Types of feedback for a question

In a multiple choice question, you can create three kinds of feedback, which are described here:

Type of feedback

Explanation and when to use it

General feedback

If you create general feedback for a question, no matter what answer the student chooses, they will receive that feedback. Every student who answers the question gets the general feedback. If you think the student might get the correct answer by guessing, you can use general feedback to explain the method of arriving at the correct answer. Also, consider using general feedback to explain the importance of the question.

For any correct response

A multiple choice question can have two or more answers that are 100 percent correct. For example, From the list of people below, select one person who signed the Declaration of Independence. This list could include several people who signed, and each of them would be 100 percent correct. If the student selects any of those correct answers, they will see the feedback for Any correct response. This is useful when you want to teach the student which answers are 100 percent correct and why they are correct.

For any partially correct response

You can create a multiple choice question that requires the student to select several choices to get full credit. For example, From the list of people below, select the two people who signed the Declaration of Independence. In this case, you could give each response a value of 50 percent. The student needs to choose both responses to receive the full point value for the question. If the student selects one of the correct choices, they will see the feedback for Any partially correct response. This is useful when you want to teach the student the relationship between the correct responses.

For any incorrect response

Any response with a percentage value of zero or less is considered an incorrect response. If a student selects any incorrect response, they will see the feedback for Any incorrect response. This is useful when all incorrect responses have something in common and you want to give the feedback about this commonality.

Remember that these types of feedback are not activated because the student chose a specific response, they are activated because the student chose any correct, partially correct, or incorrect response.

We will discuss the process of creating feedback for individual responses in the Feedback for individual responses section.

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