
When the students enter the room, the Description will appear. Ensure that the Description makes sense and does not confuse or distract your students.

When a student selects a chat, they will see the introduction text before clicking on the chat room. Also, you can display the Description on the course's home page.

Scheduling office hours—it’s often a good idea to schedule virtual office hours before a high-stakes test or a big project. One good way to do so is to make a calendar entry for the chat session and then to make it available to all the members of the course. Then, you can be available for questions. Ensure that you save the transcript, because many people may have the same questions but, perhaps, cannot attend at the same time. You can post your chat transcript. Keep in mind that your chat room will be open all the time, not just during office hours. Your office hours notice on the calendar simply means that you'll be there and waiting for questions.

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