Restricting access

The Restrict access setting enables you to set conditions that control whether the student can see this resource. You can use three kinds of conditions: dates, user fields, and grades. Let's discuss each one now:

In the following screenshot, the user is adding a date restriction to a resource:

Adding a from restriction makes the resource available on that date and time onward. If you do not add a from restriction, the resource becomes available immediately.

Adding an until restriction sets a date and time when the resource becomes unavailable. If you do not add a from restriction, the resource remains available indefinitely.

If you leave Allow access from blank, the item is available immediately. If you leave Allow access to blank, the item will stay available forever.

The Grade condition setting enables you to specify the grade that a student must achieve in another activity in this course before being able to access this item.

In the following screenshot, you can see that the item will become available to the student only after the student scores at least 70 percent in an activity called Terminology. Also, the teacher is about to add another grade condition for an activity called The Plants Around You:

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