Assigning Cost Resources to Tasks

When you assign a cost resource to a task, you are associating a cost item that must be incurred to complete that task. Entering costs for work resources, such as an hourly rate for a human resource or a cost per use for an equipment resource, certainly helps you track some of the biggest project costs you’re likely to encounter. Cost resources, a new feature in Microsoft Office Project 2007, help you track those other nonlabor costs that are nonetheless significant. Examples of cost resources might be travel costs or facility rentals associated with the fulfillment of a task.

Unlike work or material resources, you do not enter a cost amount in the Resource Sheet or Resource Information dialog box. You only create the resource and identify it as a cost resource.

Only after you assign a cost resource to a task do you deal with the cost. At that point, you can enter the cost for the facility rental, for example, as associated with the task to which the facility rental cost resource is assigned.

For example, you might have the Facility Rental cost resource assigned to the "Conduct focus group meetings" and "Conduct usability tests" tasks. The facility used for the "Conduct focus group meetings" task costs $200 per day. The facility used for the "Conduct usability tests" task costs $400 per day. You’re using the same cost resource but entering different cost amounts on the different task assignments.


For more information on setting up a cost resource, see the section titled Adding Cost Resources to the Project in Chapter 6.

To assign a cost resource to a task, follow these steps:

  1. In the Gantt Chart, Task Usage view, or other task sheet, click the task to which you want to assign the cost resource.

  2. On the Standard toolbar, click Assign Resources.

  3. In the Assign Resources dialog box, click the name of the cost resource you want to assign to the task.

  4. Click in the Cost field for the cost resource and type the cost amount for this resource on this task.

    For cost resources, the Units field is not available.

  5. Click the Assign button.

  6. To assign the same cost resource to a different task, click that task. Enter the cost for that cost resource on the newly selected task and then click the Assign button.

  7. When finished assigning resources to tasks, click the Close button.

    By default, the name of the cost resource as well as the cost amount for the assignment is shown next to the Gantt bar for the task (see Figure 7-12).

    The default Gantt bar shows the name of the cost resource as well as the cost amount for the task to which the cost resource is assigned.

    Figure 7-12. The default Gantt bar shows the name of the cost resource as well as the cost amount for the task to which the cost resource is assigned.

You can change the cost you entered on a cost resource assignment. This is helpful if the cost for the resource on the task has changed or if you didn’t have that information at all when you first made the assignment. There are several ways to change the cost on a cost resource assignment:

  • In the Gantt Chart or any other task sheet, select the task and then click Assign Resources on the Standard toolbar. Click in the Cost field for the cost resource and change the amount.

  • In any task sheet, double-click the task to open the Task Information dialog box. Click the Resources tab. In the Cost field for the cost resource, change the amount (see Figure 7-13).

    The Resources tab of the Task Information dialog box shows the cost amount for an assigned cost resource.

    Figure 7-13. The Resources tab of the Task Information dialog box shows the cost amount for an assigned cost resource.

  • In the Task Usage view, double-click the assignment, that is, the name of the cost resource under the task to which it is assigned. In the Assignment Information dialog box, on the General tab, change the amount in the Cost box.

  • In the Resource Usage view, double-click the assignment, that is, the name of the task under the cost resource name assigned to that task. In the Assignment Information dialog box, on the General tab, change the amount in the Cost box.

  • In either the Task Usage or Resource Usage view, add the Cost column to the sheet portion of the view. Right-click any column heading and then click Insert Column on the shortcut menu. In the Field Name box, type cost to move quickly to the Cost field. Click the Cost field and then click OK. The Cost field is entered next to the selected column heading. Change the amount next to the assignment (see Figure 7-14).

    Add the Cost field to the Task Usage or Resource Usage view to review or modify the amount for a cost resource assignment.

    Figure 7-14. Add the Cost field to the Task Usage or Resource Usage view to review or modify the amount for a cost resource assignment.


For more information about working with project costs, see the section titled Reviewing Planned Costs in Chapter 8.


Also new in Microsoft Office Project 2007 are budget resources. Budget resources are assigned only to the project summary task for the express purpose of tracking project costs and project work for the overall project budget. For more information about working with budget resources, see the section titled Setting Up and Reviewing a Project Budget in Chapter 8.

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