

sitemaps (websites)

creating, 566

Google Index, submitting to, 565

Google Sitemaps, 565-568

Google submissions via
   robots.txt files, 567

Mobile Sitemaps, 566

website traffic analysis, 619

SitemapsPal website, 566

SiteSearch search boxes
   adding to websites, 609-610

size (web pages), search
   results pages, 73

Sky (Google), 463. See also
   Google Earth

slashes (/), division operator, 182

Slide application
   (OpenSocial API), 650

slides (Google Presentations)

Blank slides, 310

Caption slides, 310

Chose Slide Layout dialog, 311

Delete Slide link, 311

Duplicate Slide link, 311


adding to, 311

animation in, 316

Text slides, 310

Title slides, 310

Two Column slides, 310


blogs, 261

RockYou application, 650-651

Slide application, 650

web pages, adding to via
   Google Sites, 523

social networking

Facebook, 654

OpenSocial API

available applications for, 650-653

Facebook versus, 654

OpenSocial Directory
   website, 651

OpenSocial Foundation website, 648

website support for, 649

software development

Google API, 627

Google App Engine, 635

Google Code, 628-634

Web 2.0, 636-637

sorting Google
   Spreadsheets data, 296, 299

source: operator, 669


blog comments, 267

Gmail, 209

spamdexing, 577

speaker notes (Google
   Presentations), printing, 318

special effects (pictures), 364-365

specialized searches links
   (search results pages), 72

specific page link searches, 84


AutoFix spell checker, 61

Google Docs documents, 287

SpellCheck button (Google Toolbar), 61

splash pages (web pages), 575

sponsored links (search result page), 73

Spreadsheets (Google). See
   Google Spreadsheets

sqrt (square root) operator, 183

Star button, 357

star maps. See Google Sky

starred Gmail messages, 205

Statistics & Data tab
   (YouTube), 386

statistics bar (search results
   pages), 72

Stock Chart section (company/
   security pages), 484

Stock Screener feature
   (Google Finance), 490-491

stock searches, 483-485


Google Finance

portfolio tracking, 488-490

Stock Screener feature, 490-491

searches, 483-485

stocks: operator, 483, 669

stop words in searches, 78

store inventories

business location data, 136

uploading, 136

store: operator, 127, 669

street view photos (satellite
   images), 417-418

subject: operator, 204, 669


sitemaps to Google via

Google Sitemaps, 565-568

robots.txt files, 567

websites to Google via Google Index, 564

Subscriber Stats page
   (Webmaster tools), 618

subscribing to

blog feeds, 261, 341

Google Alerts, 103

Google Groups, 238

Google News alerts, 478

Google Reader blog feeds, 338-340

newsgroups, 238

YouTube video, 387

subtraction operator (-), 78, 182, 204, 667

Suggest (Google), 26

Summary section (company/
   security pages), 485

Switching to Gmail feature
   (Google), 194


Calendar events with Outlooks, 331

Google Docs files, 290

syndicating blogs, 268-269

synonyms in searches, 79

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