Manually enrolling a student in a course

You can manually enroll a student in a course as follows:

  1. Enter the course as a teacher or administrator.
  2. From within the course, select Administration | Users | Enrolled users.
  1. In the upper-right corner of the page, click on the Enrol users button. The Enrol users window is displayed:
  1. To find a user, enter any part of the user's name into the Search field and then press Enter or return on your keyboard.
  2. To enroll a user, click on the Enrol button next to the user's name. The display of that user's name will change to indicate that they are enrolled.
  3. When you finish enrolling users, click on the Finish enrolling users box for this window. You will return to the Enrolled users page and see the user added to the list of enrolled users.

Here's a brief summary of users and privileges. There is a complete list in the section entitled Roles, which appears later in this chapter:

  • Administrators: Full privileges. They can create new users and enroll them into a course.
  • Teachers: Limited privileges. They can only enroll users into a course.
  • Users: Most limited privileges. They can enter a course.

Remember that teachers can enroll users into a course, but they can't create new users.

Unless you override Moodle's default settings, teachers cannot create new users. They can only enroll the existing users. By default, only a site administrator can manually create new users. In the following screenshot, the site administrator is logged in with the browser on the left. Note that Site administration | users | Accounts | Add a new user is available for the administrator. A teacher is logged in with the browser on the right, and the Site administration menu is not available to the teacher.

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