Creating a cohort

To create a cohort, perform the following steps:

  1. From the main menu, select Site administration | Users | Accounts | Cohorts.
  2. On the Cohorts page, click on the Add button. The Add new cohort page is displayed.
  3. Enter a Name for the cohort. This is the name that you will see when you work with the cohort.
  4. Enter a Cohort ID for the cohort. If you upload students in bulk to this cohort, you will specify the cohort using this identifier. You can use any characters you want in the Cohort ID; however, keep in mind that the file you upload to the cohort can come from a different computer system. To be safe, consider using only ASCII characters, such as letters, numbers, some special characters, and no spaces in the Cohort ID option; for example, Spring_2012_Freshmen.
  5. Enter a Description that will help you and other administrators remember the purpose of the cohort.
  6. Click on Save changes.

Now that the cohort is created, you can begin adding users to this cohort.

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