Random question within a content page

For a Jump, if you select Random question within a content page, the student will be taken to a random question page in the same cluster as the current page.

In the Lesson Settings page, if Maximum number of attempts is set to something greater than 1, the student might see a page that they have seen before. However, a page will be repeated only if Maximum number of attempts is greater than 1. If it's set to 1, a random question page that the student has not seen before will be displayed, which has the same effect as choosing Unseen question within a cluster.

To restate this, when in Lesson Settings, the Maximum number of attempts is set to 1, Random question within a content page acts exactly like unseen question within a cluster. When Maximum number of attempts is set to greater than 1, random question within a content page displays a truly random question.

One strategy for using this setting is to forgo the use of unseen question within a cluster. Whenever you want to use unseen question within a cluster, instead use random question within a content page and set the Maximum number of attempts to 1. Then, you have the option of converting all of your lesson to random jumps just by setting Maximum number of attempts to 2 or greater.

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